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01-24-2013, 01:26 PM
So, tell me!

I finished my exams two days ago and I have little less than three weeks of vacation. Don't really know what to do, work a little bit and do some sports probably.
Oh yeah, now that the mouseman is graduated, am I the only one with exams here?

01-24-2013, 02:23 PM
So, tell me!

I finished my exams two days ago and I have little less than three weeks of vacation. Don't really know what to do, work a little bit and do some sports probably.
Oh yeah, now that the mouseman is graduated, am I the only one with exams here?

No, i still have exams, both for my degree and for music as i decided it would be worthwhile getting graded.

01-24-2013, 02:50 PM
i have this old 90's song stuck in my head, kinda hiphop maybe, but i dont know the lyrics or name of the artist or song. the lyrics go dundudu hop dunduduhop or somethin'

01-24-2013, 05:05 PM
Lifestyle_X, you´ve got three weeks to figure out the title of that song, will you manage?

01-25-2013, 04:40 AM
It's probably the Wu Tang Clan with C.R.E.A.M.

01-25-2013, 06:30 AM
Enjoy your vacation! and tell us what you´re up to.

01-26-2013, 03:14 PM
Hmm, I hope the snow will disappear and the temperature will rise a bit so I can do some cycling. Also: visit some people and chilling.

01-26-2013, 05:17 PM
Unusually snowy winter in the south, I don´t bicykle this period either. How about snow tires?

01-27-2013, 12:15 AM
Hmm, I hope the snow will disappear and the temperature will rise a bit so I can do some cycling. Also: visit some people and chilling.

We got an unexpected dumping of snow yesterday. I made the best of it and went tobaggonning tonight.

01-27-2013, 05:54 AM
An unexpected dumping of snow? They dump all the snow of Canada where you live? I don't get it!

01-28-2013, 12:23 PM
But then who can truly understand the forces of nature and the workings of Canadian snow!

01-29-2013, 10:00 AM
For me lately, I've been focusing on limiting my tv and online time so I can focus on my goals of getting a new job, getting healthier, writing more, and getting preggers. ;) It's not very hardcore, but it's me right now. Ha-ha!

01-29-2013, 10:43 AM
Positive stuff - and could all be done in a hardcore mood, why not!

01-29-2013, 01:30 PM
What do you do to get healthier, Carla?

01-29-2013, 07:58 PM
An unexpected dumping of snow? They dump all the snow of Canada where you live? I don't get it!

By "dumping" i just meant it snowed a lot. And they weren't calling for any of it. Although to keep with the trend of unpredictable weather, it was cold today, but the freezing rain has turned into regular rain, and the temperature is supposed to increase almost 20 degrees (celsius) by tomorrow!

01-30-2013, 04:47 AM
Wow, that's insane! Although, it was freezing here a few days ago and now it's 13°C..

01-31-2013, 07:08 PM
What do you do to get healthier, Carla?

I've added green juices and protein shakes, and am trying to eliminate sugar and gluten in my diet. Apparently I'm sensitive to gluten. Also, I've been trying to eliminate stress factors.

02-01-2013, 05:27 AM
When I get bored I like to eat.. candy, chocolates, chips, whatever! Now I try to stop that by eating fruit instead. It works pretty well! Also a lot of running these days cause the weather isn't that great for cycling.

I guess all of you Americans will be watching the Super Bowl on Sunday?

02-02-2013, 08:42 AM
Ha-ha! One of my students asked me who I was rooting for in the Super Bowl and I said, "Is that this weekend? Who's playing?" We don't even have live television in our house right now - everything we watch is on Hulu or Netflix. I'm going to a Groundhog Day potluck today though! :D

02-02-2013, 09:08 AM
World champiosnhip cyclo-cross in Louisville, Kentucky! Go go Belgium!

02-02-2013, 04:21 PM
World champiosnhip cyclo-cross in Louisville, Kentucky! Go go Belgium!

I didn't realize this was a big thing in Europe. It's not here at all.

