View Full Version : Is Sludge Metal hardcore?
Kid Edge
01-03-2012, 11:01 AM
I feel like a total idiot for asking,but I don't know.I know it's hardcore influenced,but that doesn't make it hardcore,even though it's labeled as a Hardcore/Metal crossover.I can understand where the metal part comes in,as it's related to Doom Metal,wich is slow,and heavy,but where does hardcore come in?Either whoever labeled Sludge hardcore doesn't listen to either sludge,and/or hardcore,or I ain't listening to the right bands.I mean, Blackened Crust?Hell yeah.Grindcore?No doubt.Metalcore?Yeah.But sludge?Can someone clear this up for me please?
01-03-2012, 02:45 PM
I feel like a total idiot for asking,but I don't know.I know it's hardcore influenced,but that doesn't make it hardcore,even though it's labeled as a Hardcore/Metal crossover.I can understand where the metal part comes in,as it's related to Doom Metal,wich is slow,and heavy,but where does hardcore come in?Either whoever labeled Sludge hardcore doesn't listen to either sludge,and/or hardcore,or I ain't listening to the right bands.I mean, Blackened Crust?Hell yeah.Grindcore?No doubt.Metalcore?Yeah.But sludge?Can someone clear this up for me please?
So let me get this straight, you want someone to clear up sludge for you?
Kid Edge
01-04-2012, 11:36 AM
So let me get this straight, you want someone to clear up sludge for you?
I want to know why sludge is considered hxe;just because sludge has punk breaks doesn't make it hardcore,so why is it labeled that?Sorry about my stupidity
01-04-2012, 05:53 PM
I want to know why sludge is considered hxe;just because sludge has punk breaks doesn't make it hardcore,so why is it labeled that?Sorry about my stupidity
Ok, my response was actually a joke!
I don't think sludge is considered hardcore. Hardcore is considered hardcore and any other amalgamation of hardcore such as metalcore, grindcore etc. is just somewhere inbetween or just taking elements from different genres. Sludge is considered sludge but a band may take influences from both hardcore and sludge and thus try define themselves as such...sometimes it helps as a fan of sludge may enjoy a band that deviates slightly from straight up sludge or enjoy there hardcore but are looking for something a bit different.
The thing with pigeon holling bands is it really isn't that easy when bands are trying to be creative and making something unique, new or different. The label given really is just a guide and should be taken with about as much seriousness as a bands listed influences...being influenced by a band does not mean you will sound anything like them just as sludge/hardcore may only take certain elements from hardcore and they may not be elements that a hardcore fan is particularly passionate about. Further more as hardcore is a older genre now it has a much larger scope to take influence from, some people conjur up a much different picture of straight up hardcore than i do but it generally fits within a certain framework but at times not so much. With this in mind sludge could very easily take influence from a period in hardcore and have built upon that. From there they have gone in a different direction and made something new - weather you like it or not it should be commended for the effort.
Music is a creative process and to be to ridgid over specific criteria would be damaging but at the same time there is the danger of the term of the genre becoming wishy washy if every kind of band referred to themselves as hardcore. To that end i suppose the genre amalgamations are helpful because if someone says metalcore or grindcore i do not think hardcore, i think of a band with a influence and certain properties of hardcore but i do not consider it hardcore. So for the same reason you shouldn't consider sludge hardcore. But just look at how much we are foccused on how a band has been labelled here...this really detracts from the bands intent. Listen to the you like it? Do you hate it? Do the lyrics speak to you? Does it fill a void in what you wanted to hear? Do they get you hyped? Surely we aren't just listening to bands to fill quotas!
Underground and alternative music is a wonderful thing as you can be exposed to all kinds of bands, its nice to catch a show and find a band doing something a bit different. As much as i love straight up hardcore shows its nice when bands push the sound boudaries a little. This sometimes becomes a step forward in hardcore or at other times it inspires bands to take a step away from hardcore and can either produce some god awful new genre that makes you violently sick or it could be ok. Personally i am quite passionate about hardcore remaining hardcore and i think its much more than just a sound, although the sound does have a definitive characteristic in my opinion. I do think that the idea of these labels gets picked up in the wrong way by many, too much focus is paid on all the crossover terms when for a large part it seems that people just want to add the suffix ~core to anything and everything with no really reason to. In my mind hardcore is hardcore and anything else labelled _____core is essentially just a nod toward hardcore and maybe suggesting fans of hardcore may also enjoy it.
Lastly you really shouldn't feel stupid for asking, even if your question was dumb the stupid thing would be not to ask it and an even stupider thing would be to give you crap for asking a dumb question.
Kid Edge
01-05-2012, 12:28 PM
Thanks,I get it now
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