View Full Version : Addict caught on video abusing her own child..

04-20-2012, 04:25 PM
This simply reinforces my complete and total hatred of addicts:

This is the kind of mind-frame people have who want to or do use. Complete shitheads.

04-21-2012, 08:52 AM
This simply reinforces my complete and total hatred of addicts:

This is the kind of mind-frame people have who want to or do use. Complete shitheads.

I'm not condoning this by any means but using the daily mail to reinforce anything is never good.

04-25-2012, 09:16 AM
I'm not USING IT to.. it just does by it's very nature.

04-25-2012, 12:04 PM
I'm not USING IT to.. it just does by it's very nature.

You are using it to, you used it in your post to depict what you hate and you are using the article to reinforce why you hold your hatred. Saying you aren't using it is pretty hard to establish after using it.

But anyway, it seems clear you don't understand the "very nature" of the daily mail but thats ok seeing as you aren't using it!!

04-25-2012, 04:10 PM
Using which media for reference is a valuable discussion in itself, anyhow I do understand the anger in what was initially expressed. Myself I hate Addiction - it's hold on people, effects on lives and place in social culture.

04-25-2012, 06:27 PM
Using which media for reference is a valuable discussion in itself, anyhow I do understand the anger in what was initially expressed. Myself I hate Addiction - it's hold on people, effects on lives and place in social culture.

Its quite an easy statement that very few would contest. I mean i don't too many people championing addiction!

04-25-2012, 07:57 PM
Exactly, quite an easy statement, while making the for me important distinction between hating the addict (which I personally don't) and hating the addiction. Not complicated or original in any sense of course, just connecting to what Cubey was saying. Frowning upon using a certain media for reference is therefore less in focus for me at this point, even if for sure those witty post of yours are wonderfully well-formulated and entertaining. I believe we are many who appreciate them, so keep them coming!

Sometimes though, how simple and unoriginal it may be, there is a need to express frustration about the world we live in - and as long as it doesnt change significantly, the statements concerning it may not vary that much either.

04-26-2012, 12:24 PM
Exactly, quite an easy statement, while making the for me important distinction between hating the addict (which I personally don't) and hating the addiction. Not complicated or original in any sense of course, just connecting to what Cubey was saying. Frowning upon using a certain media for reference is therefore less in focus for me at this point, even if for sure those witty post of yours are wonderfully well-formulated and entertaining. I believe we are many who appreciate them, so keep them coming!

would you be referring to the media that is not being used here!! Maybe you would like to explain to cubey why hating addicts is somewhat myopic in the scheme of things? I will add that you come across as incredibly sarcastic about appreciating my posts, was that intentional?

Sometimes though, how simple and unoriginal it may be, there is a need to express frustration about the world we live in - and as long as it doesnt change significantly, the statements concerning it may not vary that much either.

i'm not sure what you are trying to get at here exactly.

04-26-2012, 03:02 PM
[QUOTE]would you be referring to the media that is not being used here!! Maybe you would like to explain to cubey why hating addicts is somewhat myopic in the scheme of things? I will add that you come across as incredibly sarcastic about appreciating my posts, was that intentional?

I would of course prefer that it hadn't been referred to at all, an easy target of ridicule as it is! I would also recommend you instead of me getting into explaining the scheme of things aspect, as I believe you have the possibility of expressing it better than I could. I intend not to be sarcastic when complementing someone's accomplishments - I confess this being one of the most apt, and yes: witty!, comments that made me laugh this week:

"You are using it to, you used it in your post to depict what you hate and you are using the article to reinforce why you hold your hatred. Saying you aren't using it is pretty hard to establish after using it. But anyway, it seems clear you don't understand the "very nature" of the daily mail but thats ok seeing as you aren't using it!!"

Still, however diverting that might be, I didnt want to jump on the bandwagon for it - instead I wanted to return to what was initially expressed bu Cubey in his first post, so I did.

i'm not sure what you are trying to get at here exactly.

I am not sure what it it is that you are not getting, but I realize that more quoting is probably needed !

04-26-2012, 06:51 PM
I would of course prefer that it hadn't been referred to at all, an easy target of ridicule as it is!

Well the whole thread hinges on it, so its unavoidable really.

I would also recommend you instead of me getting into explaining the scheme of things aspect, as I believe you have the possibility of expressing it better than I could.

Yes but its you who wanted to connect with cubey, not i. And You did bring up the point of where the hatred should be focussed. Its really nothing to do with me.

I intend not to be sarcastic when complementing someone's accomplishments - I confess this being one of the most apt, and yes: witty!, comments that made me laugh this week:

I am sure its a language thing but its still comming off as sarcastic. Perhaps its because my comments really aren't that witty and it just sounds like you are over doing it on the complement front.

Still, however diverting that might be, I didnt want to jump on the bandwagon for it - instead I wanted to return to what was initially expressed bu Cubey in his first post, so I did.

I am not sure why you have quoted and responded to the comment i made to cubey here. I'm really not asking anyone to jump on a bandwaggon. I was just pointing out the negative reputation the daily mail holds. I figure as the media source is based in my country and that i probably have a better understanding of the reputation it holds and why. As such i wanted to bring that to the table as i think it is a valid point to take on board when referencing them in future. I'm not asking people to join in a crazy witch hunt on the daily mail (see now that is witty!).

I am not sure what it it is that you are not getting, but I realize that more quoting is probably needed !

The part i quoted and then said i didn't get...thats what i didn't get.

04-28-2012, 07:25 AM
I am sure its a language thing but its still comming off as sarcastic. Perhaps its because my comments really aren't that witty and it just sounds like you are over doing it on the complement front.

I was just pointing out the negative reputation the daily mail holds. I figure as the media source is based in my country and that i probably have a better understanding of the reputation it holds and why. As such i wanted to bring that to the table as i think it is a valid point to take on board when referencing them in future.

Using which media for reference is of course a meningful question, as I have already agreed, when brought to serious discussion.

Concerning sarcasm as well as witt then, sometimes those are merely properties in the notion of the reader, obviously .

04-29-2012, 03:24 AM

Sometimes being the operative word, hence the clarification being sought as referring to a post as an accomplishment and it being the most witty thing in a week when it wasn't that witty did seem somewhat out of place. But hey, i am glad you are so easily amused. You should get a lot of laughs here based on this.

04-29-2012, 07:21 AM
But hey, i am glad you are so easily amused. You should get a lot of laughs here based on this.

I appreciate that, I too am sure you'll give me plenty !

04-30-2012, 04:37 AM
I just find it coincidential the date this thread was posted on.
Anyway, this woman obviously isn't fit to have a kid. She needs to grow the fuck up and learn how to properly handle things.

04-30-2012, 09:21 AM
Anyway, this woman obviously isn't fit to have a kid. She needs to grow the fuck up and learn how to properly handle things.

Hopefully she will turn her life around. Unfortunately, not every parent is adequate for the responsibility of a child.

04-30-2012, 02:40 PM
I appreciate that, I too am sure you'll give me plenty !

Unintentional of course.

04-30-2012, 02:43 PM
I just find it coincidential the date this thread was posted on.
Anyway, this woman obviously isn't fit to have a kid. She needs to grow the fuck up and learn how to properly handle things.

I guess the date inspired people to search out a story like this, seeing as the story was last september it seems more than probable.