View Full Version : Interesting gift

01-02-2011, 06:54 PM
I received a shampoo from my favorite store, Lush, over the holidays. It's called Cynthia Sylvia Stout and, you guessed it, it's made with beer. I've been using it, because hey, who am I to turn down a free shampoo? It does great things for my hair, but I don't like the smell.

My former sxe college buddies got really bent out of shape when I told him about it. He says that if I buy this item, I am inadvertently supporting the alcohol industry. I found the argument silly, especially since I probably won't buy the item on my own.

But what do you all in the straightedge world think? :)

01-02-2011, 07:10 PM
The notion behind not drinking has nothing to do with rubbing alcohol into your hair does it? I can't see why anyone would have a problem if they were being sensible, it's a bit odd to think applying a shampoo containing alcohol is anywhere near similar to drinking it.

So, I agree with you that it's a silly argument.

01-02-2011, 07:15 PM
adam basically said it.
unless you can get drunk by doing it.

it's like saying you cant buy glue because some people get high with it and you're supporting the industry of it.

01-02-2011, 07:17 PM
I received a shampoo from my favorite store, Lush, over the holidays. It's called Cynthia Sylvia Stout and, you guessed it, it's made with beer. I've been using it, because hey, who am I to turn down a free shampoo? It does great things for my hair, but I don't like the smell.

My former sxe college buddies got really bent out of shape when I told him about it. He says that if I buy this item, I am inadvertently supporting the alcohol industry. I found the argument silly, especially since I probably won't buy the item on my own.

But what do you all in the straightedge world think? :)

if it's a gift it's one thing. What would you have done if there was an animal product in it?

but if it's your own money, would you really want to support a brewery?

01-02-2011, 07:19 PM
The notion behind not drinking has nothing to do with rubbing alcohol into your hair does it? I can't see why anyone would have a problem if they were being sensible, it's a bit odd to think applying a shampoo containing alcohol is anywhere near similar to drinking it.

So, I agree with you that it's a silly argument.

no one said that it was. it's about providing monetary support to the alcohol industry, which buying products that are made from alcoholic beverages you are.

01-03-2011, 11:56 AM
I think i agree with sec (if that is what he's saying) that i would not buy it in the future, which is what you said you wouldn't do anyway. I mean, in one sense, and this is the reason i don't dumpster and eat meat or eggs or whatever, it makes it seem acceptable to use animals in a way i deem unacceptable. Now does having beer in your shampoo do that? maybe not. I wouldn't buy it in the future, but i probably wouldn't worry about using it since its a gift and it doesn't "make acceptable" something like drunkenness.

01-03-2011, 07:08 PM
if it's a gift it's one thing. What would you have done if there was an animal product in it?

but if it's your own money, would you really want to support a brewery?
No, I wouldn't want to use my own money to support a brewery. I've never had someone give me a nonvegan gift. I suppose I would thank him/her gracefully and then regift it.

I wouldn't buy it in the future, but i probably wouldn't worry about using it since its a gift and it doesn't "make acceptable" something like drunkenness.
No worries here! I just wanted to bring up for discussion.