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Public Enemy Number1
10-24-2012, 03:41 PM
Here I am, public enemy number one and you're about to know why. I'd like to start off by saying the following, i have no biases of any kind. I believe all humans are free spirited, and as such, given free will to do as they please with their own lives.
Now let me get this out of the way first of all. I am not a "straightedge." I smoke bud and drink on the weekends, and have experimented a couple of times with magic mushrooms, salvia, and on one occasion, ecstasy. Do not judge me as an idiot, or a moronic bimbo- this is NOT an assumption that you are judging me but rather a precaution for anyone who may.
I am not a "druggie" or a "stoner" or an "alcoholic" I don't need drugs to have fun, and i oftentimes have fun without them. I find that when intoxicated under a substance its not a matter of more fun, but rather a different fun. I have a job, and am paying my own way through college with limited financial aid.
Now at this point i'm sure one person is scoffing to themselves, wondering why i'm here. I don't know if its my curiosity of subcultures, countercultures- or my interest in the human brain and the way that it functions.
Keep in mind i have many friends who are straightedge, and many who are not. I wouldn't say many necessarily, as i'm quite selective with choosing close friends. Well one day not long ago i was hanging out with some friends, straightedge and otherwise when one of them (straightedge) said to another (not edge) "dude do you think wearing that shirt makes you cool or something? Nobody fucking cares that you smoke pot and do nothing with your life all day." (this friend works and goes to school with me, and was wearing a black tee airbrushed with a picture of bob marley with rasta colors behind him).
My friend looked at him for a second with his jaw dropped and then said, "Dude, do you think painting X's on your hands and wearing a shirt that says "straightedge or die" makes you gods gift to the world or something? Because nobody really fucking cares."
This got me thinking. I remember in highschool i was the essential "stoner" my style consisted of shirts that said "legalize it" and "its 4:20 somewhere" yes i was essentially that dousche. All throughout highschool the straightedge clique would always scoff at me, and even on occasion (4/20 junior year for example) spit at me and call me a good for nothing stoner. They'd tell me showing off that i smoke weed doesn't make me cool (I didn't think it made me cool at the time and I KNOW it didn't make me cool in the now). however there they'd stand proudly displaying black X's on their hands, on sweatbands, on sweatshirts. They'd even going around kid to kid trying to convert us to the edge lifestyle like a group of jehovas witnesses.
Now believe me i'm aware there are arrogant edgers(?) and arrogant nonedge just as there are arrogant politicians, police officers, and teachers. Likewise, some of the coolest most laid back people i know hangout with the arrogant people in these corresponding cliques.
I must say however, that in my travels, and ESPECIALLY more in present day it tends to be the "straightedge" groups attacking the nonedge groups much more than the other way around. I'm going to go ahead and say this, peer pressure for drinking, smoking, or any related activity is 100% subliminal, i started smoking and drinking because i was curious, then i discovered it was fun. Nobody said "hit this if you wanna be cool" in fact, especially in the drug counterculture, being offered a hit off the bong, or something likewise is more of an honor than a pressurized statement. Its more of a "hey man you seem cool you want in for free?" Than a 'do this or else' the most common phrase is "hey man, you want a hit?" saying 'nah im good' is all it takes.
Going back to my first sentence in the previous section (I seem to have gotten sidetracked) i notice much more often the straightedge people saying things like "I dont NEED drugs to have a good time" or "no it doesn't make you cool showing that off." Basically coining these little phrases. I cannot think of ONE time in my firsthand experience that i've heard someone say "so you don't smoke or drink? Dude youre so lame!" or anything to that tune.
Like i said before i am not attacking your 'clique' if you will at all. I know there are many edgers (i don't know what the proper term is) that let smokers and drinkers do their thing, while they do theirs. All i'm saying is that in my personal experience, what i see is the straightedge insulting those who aren't, the straightedge refusing to be friends with someoen just because they don't share the same beliefs, and the straightedge insulting us for representing our counter culture, when its okay for them to represent their own. (Again this is a massive generalization).
