View Full Version : Medication?

11-14-2011, 10:10 AM
I had a question about medication and the straight edge lifestyle.

If a person has a medical problem and he or she is prescribed medicine to treat this problem, does taking this medicine count as poison? Can a person still strive to live a straight-edge life if he or she takes medicine, considering this medicine is prescribed to him or her and it is taken as directed?

Also, caffeine as a medical treatment? Does that count as poison?
Example: I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and in the summers I'm very prone to intense headaches. I drink a cup of coffee every morning and it helps me "get over my intestinal distress" early in the morning so I don't have to spend all day in the bathroom. It's like a fast-acting laxative. The caffeine also lessens my headaches.

Your thoughts on this?

11-15-2011, 10:38 AM
I had a question about medication and the straight edge lifestyle.

If a person has a medical problem and he or she is prescribed medicine to treat this problem, does taking this medicine count as poison? Can a person still strive to live a straight-edge life if he or she takes medicine, considering this medicine is prescribed to him or her and it is taken as directed?

Also, caffeine as a medical treatment? Does that count as poison?
Example: I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and in the summers I'm very prone to intense headaches. I drink a cup of coffee every morning and it helps me "get over my intestinal distress" early in the morning so I don't have to spend all day in the bathroom. It's like a fast-acting laxative. The caffeine also lessens my headaches.

Your thoughts on this?

I'd have to question the sanity of anyone who stopped taking medication they need because of straight edge.

caffeine can be different thing. The headaches can be a sign of caffeine withdrawal or dehydration. I'd be looking into that to see if that's the cause and try and treat it another way.

11-15-2011, 03:01 PM
I have gotten headaches and IBS since right around the time I started having children. I HATED coffee for the longest time, but then I tried a flavored coffee blend out of a K-Cup style coffee machine like 5 months ago and it was much easier to drink and took my headaches down a notch. It didn't cure them because if it's really hot out I still get incredible headaches if I step foot outside. I'm thinking it has something to do with the light from the sun mixed with the intense Nevada heat.

But the IBS I have really noticed a difference in since the single cup of coffee everyday. I really does keep me less cramped up and useless for the day.

11-15-2011, 10:31 PM
I take 2 prescribed medication daily, and consume caffeine, and consider myself straight edge.