View Full Version : What Religion are you?
02-13-2012, 09:47 PM
What Religion are you? I'm guessing most people on here are Agnostic, but i'm an Agnostic Atheist
02-13-2012, 11:39 PM
What Religion are you? I'm guessing most people on here are Agnostic, but i'm an Agnostic Atheist
How can you be Agnostic and Athiest? The two cannot go together because to be an athiest is to not believe in anything, while being an Agnostic inherently implies that you neither believe nor disbelieve.
02-14-2012, 03:32 PM
How can you be Agnostic and Athiest? The two cannot go together because to be an athiest is to not believe in anything, while being an Agnostic inherently implies that you neither believe nor disbelieve.
I think the two can exist:
If you are athiest you are saying you do not believe that god exists.
Adding agnosticism to this adds the dynamic to the athiest belief by saying that there is no way to be sure and so it is unknown.
Its basically saying i do not believe in god (atheist) and do not believe gods existence can be proven (agnostic). This can work the other way too for a theist agnostic...people can hold a theist or athiest belief but also hold that it is beyond the realm of our reasoning to be absolutely conclusive about said belief.
I am rather athiestic myself and i find that that belief is much more likely to be right based on all i have seen in my years but i cannot deny that i have no way of catagorically knowing for sure. Thats kind of the one does, so you do have to be a bit of a retard not to even adopt the slightest amount of agnosticism. To believe without any doubt and give not even the slightest amount of room that you could be wrong just makes someone impossible, a closed mind that is likely to be unaccepting of even the most compelling evidence presented to them.
Luckily for me the job of atheism is quite easy, theres no onus on an athiest to explain illogical miracles, inconsistant time lines, shifting beliefs and a deity that used to be quite chatty but seems to be quite quiet nowadays. For a theist to catagorically prove a god is really quite a job...i was told the other day that the proof of god was found if i just looked around me...not very conclusive! But many people from both sides (more so from an athiest side as athiests are smarter) will accept that they cannot proove 100% either way.
02-14-2012, 11:32 PM
I think the two can exist:
If you are athiest you are saying you do not believe that god exists.
Adding agnosticism to this adds the dynamic to the athiest belief by saying that there is no way to be sure and so it is unknown.
Its basically saying i do not believe in god (atheist) and do not believe gods existence can be proven (agnostic). This can work the other way too for a theist agnostic...people can hold a theist or athiest belief but also hold that it is beyond the realm of our reasoning to be absolutely conclusive about said belief.
I am rather athiestic myself and i find that that belief is much more likely to be right based on all i have seen in my years but i cannot deny that i have no way of catagorically knowing for sure. Thats kind of the one does, so you do have to be a bit of a retard not to even adopt the slightest amount of agnosticism. To believe without any doubt and give not even the slightest amount of room that you could be wrong just makes someone impossible, a closed mind that is likely to be unaccepting of even the most compelling evidence presented to them.
Luckily for me the job of atheism is quite easy, theres no onus on an athiest to explain illogical miracles, inconsistant time lines, shifting beliefs and a deity that used to be quite chatty but seems to be quite quiet nowadays. For a theist to catagorically prove a god is really quite a job...i was told the other day that the proof of god was found if i just looked around me...not very conclusive! But many people from both sides (more so from an athiest side as athiests are smarter) will accept that they cannot proove 100% either way.
That's fair. I suppose I just looked at it as being more black and white than it really is. With Atheism, I looked at is as though it was already implied that god's existence cannot be proven, hence disbelief, so I didn't see the need for the link to agnosticism. I suppose I just don't see much of a difference between Athiest and Agnostic Athiesm. For me I am simply Agnostic because I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve. A higher power could be somewhere out there, but there is no way of knowing that for certain. I suppose based on your explanation I would label myself as an agnostic theist because I don't completely disbelieve in the same way I don't necessarily believe.
02-15-2012, 12:13 AM
That's fair. I suppose I just looked at it as being more black and white than it really is. With Atheism, I looked at is as though it was already implied that god's existence cannot be proven, hence disbelief, so I didn't see the need for the link to agnosticism. I suppose I just don't see much of a difference between Athiest and Agnostic Athiesm. For me I am simply Agnostic because I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve. A higher power could be somewhere out there, but there is no way of knowing that for certain. I suppose based on your explanation I would label myself as an agnostic theist because I don't completely disbelieve in the same way I don't necessarily believe.