I just want to know if there are any HXC SXE people hear who aren't afraid to admit that they are the arrogant people in their clique, criticizing someone for wearing rasta colors, pointing them out with the very hand they display a prominent X across. Criticizing someone who may toke the reefer, telling them that they're better than that and that they can have fun without getting high. It's a long shot to find someone to admit it, but i know they're out there. And i'm sure many of you may have had thoughts like this in your mind (oh look at that dumb stoner with a rasta beanie so cool). Again i'm not attacking your counter culture, and i'm not complaining that you are all attacking ours. In my eyes i've seen personally my culture the victim much more than an attacker. What really irks me is the fact that all of these attacks, have always been unprovoked.
How do you justify making fun of us for showing off we're not edge (red solo cups in pictures, weed apparel) when you walk around proudly displaying your choice to be straightedge?
How do you justify saying "i dont NEED drugs to have fun" in a snobby tone when i've never heard someone say "i need drugs to have fun"?
How do you justify disliking or disapproving of someone just by their personal choices?
Again this isn't directed at the SXE culture, but rather those few who give it a bad name.
I'll leave you to your peace on this note (i know its been a lot of reading for a forum post, so thanks for bearing with me):
Never judge someone by their personal beliefs. Never disapprove of somebody for the things they do which have no effect on your own life. Worry about yourself, and only yourself, accept everyone until they've given you a legitimate reason not to. Peace, love, happiness, and success to everyone, thank you for your time and i'm eager to see responses.
10-24-2012, 04:32 PM
this is really long and as a result, I don't know how many people are going to read through it completely.
I don't find "Criticizing someone who may toke the reefer, telling them that they're better than that and that they can have fun without getting high." an arrogant thing. I do believe that while people can decide what they want to do, that the use of drugs and alcohol aren't necessary, aren't healthy, and aren't good ideas. I've never met a person who hasn't abused a substance that smokes or drinks. Hasn't gotten drunk or high to run away from something. hasn't used substances to as a crutch to deal with the world around them. I also think that you should only judge people on their beliefs and actions. I also think that you underestimate the effect that drugs and alcohol have on society and individuals. Your weed usage fuels narco terrorism and there's a decent chance that someone was killed so you could get high. This isn't a narrow live and let live conversation. It's about understanding how drugs and alcohol effect the world around you. You talk about how these things are unprovoked, when yours is the dominant culture. People don't assume that everyone is sober. The assumption is that everyone smokes and drinks. You talk about how people "show off" not being sober but then try and say that you've never heard someone say "I need drugs to have fun"? You don't need to say it, we all see it every day and it's why you get the reaction you do.
Public Enemy Number1
10-24-2012, 05:42 PM
I'll tell you this in regards to your "narco terrorism." First of all if the government decriminalized drugs it wouldn't exist. Secondly, i know the guy that grows the stuff. He ordered the seeds online, and grows it in a location i obviously wont share online. He has a real job and a family. He grows weed to smoke himself (he has a medicinal license to do so legally) and sells to friends to help them out. I would say 90% of the weed being smoked in America is from America. Mexican cartels moving across the border are pushing harder drugs a lot more than marijuana (which by the way holds zero negative health risks).
Define abuse a substance for me please because i don't believe i abuse it. When i'm bored, when i'll just be chilling out listening to music, watching television, at a concert, if i wanna spark up a jimmy or have a few beers so be it. I'm not harming anybody, and any "health risks" wont be anything of real risk unless i was to binge incredibly on alcohol.
I mean this with no offense my good man but you come off as the ignorant close minded man i discussed in my first post. Without knowing a single thing about me you automatically assume i use MJ as a crutch, and that i need it to have fun. You never even bothered wondering if perhaps i used it for a medicinal purpose (i don't but still).
What do you think gives you the right to automatically know that i cant have fun without getting high? or that i can't get by in life without mj? These are just the things i wonder. Speaking for myself, do whatever you want with your life but don't judge another person based on their own beliefs.
"This isn't a narrow live and let live conversation" exactly. What makes the hatred you seem to be pushing on me any different than one an African American gets from a Klan member, or that a Jew faced from Nazism?
I'll tell you what ignorant people like you need, and i'm not saying a joint or a drink. You need to learn to be open minded, accepting, and less ignorant. Stop worrying so much, you wont make it off this planet alive anyway. You need to accept that there's millions of drug and alcohol users out there that are incredibly successful.
