View Full Version : Standing for the edge!

09-09-2011, 07:01 PM
Hi, my name is Comrade Joshua Pineda. I just wanted to post this and get it out there to gather support as I further pursue charges. On July 31st I was attacked by my dad in Austin while moving back home to help my mom through cancer treatments. My father knew I was sXe but didn't care. Be's always been abusive. I had dropped him from my life already a.d let him back in after my grand fathers funeral a few weeks prior. He had persistently called and try to get back into my life. Why? I don't know. He took the opportunity to help me move as a means to further get back into my life. He showed up two days late putting us WAY behind schedule and burned off the first night to go drink because of his "bad nerves." The next day after I finished up my last say with the Open Door Ministry, an out reach program for homeless where we feed and hand out clothes from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the University United Methodist Church (no im not christian sXe. I'm Antifa. This church is the epicenter of radical progressive Christianity) he showed up strung out and threw out much emmotional and mental abuse towards me as usual when he gets stressed. Why was he stressed? Parking...... Just parking the truck and uhaul trailer. He soon after burned off to further drink and god knows what else. I spent the next 20 hours packing. Then after an emmotional final day with my congregation at the University United Methodist Church my dad showed up after having a few drinks at the near by bar. After five hours of packing , where he once again took off to get high, smoke and/or drink as his "nerves" worsened, we finished and headed out around 6 pm in Sunday July, 31st. We stopped to grab some drinks and a 6 pack of very rare beers for a friend back home who was going to help me unpack (don't grill me!). I noticed my dad grabbing a pack of wine coolers and I tried to talk him into a vigil's root beer. He declined and we checked out. After stopping in a parking lot a few moments later to check to make sure the doors where shut properly on the u-haul trailor, I went to put the beers and wine coolers in the back. He stopped and grabbed one of the wine coolers. I raised a brow and said "What do you think you're doing?" He raised a ruckus and started screaming about his be nerves, how he was thirsty etc. etc. I refused to allow him to drink and drive. He tried to intimidate, threaten me in various wsys and then chugged the wine cooler and said he would f%$ing kill me if I ratted him out and then pulled over as I was on the phone with my mom and attacked me, took my phone and then left me on the side of the highway. I walked back to the church and called the police. My congregation took care of me until my mom could come puck me up.

I went through a lot in Austin. Especially when standing firm for the edge such ad this incident and when I went to stay in a homeless shelter briefly after things went turbulent with the people I was staying with due to them partying NON-STOP!!! But anyways, that's a story for another time. I just wanted to put this out there.

09-11-2011, 02:37 AM
stay strong buddy.
i can't imagine how that is but you seem to have some people to help you through this with your church as well as now on here.
feel free to pm me at anytime I'm trying to get up on here more and what not but ill get your message if you want to talk. keep the edge. :]

09-11-2011, 02:15 PM
damn dude. sounds like it's time to kick your dad out of life, change your number and move on.

09-11-2011, 03:14 PM
damn dude. sounds like it's time to kick your dad out of life, change your number and move on.

Yep, that's the only thing we can say I think. Still, good luck with it man.

09-12-2011, 01:35 PM
you could file a restraining order....
but thats kinda drastic. and i hope it doesn't come to that point :/