View Full Version : Met someone who smokes

11-30-2012, 02:45 PM
I am new to the message board.
For the last 15 years I have as much as possible lived a straightedge lifestyle. My edge like most on the board has ebbed and flowed.
Recently I have been reducing my intake of caffeine.

I met a woman who smokes quite alot which I don't like. In addition she is a phone sex operator.
Both of these things I don't particularly like.

Like a recent post about heavy drinking. How do others on deal with a potential significant other who is not straightedge?
Does it work?

Thanks for everyone's responses and opinons.

11-30-2012, 03:26 PM
Smoking hard because it's constant and makes everything stink. The phone sex part wouldn't bother me at all. it's a job. The smoking would be almost impossible for me to overlook because unlike drinking there are constant reminders and does effect you directly if you're around when she smokes and if she's a heavy smoker then she will be.

11-30-2012, 03:30 PM
So in your opinion the smoking is worse than drinking? I never thought about it that way.

11-30-2012, 03:40 PM
So in your opinion the smoking is worse than drinking? I never thought about it that way.
In terms of how it can affect the other person, yeah. Someone can go out for a night of drinking and it doesn't affect the partner at all. Regular smokers do it constantly and throughout the day. There's no way it could be the kind of thing that only happens when you're not around.

12-01-2012, 11:32 AM
I totally agree with xsecx, if the other person wouldn't be willing to work on that, it'd basically be a deal breaker. Smoking is definitely worse than drinking IMO. My fiance drinks, but only casually, she doesn't get drunk or drink in excess. If we're out at dinner she may have a glass or two of wine, or a beer or two, but that's it. Once I dated a girl who smoked, back when I was a teenager (when I first started claiming edge) and even then I would tell her, she can't do it around me, and def. can't smell like it when we're together. In the end (after a year of dating) I helped her quit entirely.