Carl Sagan, Albert Hoffman, Thomas Edison, George Washington, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs. pretty much every musician thats inspired every musician that inspired your hxesxe music. The list goes on.
You've proven all the ignorance and arrogance i need. And so i'll leave your close minded forum with this..
When you learn to accept others for who they are, and accept that we're not bad people, were not criminals, we're just like you. We don't need drugs as a crutch, we use them as a hobby just like playing sports or shopping or music. We don't criticize or judge you for the things you don't do, so all we ask is for you not to judge us for partaking in a hobby that has zero effect on you.
10-24-2012, 07:21 PM
If you leave so quickly most donīt even get the possibility to communicate with you.
Your experiences are of course completely different from mine, as is often the case between individuals, which makes interchange interesting.
Your straight edge curiosity is appreciated as well as your awareness of that massive generalizations, as you suggested in your first post, are just that.
We all need to keep an open mind, and may I suggest some patience and belief in eachotherīs will to communicate without presumptions.
You are most welcome to stick around and to join/start, preferably constructive, discussions.
10-24-2012, 07:46 PM
I'll tell you this in regards to your "narco terrorism." First of all if the government decriminalized drugs it wouldn't exist. Secondly, i know the guy that grows the stuff. He ordered the seeds online, and grows it in a location i obviously wont share online. He has a real job and a family. He grows weed to smoke himself (he has a medicinal license to do so legally) and sells to friends to help them out. I would say 90% of the weed being smoked in America is from America. Mexican cartels moving across the border are pushing harder drugs a lot more than marijuana (which by the way holds zero negative health risks).
Define abuse a substance for me please because i don't believe i abuse it. When i'm bored, when i'll just be chilling out listening to music, watching television, at a concert, if i wanna spark up a jimmy or have a few beers so be it. I'm not harming anybody, and any "health risks" wont be anything of real risk unless i was to binge incredibly on alcohol.
I mean this with no offense my good man but you come off as the ignorant close minded man i discussed in my first post. Without knowing a single thing about me you automatically assume i use MJ as a crutch, and that i need it to have fun. You never even bothered wondering if perhaps i used it for a medicinal purpose (i don't but still).
What do you think gives you the right to automatically know that i cant have fun without getting high? or that i can't get by in life without mj? These are just the things i wonder. Speaking for myself, do whatever you want with your life but don't judge another person based on their own beliefs.
"This isn't a narrow live and let live conversation" exactly. What makes the hatred you seem to be pushing on me any different than one an African American gets from a Klan member, or that a Jew faced from Nazism?
I'll tell you what ignorant people like you need, and i'm not saying a joint or a drink. You need to learn to be open minded, accepting, and less ignorant. Stop worrying so much, you wont make it off this planet alive anyway. You need to accept that there's millions of drug and alcohol users out there that are incredibly successful.
Carl Sagan, Albert Hoffman, Thomas Edison, George Washington, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs. pretty much every musician thats inspired every musician that inspired your hxesxe music. The list goes on.
You've proven all the ignorance and arrogance i need. And so i'll leave your close minded forum with this..
When you learn to accept others for who they are, and accept that we're not bad people, were not criminals, we're just like you. We don't need drugs as a crutch, we use them as a hobby just like playing sports or shopping or music. We don't criticize or judge you for the things you don't do, so all we ask is for you not to judge us for partaking in a hobby that has zero effect on you.
The decriminalization of drugs doesn't do away with the black market and doesn't eliminate the criminal element. The folks involved in the sale of drugs aren't just going to let that money go away. So you know the pedigree of every joint you ever smoked? You know where everything you consume comes from? Unless you're growing it for personal consumption only, then chances are that you do have blood on your hands. Now, the thing you need to understand is that you can't throw around words like ignorant because someone disagrees with you. You're making the assumption that I just made the decisions I have based on nothing, and that's not the case.
Here are some links I suggest you look at, since some of your statements are wrong. Marijuana makes up 60% of the products that the cartels bring into the US.
Are you seriously going to try and convince me that you somehow feel persecuted by a group of individuals that you sought out? That I'm somehow forcing my opinion on you? If you take nothing away from this conversation, it's that your behavior and choices do actively effect the world around you.