02-03-2013, 07:24 AM
It's mainly a big thing in Belgium. The Netherlands did well but they don't pay big attention to it.. Still, Belgium prevailed again.
The Americans who were there went crazy tho, they loved it too.

02-03-2013, 11:41 AM
I didn't realize this was a big thing in Europe. It's not here at all.

Nor did i!

02-04-2013, 06:37 PM
Is curling big anywhere else in the World? It is huge here in Canada (I got into it to impress a girl who curled, and it just kind of stuck...), and I know that there are a lot of great international teams (Scotland, Norway, China, etc.) so I am just curious if it has a big following elsewhere.

02-05-2013, 05:30 AM
I thought it was big in Scandinavia, but not sure.

02-05-2013, 10:53 AM
Is curling big anywhere else in the World? It is huge here in Canada (I got into it to impress a girl who curled, and it just kind of stuck...), and I know that there are a lot of great international teams (Scotland, Norway, China, etc.) so I am just curious if it has a big following elsewhere.
you mean competitive sweeping?

02-05-2013, 11:54 AM
oh, man...

02-05-2013, 12:06 PM
you mean competitive sweeping?

Are women better in curling than men? Serious question.

02-05-2013, 03:25 PM
you mean competitive sweeping?

Yeah I suppose that about as exciting as it seems. Like I said, got in to it to impress a girlfriend who curled, and 4 years later I still find myself following it. Plus Canada OWNS so it's an ego boost in a world full of sports that Canada sucks at.

Are women better in curling than men? Serious question.

I don't think so. I personally know more women who curl. But at the "professional" level men seem to be better. Although there are a lot of mixed tournaments with men playing with women, so I don't think the differences compare to other sports.

02-08-2013, 05:49 AM
Anyone doing some traveling this year? Now that Brussels Airlines is flying directly to New York AND Washington Dulles I really want to go back to the States.

02-08-2013, 10:20 AM
Anyone doing some traveling this year? Now that Brussels Airlines is flying directly to New York AND Washington Dulles I really want to go back to the States. I just got back from a trip to Austin. Next week I'm going up to NYC. Later in the year I have to go to Las Vegas, San Francisco, San Jose, Dallas, Atlanta and Austin at least 2 more times. I'm probably going to have to go to Denver twice as well. lots of times in planes, but at least most cities are ones that I like.

02-08-2013, 10:55 AM
Economy or business class?

02-08-2013, 11:05 AM
Economy or business class? premium economy for most of it, but I lucked out and got upgraded to first class on the trip down to Austin.

02-08-2013, 12:42 PM
Haha, nice one dude!

02-08-2013, 06:22 PM
Any of you Northeastern Americans get caught in snowmageddon today? We got 30 cm (a foot) over the last 24 hours, and it is still snowing. I know some parts of the Northeastern United States are supposed to get 60-90 cm. Hopefully none of you got yourselves stuck in that!

02-08-2013, 08:33 PM
Any of you Northeastern Americans get caught in snowmageddon today? We got 30 cm (a foot) over the last 24 hours, and it is still snowing. I know some parts of the Northeastern United States are supposed to get 60-90 cm. Hopefully none of you got yourselves stuck in that!
we lucked out and just got rain. everyone in NY and Boston is getting fucked.

02-09-2013, 09:32 AM
Sounds aweful, I guess it's the equivalent of 5cm snow over here.

02-09-2013, 03:14 PM
we lucked out and just got rain. everyone in NY and Boston is getting fucked.

A friend of mine is dating a girl from Boston, and she has been sending him pictures of the snow being higher than her car. It is pretty insane. Glad you didn't have to face that. It is going to be a mess here on Monday. It is supposed to be 6 degrees (C) and raining by Monday, so there is going to be A LOT of water on the roads and in the waterways between the melting snow and the rain. I am not looking forward to it.

02-09-2013, 04:18 PM
Does it happen a lot during wintertime over there? Are you guys prepared in Canada?

