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01-28-2004, 06:25 PM
From: Dusty SEC (
Subject: Re: sXe Punks Unite
View: Complete Thread (19 articles)
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Newsgroups: alt.punk.straight-edge
Date: 1996/04/09
No holmes, you got your facts wrong. sXe was created as a reaction to
punk, not a subculture of it. It's only been in the last few years with
the sudden "rebirth" of punk that the two got linked. While punk died
in the 80s hardcore and straight edge thrived. Some of us were
around when it was just sXe. sXe isn't about rebellion, it never was.
It's about doing what's right. It's about fighting addiction. It's about
hardcore. It's not about what you wear. You call for unity, but at the
same time alienate those that aren't like you? How the fuck does that
solve anything? I could give two shits about what color your hair is or
what you have pierced. Those things mean nothing. All sXe kids have 2
thing in common, a love for hardcore, and a straight lifestyle. All else
is arbitrary bullshit. Who the fuck are you to tell the people who aren't
like you that because they wear addidas that they don't belong in the
scene? Those are the kids that helped keep the scene alive long enough
for you to find. You're the one who needs to wake up kid.
On 7 Apr 1996, FenrisW2 wrote:
> I'm a fifteen year old vegan militant sXe punk. I am not an addidas
> wearing, kickboxing, emo fuck. I have spiked green hair and an army coat
> with dozens of spikes, chains, and patches. I wear combat boots, and
> although they're leather, I bought them used. I am one of few though.
> Most sXers do have addidas hats and wear nikes, and that pisses me off.
> sXe started as a subculture of punk. Punk is about rebellion against a
> government that hates us. sXe was formed so that punks could find
> direction in their lives instead of being brainwashed by alcohol and other
> drugs. Now it's turned into a sport of who can kickbox the best and put
> down the most druggies. Wake up sXe punks, sXe jocks are giving us a bad
> name. I think it's time to fight back. They don't belong with us.
> XJeff Du PlessisX
> Seperate Society
XDusty XstraightXedgeXcrewX XsecX X
X2108 Chestertown Hall on irc X
XCollege Park, MD 20742 X
X University of Maryland sXe X
X Old School Pride, Old School Ideals, Old School Unity X
01-28-2004, 06:35 PM
Wow, i wonder where that kid is now?
01-28-2004, 06:42 PM
i was thinking that too ed. he's probably be so fucking embarrased to go back and read that now...
01-28-2004, 06:43 PM
ps. dusty why the fuck are you holding on to emails from '96?
01-28-2004, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
ps. dusty why the fuck are you holding on to emails from '96?
while I do haev emails from 96. this is from google. they have all the newsgroups archived.
01-28-2004, 09:47 PM
It's nice to know that if I met you back when I was a really really nerdy 16 year old, you would have still been the man I love today!
01-28-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by xvunderx
It's nice to know that if I met you back when I was a really really nerdy 16 year old, you would have still been the man I love today!
yeah. it's been almost 10 years now, and I'm pretty much exactly the same.
Sean The Red
02-07-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah. it's been almost 10 years now, and I'm pretty much exactly the same.
a good number of people would think that to be kinda lame.
02-07-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
a good number of people would think that to be kinda lame.
and it would be if my life was in the same place.
02-08-2004, 09:58 PM
oh man this cracks me up. sounds like this kid is TYRING to be punk. just be who you are. you dont need to DRESS the DRESS to "be punk" just as you dont need 2 wear the black shirt and jeans to fit in at a hXc show....sheesh....i think this is why xSECx asked why teenagers are stupid....they make us look bad...(mind ya'll again i dont bost my spelling abilities)
02-08-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by XxXmichelleXxX
oh man this cracks me up. sounds like this kid is TYRING to be punk. just be who you are. you dont need to DRESS the DRESS to "be punk" just as you dont need 2 wear the black shirt and jeans to fit in at a hXc show....sheesh....i think this is why xSECx asked why teenagers are stupid....they make us look bad...(mind ya'll again i dont bost my spelling abilities)
the ironic part is that back when I wrote that, I was a teenager.