10-24-2012, 08:41 PM
You've proven all the ignorance and arrogance i need. And so i'll leave your close minded forum with this..
When you learn to accept others for who they are, and accept that we're not bad people, were not criminals, we're just like you. We don't need drugs as a crutch, we use them as a hobby just like playing sports or shopping or music. We don't criticize or judge you for the things you don't do, so all we ask is for you not to judge us for partaking in a hobby that has zero effect on you.
this part made me giggle. i would like to add that nobody here said drug users were bad people. if you're buying weed from a dude who has a prescription for it and is also selling it, at least here it's a crime, not sure if the states.
about judging, i'm totally pro judging people for the stuff they do or dont do, everyone does it, even you just did it. judging is good, kids.
i would like to add this image made by a mexican kid i saw a while back and i posted here once.
Public Enemy Number1
10-25-2012, 09:39 AM
I understand that legalization is something that's not going to happen tomorrow. Is that my fault? no. It's the fault of the American government. Me smoking weed in the northeast United States is not affecting Mexican drug cartels. If i lived in arizona, Texas, something of the like, say what you will. Mexican cartels 1: do not have a high quality product. 2: don't even bother moving marijuana to the northeast US not only is it not worth the time and the risk but the marijuana will have developed mold by the time it even got here.
I also hope none of you have spent a penny in Las Vegas because that entire city was pretty much given to them by the mafias that constructed it. More people now than ever grow their own marijuana and i'll tell you this. If i stop smoking, the drug wars wont end. My 60 dollar a week contribution to a man who has no connections to any gangs of any kind is having zero afffect on the drug war. The rate of people using marijuana is rising and not sinking. Yeah you can say hey why don't you just not smoke weed then we don't have to worry? Well why don't we just not drive cars then we don't have to complain about gas prices? Why don't we stop shopping at monopolys like Wal-Mart so ma and pa shops can once again have a chance?
You can't blame the people when they've already proposed a solution that the government doesn't want to act upon. You blame the government.
10-25-2012, 11:21 AM
I read your post, and I can understand your curiosity, and I also understand that any member of any subculture will feel the negative effects of any outside groups on their "clique" more strongly than the other way around, I mean that's their life experience. I can say as an sXe person I have a whole pile of stories about being harassed by drinkers, stoners and just plain regular folk who just don't get it, longer than my arm and they go much much further than the odd individual and into things like whole organized factions of my local scene getting agro and threatening violence over being asked to smoke outside for once when an edge band came to play, but I don't a "you think you have it hard i was once blah blah blah...." post is going to be particularly enlightening. So here's my 2cents....
First up, not terribly surprised that a person who does drugs, drink etc can hold down a job, get through college, pay their way etc. But I would like to help with some of your curiosities, I can't speak for the whole scene but I can speak for me as an individual so I hope this is helpful....
X's Vs Solo Cup
I would like to address the X's, I haven't X'd up in long time, but I used to quite a lot (I'm an old lady now in subculture terms). The reason is that the X's are a symbol of resistance. in society recreational drug use is pretty much like pubic hair, and its something most people don't think about. You reach a certain age, you grow hair was there was no hair before, start shaving, get laid, buy your first beer (gin whatever) etc. It's like natural progression. In our story telling drink plays key parts of coming of age stories, the rebels smoke, maybe even pot! (ooo!) but it's just ingrained like getting married at 20 popping out kids and working for the man was back in the day. It's life's path and no matter how much it's polished and packaged it's this seeming natural progression. I grew up, got pubes, bought booze then one day sat down, thought about all that and rejected it on my own terms. I wore the X as a visual statement for the world to think. The X's etc are important because drug use is the norm, even though its not legal, pot use is the norm, I mean its the rebellion of my parents generation and the current kid's grandparents generation and to me that is status quo.
