View Full Version : Help, Coffee?, Instructions, (Newb)
01-23-2012, 10:07 PM
Hey guys I want to become straight edge and there are a few things I need to know and I would like some help like I have a cup of coffee every morning before school and I drink too much diet soda can anyone give me some instructions to help me out and help me stop this BS and some tips I know the basic stuff and I hate drugs now more than ever before its becoming to overrated and I hate how every one seems to think "if you drink and you are over 21 than its perfectly ok and if you don't drink to much its completely fine for you health"
I know Mormons are basically straight edge but they do not label themselves as edge but the fallow the same drug policy's and they do not believe in going any farther than Mnt Dew and a lot of youth Mormons adapted the straight edge title so just some questions guys. peace
01-24-2012, 04:06 AM
What about the music?
01-24-2012, 02:22 PM
Casey Jones, Suffocate, Have Heart, Reign Supreme
Kid Edge
01-24-2012, 02:31 PM
Here's a link that'll help with the coffee problem
01-24-2012, 07:06 PM
Here's a link that'll help with the coffee problem
Hey there, welcome to the board. I'm confused about the referencing the LDS/Mormon community, but being that I live in Mormon country, I am constantly confused with one of them (married young, religious, drug free).
Anyway, the Teeccino stuff KE posted about is pretty good; I've tried it at Whole Foods once. It's a bit expensive, so I would use it as a transitional product until you feel you can go cold turkey. However, if you're only having once cup in the morning, you might be able to kick the habit easily without something like this.
Anyway...where in Indiana are you? I'm originally from South Bend. :D
01-25-2012, 02:53 PM
I read in a Straight Edge blog that there are a lot of Edgers (I wonder why...) and that is because most of them are or were youth Mormons that adapted the label even though they were drug free before but just chose it because they wanted to join in on it starting in the 90's. And my friend is a Mormon and they are basically Edge but they do not believe in drugs and caffeine, they drink coke but they don't go past Mountain Dew in other words they don't believe in Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol, and, High doses of caffeine and I noticed some people on here don't touch caffeine whats so ever and some do what Mormons do, but Straight Edge goes with the "Whys?" "Why would I do that if it harms me?" so why would I drink coke if I could get decaff coke is what i'm going to go with. But some people don't do drugs but they still have vices as in benging on food or eating a lot of candy :p
I live in Avon on the west side of Indianapolis, there aren't any Straight Edge people or hard core straight edge shows here. :p
01-25-2012, 06:58 PM
I read in a Straight Edge blog that there are a lot of Edgers (I wonder why...) and that is because most of them are or were youth Mormons that adapted the label even though they were drug free before but just chose it because they wanted to join in on it starting in the 90's. And my friend is a Mormon and they are basically Edge but they do not believe in drugs and caffeine, they drink coke but they don't go past Mountain Dew in other words they don't believe in Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol, and, High doses of caffeine and I noticed some people on here don't touch caffeine whats so ever and some do what Mormons do, but Straight Edge goes with the "Whys?" "Why would I do that if it harms me?" so why would I drink coke if I could get decaff coke is what i'm going to go with. But some people don't do drugs but they still have vices as in benging on food or eating a lot of candy :p
I live in Avon on the west side of Indianapolis, there aren't any Straight Edge people or hard core straight edge shows here. :p
I've never met a mormon that has become straightedge, i don't think mormons have played any significant part in straightedge on the whole, but it would not supprise me to learn of mormon kids trying to adopt straightedge as a way to make them more indentifiable and accessable and it also would not supprise me for that to get frowned upon and shutdown relatively quick in the hardcore scene. I think theres a lot of straightedgers because theres a lot of hardcore and its been steadily growing in accordance to the hardcore scene. Mormon belief doesn't really seem to fit in with straightedge hardcore aside from the obvious abstinence of drugs. But there are many belief sets that share an abstinence of drugs but when you look more closely at the other factors that make up these different beliefs they tend to be drastically different from the kind of ideas that get moved around the hardcore scene.
As for the caffeine, you are asking yourself the perfect question when you say "why would i drink coke with caffeine when i can have it without". There really is no good reason to recreationly drink caffinated beverages.
