View Full Version : Where is CarlaRant?

09-14-2012, 09:39 PM
What happened to her?!?! I haven't seen posts from her in a long time! She always had cool stuff like yummy recipes and good stories... I miss that!!! WHERE ARE YOU CARLARANT?!?!?!

09-18-2012, 08:15 AM
What happened to her?!?! I haven't seen posts from her in a long time! She always had cool stuff like yummy recipes and good stories... I miss that!!! WHERE ARE YOU CARLARANT?!?!?!

Here I am!

Oh wow, Easy, this makes me feel all loved and shit. Thank you for the post. XXX

I tried to check in one time, but the site was down. Then I got busy with life and stuff. It wasn't until I received my birthday email this morning that I realized how long it's been.

PS. Ooh! I found a vegan pumpkin spice latte recipe (decaf or not, SPL are DEE-LICIOUS!) I will post that later.

09-18-2012, 03:04 PM
woo!!! CarlaRant is back!!! I need to come up with some kind of awesome recipe so I can feel like I am contributing!!! glad you are back!

09-19-2012, 02:36 AM
Oh, we missed your birthday? Happy belated one!

09-19-2012, 03:45 PM
It was yesterday, so you're not too late. ;)

09-19-2012, 07:14 PM
It was yesterday, so you're not too late. ;)

happy birthday, did you find a new school to teach at this year?

09-21-2012, 03:36 PM
are you still beating people up on wheels?

09-21-2012, 10:44 PM
What I Did During My Summer Vacation
By Carla Rant

As the school year came to a close, I braced myself emotionally to say goodbye to my students who were transferring to different schools. I wished the others luck and health with my typical Friday salutation, "Come back in one piece!"

On the drive home, I decided to stop by the mall to investigate the newest LUSH Cosmetics store. While I was scoping out the spacious venue that holds everything my heart desires, I was approached by not one, but three customers with specific product questions. Since I worked at a LUSH Cosmetics store in Scottsdale last winter, I answered each question to the best of knowledge. The next thing I knew, the store manager was having me fill out an application.

Balancing my work schedule has been surprisingly easy over the summer. I was sure to make enough time to workout, play roller derby, spend time with Hubby, and play with the dog each day. Between yoga, swimming, walking the dog and roller derby practice three times a week, I started to notice that my physique was slimming down despite the scale staying stagnant. With the assistance of Jillian Michaels's books and a variety of other vegan diet books, I came to peace with this transformation.

This was the perfect mindset to head into the Arizona Roller Derby State Championship with my team, The Bad News Beaters. The lean Mean Deneen you know and love played in every third round and even rocked the star as a jammer. The Beaters took home the trophy for a second year in a row.

The highlights of my summer vacation came in late June through early July. This was the time frame in which I traveled solo to Indiana to visit my immediate and extended roller derby families. Before I could overdose on niece and nephew love, it was time to go home. When I arrived, Hubby was waiting for me with a surprise. He was taking me to Seattle for our ten year anniversary! So off we went to the Emerald City.

Before I knew it, we were back to Phoenix and I had to start the Teacher Orientation for school. A week later, I was back at Paragon Science Academy, standing in front of my new middle school Language Arts and high school Journalism classes, staring into anxious, anticipating eyes.

09-23-2012, 09:45 AM
Damn! things are good for you! congratulations on the championship! I need to start swimming... I have always wanted to swim on a regular basis

09-23-2012, 10:50 AM
It's amazing for building your endurance! When derby assessments rolled around, I was able to easily do 12.5 laps in 2 minutes three times in a row! This is a vast improvement over my "Ican'tbreatheohgodwhydoidothistomyself?!?" 11 in 2 minutes.

09-24-2012, 12:56 PM
I used to go to the gym like 13 years ago and instead of swimming i just jogged in the pool hahaha