While you personally might not need drugs to have fun (and I honestly don't think every body does) I do know a lot of people who believe they do (for clarity alcohol is included in drugs you probably get that you be surprised how many people don't) I, as anj adult run into it routinely. We throw a party, people wig out if they can't have their booze because how can it be fun without? (yeah people post 30 still ask this) I know people who believe it will get em though the tough times, and I know people who think they need it to loosen up. The messages are all over, subtle like you say, but people are conditioned to believe that good old booze is the key to manliness (beer and football) courage (talking to that girl in a bar) sassyness (fucking wine, but you might need to be a girl with a facebook to see that one) rebellion (pot, smoking behind the bleachers, underage drinking every coming of age movie since like the 50's) if there is a cliche there is a drug behind it, and to me that is why the X's are different. Sober living is against the status quo, I don't do it for a fake god, for purity or any of that crap, and I don't do it to be a nice little milk toast girl (the cliches behind sober living in our story telling and media) There are a lot of reasons for why I chose to live drug free, and why I am personally strongly against drugs, but that's not what you were asking about.
I'll also say that of my social circle growing up I was the only drug free person. I used to DJ in a punk/HC club go to vastly mixed shows etc. I never went up and preached to a single person, but I did wear my X's, shirt's etc that way when someone saw me up dancing on stage with my friends singing Sweet Child of Mine into a Pez dispenser or creating elaborate 'domino" rallies out of giant Jenga blocks they would know that at least that one (then) sparkling scene queen girl was sober and creative by nature alone and didn't give a shit, and didn't need any "Dutch courage". The X's made people think, and people question, people would come up to me and talk about it some times, and people were surprised that it was possible to have fun like I did and be sober. I don't know that a red solo cup has that same power or meaning?
Better than Who?
I don't think that being sober automatically maker someone a better person than someone who isn't, or that not being automatically makes someone a bad or lesser person. I do have issues with people deeply into stoner culture. Partly because I find it insanely tedious, just like I wish i could block the word "wine" from Facebook (which I keep because I'm a British ex pat so it's the only way to easily keep in touch with my friends and family over there). I am also proud of my choices on the subject drugs and sober living. It was something I came to after some deep soul searching and I could bang on for a long time on all the reasons why, but it's maybe a bigger part of who I am that I realize sometimes and it's been an active part of my life and development so I don't I kinda feel like it's something I'm entitled to some pride in, just like the pride I have in the skills I've learned in other parts of my life. I don't think that makes me arrogant.
Honestly, I think the world would be a better place without drugs, but I understand not everyone feels that way. I might disapprove of somethings people do that way (drinking around their kids) and out and out rage against others (DUI) but as far as I'm concerned what you do is your business, if it doesn't affect anyone else I don't give a crap.
I do wish more responsibility would be taken for the "evils" brought on by drug use (looking at the cartel horror for eg, and at this point sadly legalization wouldn't be able to fix that mess) and that a more thoughtful picture was painted. I also obviously think that living drug free is a better way to live. I'm not going to tell people what to do but I would like to see more real balance presented out there, and for people to think and be encouraged to think more about recreational drugs as a choice more so than just a natural progression. I do disapprove of the way the subject is treated and handled generally, and i do think a lot of people use drugs in various forms as a crutch (not everyone).
I'm going to turn the table for a second, and ask you this, how many members of the illegal drug community look down on those who don't partake as simply rule following sheep or narrow minded simply for their choices with no understanding of the reasons of the individuals? How many times has a person been looked down on and bullied for being wimpy kid for not drinking at a party? That all comes down to stereotypes and a lack of understanding too over on this side of the fence.
10-25-2012, 11:29 AM
I understand that legalization is something that's not going to happen tomorrow. Is that my fault? no. It's the fault of the American government. Me smoking weed in the northeast United States is not affecting Mexican drug cartels. If i lived in arizona, Texas, something of the like, say what you will. Mexican cartels 1: do not have a high quality product. 2: don't even bother moving marijuana to the northeast US not only is it not worth the time and the risk but the marijuana will have developed mold by the time it even got here.
I also hope none of you have spent a penny in Las Vegas because that entire city was pretty much given to them by the mafias that constructed it. More people now than ever grow their own marijuana and i'll tell you this. If i stop smoking, the drug wars wont end. My 60 dollar a week contribution to a man who has no connections to any gangs of any kind is having zero afffect on the drug war. The rate of people using marijuana is rising and not sinking. Yeah you can say hey why don't you just not smoke weed then we don't have to worry? Well why don't we just not drive cars then we don't have to complain about gas prices? Why don't we stop shopping at monopolys like Wal-Mart so ma and pa shops can once again have a chance?