01-25-2012, 09:39 PM
I read in a Straight Edge blog that there are a lot of Edgers (I wonder why...) and that is because most of them are or were youth Mormons that adapted the label even though they were drug free before but just chose it because they wanted to join in on it starting in the 90's. And my friend is a Mormon and they are basically Edge but they do not believe in drugs and caffeine, they drink coke but they don't go past Mountain Dew in other words they don't believe in Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol, and, High doses of caffeine and I noticed some people on here don't touch caffeine whats so ever and some do what Mormons do, but Straight Edge goes with the "Whys?" "Why would I do that if it harms me?" so why would I drink coke if I could get decaff coke is what i'm going to go with. But some people don't do drugs but they still have vices as in benging on food or eating a lot of candy :p
I live in Avon on the west side of Indianapolis, there aren't any Straight Edge people or hard core straight edge shows here. :p
I think what you're seeing with your friend and her community is a personal translation of the Mormon text of the Word of Wisdom that states: "And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly." The Word does not prohibit soda, but based on the time frame these books were written, soda was not an option. The church strongly suggest not drinking anything that could become habit-forming, which is why Brigham Young University does not serve any caffeinated beverages.
If these kids are into the music, then they can be considered hardcore. Anyway...
Yeah, I remember having to travel for shows. I went to Indy when I went to college, and Chicago when nothing was going on in my hometown.
01-27-2012, 02:23 PM
I want to move to Boston just to be a part of F.S.U, there arent any Straight Edge groups here like there is in Boston, Salt Lake City or California :p
01-27-2012, 03:21 PM
I want to move to Boston just to be a part of F.S.U, there arent any Straight Edge groups here like there is in Boston, Salt Lake City or California :p
fsu isn't a straight edge group dude.
01-27-2012, 05:09 PM
On the documentary the guy was like I drank too much and smoked too much so I joined F.S.U, I thought It was a hardcore group but then again looking back at it a guy was smoking as he was waiting to get in to a show in one scene but, Elgin James is and he started it so it seemed like they were :/
01-27-2012, 05:12 PM
The most popular Straight Edge crews are FSU (Friends Stand United) and Courage Crew, among others. FSU, in particular, is a feared group of hardcore fans who formed together to rid the Boston hardcore scene of Nazi skinheads. Soon they began to absorb other crews into their own and spread across the nation. They are known to travel in groups to hardcore shows to fight non-straight edge kids or members of rival crews. In several cases people were killed at the hands of crews’ fists, knives, baseball bats and hammers. These crew members are the ones giving Straight Edge a bad name and bring a lot of press attention because of their sensationalist acts.
Michael said he believes Straight Edge has been given a false reputation because of these type of crews.
“As a whole I think it has,” he said. “With the kids in Salt Lake City defacing McDonald’s and other places that serve meat. [The media states] nothing about how we abstain from the things that poison our bodies or how we are just trying to make a positive difference in our lives.”
01-27-2012, 05:46 PM
The most popular Straight Edge crews are FSU (Friends Stand United) and Courage Crew, among others. FSU, in particular, is a feared group of hardcore fans who formed together to rid the Boston hardcore scene of Nazi skinheads. Soon they began to absorb other crews into their own and spread across the nation. They are known to travel in groups to hardcore shows to fight non-straight edge kids or members of rival crews. In several cases people were killed at the hands of crews’ fists, knives, baseball bats and hammers. These crew members are the ones giving Straight Edge a bad name and bring a lot of press attention because of their sensationalist acts.
Michael said he believes Straight Edge has been given a false reputation because of these type of crews.
“As a whole I think it has,” he said. “With the kids in Salt Lake City defacing McDonald’s and other places that serve meat. [The media states] nothing about how we abstain from the things that poison our bodies or how we are just trying to make a positive difference in our lives.”
that was true, but isn't now and hasn't been for almost 20 years. it's also not the kind of mentality that anyone should be adopting or wanting to emulate. Like I get wanting to be apart of a group, but not a crew that is essentially a gang.
01-27-2012, 07:16 PM
True, and its probably because it got water'd down by people who were to lazy to be edge and yeah it sucks when there isnt any fellow edgers around (there are metal heads) its probably because the faces of FSU are straight edge so it makes it out to look like that
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