View Full Version : Costa Mesa trip

09-25-2012, 11:28 PM
Hey all,

My school is sending the entire staff to Costa Mesa on Thursday. I guarantee you that I'm going to be bored out of my mind and will need to blow off some steam as well as find more substantial food than the salads and pastas they're offering us veg-heads. I found Native Foods restaurant, which is within walking distance of the hotel. I also see that there's a Buffalo Exchange (thrift shop). However, if there's anything else I can check out after 5pm each day - a show, a museum, or a weird non-tourist thing I should do, I would like to know! Thanks!


09-30-2012, 10:08 AM

I took the charter bus to Costa Mesa with my coworkers. It was full, therefore cramped. The driver had the AC cranked all the way up, so I was FREEZING! We stopped in Blythe, the epitome of no-where for lunch. Hmmm...Carl's Jr., Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Arby's, or Del Taco for this vegan? Thank goodness for no-cheese tostadas and the variety of snacks I packed.

I hadn't slept well the night before, so I knew I was heading to bed early Thursday night. After the 7 hour bus ride, I checked in, registered for the conference, quickly unpacked, and caught a quick nap before dinner.

As I was walking down the FREEZING hotel hall towards the elevator, I heard the laughter of one of my coworkers and knocked on the door. After being invited in, it was soon apparent that she and her roommate had been drinking for quite a while. They offered me a beer and after I declined, the roommate made some comment that indicated that she didn't believe that I didn't drink. Dumb, dumb girls.

I was the last one to be served at my dinner table because apparently the staff didn't get the memo about the "please no cheese on my salad or pasta primavera" that the conference coordinator swore up and down that she took care of before we left Phoenix. Oh, and what did my dinner actually look like? – a plate of overcooked vegetables. Exhausted, hungry, freezing, and irritated, I left for my room.

Tossing and turning all night, let's just say I didn't get much sleep that night either. I awoke with a stomach flu-type illness. My co-worker/friend texted me around lunch time because she hadn't seen me all day. She came to my rescue by coming to my room to get my key and meal tickets. She then delivered crackers, ginger ale, Advil, and my meals (which were only salads). Hubby called to check in on me and bought me a plane ticket out of there for the next morning.

The highlights of the trip were that I was actually able to attend a couple of workshops hosted by an author I really like and have admired, I met an interesting young English teacher from Ohio on the bus, and found out who I can trust and depend on at work.

09-30-2012, 02:43 PM

I took the charter bus to Costa Mesa with my coworkers. It was full, therefore cramped. The driver had the AC cranked all the way up, so I was FREEZING! We stopped in Blythe, the epitome of no-where for lunch. Hmmm...Carl's Jr., Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Arby's, or Del Taco for this vegan? Thank goodness for no-cheese tostadas and the variety of snacks I packed.

I hadn't slept well the night before, so I knew I was heading to bed early Thursday night. After the 7 hour bus ride, I checked in, registered for the conference, quickly unpacked, and caught a quick nap before dinner.

As I was walking down the FREEZING hotel hall towards the elevator, I heard the laughter of one of my coworkers and knocked on the door. After being invited in, it was soon apparent that she and her roommate had been drinking for quite a while. They offered me a beer and after I declined, the roommate made some comment that indicated that she didn't believe that I didn't drink. Dumb, dumb girls.

I was the last one to be served at my dinner table because apparently the staff didn't get the memo about the "please no cheese on my salad or pasta primavera" that the conference coordinator swore up and down that she took care of before we left Phoenix. Oh, and what did my dinner actually look like? – a plate of overcooked vegetables. Exhausted, hungry, freezing, and irritated, I left for my room.

Tossing and turning all night, let's just say I didn't get much sleep that night either. I awoke with a stomach flu-type illness. My co-worker/friend texted me around lunch time because she hadn't seen me all day. She came to my rescue by coming to my room to get my key and meal tickets. She then delivered crackers, ginger ale, Advil, and my meals (which were only salads). Hubby called to check in on me and bought me a plane ticket out of there for the next morning.

The highlights of the trip was that I was actually able to attend a couple of workshops hosted by an author I really like and have admired, I met an interesting young English teacher from Ohio on the bus, and found out who I can trust and depend on at work.

still sounds like the worst trip ever.

09-30-2012, 03:27 PM
It was and I'm still recovering today. :(

09-30-2012, 08:40 PM
It was and I'm still recovering today. :(there's nothing worse. a few years ago I was in san franscisco and either caught a stomach bug or food poisoning. The flight home was one of the worst experiences of my life. The flight itself was fine, but I was up all night the night before, couldn't keep anything down. Somehow I was able to get on the flight without an issue. I'm glad you made it home and hopefully you'll feel better soon.

10-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Today's the first day I am able to have a meal and keep it down. Kashi cereal and orange juice never tasted so good!

10-01-2012, 09:10 PM
did you guys know that i had dengue early this year???

10-02-2012, 08:57 AM
I had to look up dengue to know what you're talking about -- and really? That sounds awful.

10-02-2012, 09:33 AM
Sounds like the absolute worst trip ever, good that your fella was able to get you out of there early. Also can't believe you got dengue Easy that mus have been awful

10-02-2012, 07:13 PM
It was the first time in my life I felt completely out of control of my body, I felt like I was between life and death.

10-03-2012, 04:19 PM
It was the first time in my life I felt completely out of control of my body, I felt like I was between life and death.
Man I'm sorry to hear that, hope you're doing much better now

10-03-2012, 08:29 PM
Man I'm sorry to hear that, hope you're doing much better now

No worries Viv! I am doing great! I need to bring the kids by your guys' place... would that be alright?? Sebastian still asks to go to Dusty's sometimes. Dengue was scary, but afterwards I got my strength back up quickly!