You can't blame the people when they've already proposed a solution that the government doesn't want to act upon. You blame the government.
Considering you were completely wrong about the cartels, how exactly can you say with any kind of authority what affect they do and don't have? Where is your proof? Why is your weed smoking so important to you?
Here's my proof:
10-25-2012, 11:52 AM
I understand that legalization is something that's not going to happen tomorrow. Is that my fault? no. It's the fault of the American government. Me smoking weed in the northeast United States is not affecting Mexican drug cartels. If i lived in arizona, Texas, something of the like, say what you will. Mexican cartels 1: do not have a high quality product. 2: don't even bother moving marijuana to the northeast US not only is it not worth the time and the risk but the marijuana will have developed mold by the time it even got here.
I also hope none of you have spent a penny in Las Vegas because that entire city was pretty much given to them by the mafias that constructed it. More people now than ever grow their own marijuana and i'll tell you this. If i stop smoking, the drug wars wont end. My 60 dollar a week contribution to a man who has no connections to any gangs of any kind is having zero afffect on the drug war. The rate of people using marijuana is rising and not sinking. Yeah you can say hey why don't you just not smoke weed then we don't have to worry? Well why don't we just not drive cars then we don't have to complain about gas prices? Why don't we stop shopping at monopolys like Wal-Mart so ma and pa shops can once again have a chance?
You can't blame the people when they've already proposed a solution that the government doesn't want to act upon. You blame the government.
I'm not even edge, and I feel the need to jump in and explain to you why you are wrong here. Why do you think that legalization is going to solve any problems? Do you think that everybody who smokes weed now would simply be okay with paying the INSANE taxes the government would place on it? Nope, they would still find dealers to buy it at the same price that they are buying it now. And do you really think the cartels would lay down and say "well its legal, our job is done here" and give up the profits that they make from it? None of the problems associated with weed would be solved through legalization, except that stoners would stop being arrested for having it. And EVEN if legalization would fix any problems, are you proposing that cocaine, heroine, or other narcotics should be legal too?
And comparing smoking weed to driving just doesn't even make sense. People depend on cars and transportation for work and travel. Do you DEPEND on weed for anything? If you do, then you have proven that there is a problem with drug culture.
Public Enemy Number1
10-26-2012, 02:44 PM
You know, legalization isn't this alien idea anymore. Portugal (or spain?) decriminalized all narcotics and has found a steady decrease in overdoses, drug related violence, and all other drug related criminal activity (research it). In cities such as Amsterdam where cannabis is somewhat legal, the surrounding areas actually have a lower percentage of people whom smoke it and use other drugs in comparison to America.
The prices of medical cannabis (which one could expect to see as the price of recreational cannabis) is wonderfully reasonable, and even supposing one was paying even twice the price of a pack of cigarettes to get a 'pack of joints' or whatever, it would be a phenomena deal, and one would be silly to risk moldy, aged, improperly cured, shorted, bags of weed. Nobody will need to buy their weed illegally, especially if they could just grow it.
10-27-2012, 05:59 PM
You know, legalization isn't this alien idea anymore. Portugal (or spain?) decriminalized all narcotics and has found a steady decrease in overdoses, drug related violence, and all other drug related criminal activity (research it). In cities such as Amsterdam where cannabis is somewhat legal, the surrounding areas actually have a lower percentage of people whom smoke it and use other drugs in comparison to America.
The prices of medical cannabis (which one could expect to see as the price of recreational cannabis) is wonderfully reasonable, and even supposing one was paying even twice the price of a pack of cigarettes to get a 'pack of joints' or whatever, it would be a phenomena deal, and one would be silly to risk moldy, aged, improperly cured, shorted, bags of weed. Nobody will need to buy their weed illegally, especially if they could just grow it.
Who are you talking to? It also doesn't really help your case, when you don't know who decriminalized it, and what it actually means. In Portugal, it's still illegal to sell and buy. If you get caught, instead of going to jail for possession, you get treatment if you have a small enough amount. This isn't the same as legalization and wouldn't give you want. The cartel issue would still exist and would only reduce the number of people that are in jail for possession. It would also encourage people to stop using and live more in accordance to our beliefs than yours. If you want to talk about stuff, you might want to actually present some facts that support your statements.
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