02-08-2004, 10:09 PM
and your over here making fun of
Sean The Red
02-09-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by XxXmichelleXxX
and your over here making fun of
he makes fun of everyone, dont be surprised
02-09-2004, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by XxXmichelleXxX
and your over here making fun of
yeah, but I wasn't a stupid teen. I didn't say all teens were stupid. just the vast majority.
02-09-2004, 06:59 AM
I was a stupid teen. But it was all a learning experience.
02-09-2004, 08:53 PM
i STILL AM a stupid teen. what kid in HONORS classes gets better grades in the Foreign language then in english...oh well, u need to speak mexican to get a job any where south or PA in this damn country, welcome to america, speak english
Sean The Red
02-10-2004, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by XxXmichelleXxX
...welcome to america, speak english
actually, that racist, has an unfair class bias, and is wrong. America about giving people a new chance, right? So far as I see in the constitution, there is no official language, and even if there were, you could not stop people from speaking whatever language they want, it would not be legitimate to make people speak only english, under freedom of speech.
If you take people from other countries, who try to immigrate, and require them to know how to speak English, you would automatically exclude the portion of the population that does not have the resources to learn it, the poor, the ones that need a new chance the most.
02-11-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
actually, that racist, has an unfair class bias, and is wrong. America about giving people a new chance, right? So far as I see in the constitution, there is no official language, and even if there were, you could not stop people from speaking whatever language they want, it would not be legitimate to make people speak only english, under freedom of speech.
If you take people from other countries, who try to immigrate, and require them to know how to speak English, you would automatically exclude the portion of the population that does not have the resources to learn it, the poor, the ones that need a new chance the most.
so if you move to china, or japan or anywhere in south america, you're not going to be expected to learn the language? and that if you go to deal with government services, like the DMV, they'll have a provided translator for you?
Sean The Red
02-12-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
so if you move to china, or japan or anywhere in south america, you're not going to be expected to learn the language? and that if you go to deal with government services, like the DMV, they'll have a provided translator for you?
Those countries dont have our constitution, which says nothing of requiring someone to speak english, and, as it was setup, those powers not granted in the constitution are things it cant do. Other nations are irrelevent, this is about protecting something you believe in, despite it being difficult for you to deal with.
02-12-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
Those countries dont have our constitution, which says nothing of requiring someone to speak english, and, as it was setup, those powers not granted in the constitution are things it cant do. Other nations are irrelevent, this is about protecting something you believe in, despite it being difficult for you to deal with.
that's a cop out. you're saying something is racist/classist/etc. If it is those things, it's those things across the board and therefore not irrelevant. It's a universal thing. Is it racist for people in china to expect you to speak chinese?
Sean The Red
02-14-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
that's a cop out. you're saying something is racist/classist/etc. If it is those things, it's those things across the board and therefore not irrelevant. It's a universal thing. Is it racist for people in china to expect you to speak chinese?
maybe Racist was a bit harsh language, but thats what I always hear from people who are racist, and it gets associated. As far as economically unfair, yes, they are being unfair. When I responded before, that wasnt the issue at hand.
02-14-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
maybe Racist was a bit harsh language, but thats what I always hear from people who are racist, and it gets associated. As far as economically unfair, yes, they are being unfair. When I responded before, that wasnt the issue at hand.
how is being economically unfair?
Sean The Red
02-14-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
how is being economically unfair?
those that have money, can afford to learn another langauge, those that dont, cant. Thus, only the rich have the ability to escape their situation when those kinds of rules are imposed.
02-14-2004, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
those that have money, can afford to learn another langauge, those that dont, cant. Thus, only the rich have the ability to escape their situation when those kinds of rules are imposed.
How is this unique to america?
also, if this is the case then why are their federally funded ESL programs?
Sean The Red
02-17-2004, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
How is this unique to america?
also, if this is the case then why are their federally funded ESL programs?
we're not talking about the practices in the US, we are talking about how it is unfair to limit imigrants because of language skills
02-17-2004, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
we're not talking about the practices in the US, we are talking about how it is unfair to limit imigrants because of language skills
since when? everything you've said up to here has been about US policy. Also, how is it unfair to limit immigration based on someones ability to exist within your government or system? If someone can't speak the language why should they be allowed in for anything other than a visit or any country? What is it fair to limit immigration on?
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