The difference is simple. If you believe there is no god and also believe you are totally right in that belief and have all the evidence proving it then you are not agnostic. There are people like this. Same with theists who believe without doubt god exists.
If you believe in god but do have some element of doubt then sure you are agnostic theist. So the element here that is different from just not knowing either way is that you believe in god and that seems more likely to you but from how you describe things I wouldn't say that labels you well. You sound more like a straight up agnostic who is totally indifferent until you have proof one way or the other.
Kid Edge
02-15-2012, 09:46 AM
The difference is simple. If you believe there is no god and also believe you are totally right in that belief and have all the evidence proving it then you are not agnostic. There are people like this. Same with theists who believe without doubt god exists.
If you believe in god but do have some element of doubt then sure you are agnostic theist. So the element here that is different from just not knowing either way is that you believe in god and that seems more likely to you but from how you describe things I wouldn't say that labels you well. You sound more like a straight up agnostic who is totally indifferent until you have proof one way or the other.
Then I guess that I'm an agnostic theist if you put it that way.I actually try to be areligious;i believe in god and all,but I don't let it rule my life.I mean I'm not a total "Jesus freak"
And Clownmagix,didn't you say something about being Mormon?Yeah,you said that in your introduction;what caused the change?
02-15-2012, 12:24 PM
Then I guess that I'm an agnostic theist if you put it that way.I actually try to be areligious;i believe in god and all,but I don't let it rule my life.I mean I'm not a total "Jesus freak"
And Clownmagix,didn't you say something about being Mormon?Yeah,you said that in your introduction;what caused the change?
Well it means you are still a Jesus freak but also that you are accepting that while you believe in your chosen religion which I am assuming is Christianity you also know your belief in your chosen god cannot be proven. I have to admit to thinking its pretty weird. What makes you believe in god?
Kid Edge
02-16-2012, 12:55 PM
My family is very religious,and they talk about how the bible discredits all atheist arguments.But I find it hard to believe that every single thing brought up can be countered with a bible verse.They say that theres proof that there was a flood,and that the story of Jesus,and the apostles is historically correct,and etc.,but there's also an equal number of unanswered questions that I don't think Christians can answer
How can the earth continue to be 6000 years old year after year?
How can you feel god in you?
If humans wrote the bible,how can we tell that they didn't write in some of their opinions?
02-17-2012, 02:28 PM
My family is very religious,and they talk about how the bible discredits all atheist arguments.But I find it hard to believe that every single thing brought up can be countered with a bible verse.They say that theres proof that there was a flood,and that the story of Jesus,and the apostles is historically correct,and etc.,but there's also an equal number of unanswered questions that I don't think Christians can answer
How can the earth continue to be 6000 years old year after year?
How can you feel god in you?
If humans wrote the bible,how can we tell that they didn't write in some of their opinions?
I would suggest that your family saying there is proof really is not proof and they really should be providing this proof. But furthermore assuming they can prove a flood occurred then they have proven a flood not the existence of god. As for proving the contextual accuracy of the story...well thats really quite a bold claim.
See i just find it odd that you or anyone would begin in the theistic camp and believe something that is totally not apparent and readily visible. I mean it requires you to believe in something that you can't see or immediately interact relies on blind faith and could just as easily be the tooth fairy or santa claus. I'm not saying you shouldn't believe just that if you are seeking proof i guess i don't see why you would hold the belief in god first. Sure you could say the same about atheists but as an atheist you arent trying to prove something exists and you aren't holding onto the existence of that deity with just faith.
You raise questions that really challenge the bible and i am sure if you looked into more and more you would find many more questions, as you are from a religious family i would suggest not taking their claims of proof as proof but question those claims the way you question the bible. Who knows, if you use honest interrogation of the information you may decide that god doesnt exist or maybe that the tooth fairy does?!
02-22-2012, 08:56 PM
Then I guess that I'm an agnostic theist if you put it that way.I actually try to be areligious;i believe in god and all,but I don't let it rule my life.I mean I'm not a total "Jesus freak"
And Clownmagix,didn't you say something about being Mormon?Yeah,you said that in your introduction;what caused the change?
Nooooo0ooohohohoh, I said that maybe the reason of there being a lot of Edgers in Salt Lake is cause mormons have the straight edge beleif so they just listen to hardcore music and then they are "Edgers"
Kid Edge
02-23-2012, 01:20 PM
Oh,OK.I misunderstood
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