02-09-2013, 05:37 PM
Does it happen a lot during wintertime over there? Are you guys prepared in Canada?

It is hit or miss. We used to get more snow in the past. Sometimes we have winters with a couple of big storms like this one, and other times we have winters like last year where we didn't really get any snow at all. But that is just Southern Ontario. Places like the East Coast, or out west in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta they get A LOT more snow than I get here, and it is a lot colder too.

02-10-2013, 04:11 AM
How do people get to work and such?

02-13-2013, 09:05 AM
Here in Northern NJ (just outside NYC) we got ~11inches of snow during that storm... but it's been soo cold when the sun is down that the melting snow is turning to ice everywhere :-(, so you have to be careful both walking and driving.

02-13-2013, 02:50 PM
Weekend, finally. Best schedule ever, haha!

02-13-2013, 09:14 PM
Weekend, finally. Best schedule ever, haha!man getting out of school is going to suck for you.

02-14-2013, 04:01 AM
I have a few more years to adapt.

02-14-2013, 07:49 AM
I got a call for an interview at a cosmetology school to be their career placement specialist. I applied for this job over a year ago and have no idea what they pay. I told the woman what I make now and she said she'll tell the upper management who will be doing an interview and see what he says. I've been randomly hearing speeches and interviews on the radio and at two different gatherings revolving around "finding the right career" and "one's calling." It all feels very uncomfortable to seek in the middle of the school year, but I think I'm going to go check it out anyway.

02-14-2013, 09:44 AM
I got a call for an interview at a cosmetology school to be their career placement specialist. I applied for this job over a year ago and have no idea what they pay. I told the woman what I make now and she said she'll tell the upper management who will be doing an interview and see what he says. I've been randomly hearing speeches and interviews on the radio and at two different gatherings revolving around "finding the right career" and "one's calling." It all feels very uncomfortable to seek in the middle of the school year, but I think I'm going to go check it out anyway.
Are you under contract at all?

02-14-2013, 10:03 AM
So you know what you get payed at the interview?

02-14-2013, 10:09 AM
So you know what you get payed at the interview?

you usually talk about salary requirements at interviews, at least here.

02-14-2013, 12:41 PM
Hmm I guess here too, but I never did one.

02-17-2013, 09:15 AM
No, the charter school I'm at didn't have us sign contracts. We'll see how it goes.

02-18-2013, 07:33 AM
The sun is shining, so bright! Summer is on it's way, I can feel it.

02-20-2013, 07:47 AM
Look, I know you guys aren't religious or anything, but we just found out my husband has a cyst on his brain. We're going to a specialist next week for more tests and to talk about options. If you all could think positive healing thoughts our way, I'd appreciate it.

02-20-2013, 08:13 AM
Wow, heavy news Carla. The best to you both!! How did you find out?

02-20-2013, 01:19 PM
Look, I know you guys aren't religious or anything, but we just found out my husband has a cyst on his brain. We're going to a specialist next week for more tests and to talk about options. If you all could think positive healing thoughts our way, I'd appreciate it.Absolutely. Thoughts are with you guys and hoping for the best.

02-20-2013, 03:42 PM
Look, I know you guys aren't religious or anything, but we just found out my husband has a cyst on his brain. We're going to a specialist next week for more tests and to talk about options. If you all could think positive healing thoughts our way, I'd appreciate it.

I'm sorry to hear that, Carla. My thoughts are with you both.

02-20-2013, 06:58 PM
Wow, heavy news Carla. The best to you both!! How did you find out?

Shaun has had migraines since he was 12. He had a stroke at 18. The doctors could never figure it out despite all of the CAT scans and MRIs. When he started eating healthier, things started getting better, but lately he's been having the migraines again (on top of gallstones). He had another MRI and we found this out. He might have two surgeries in the upcoming month. :(

Thank you all for the support.

02-20-2013, 08:05 PM
i join the support, i hope everything goes the best way possible

03-04-2013, 08:50 AM
So after some serious thinking, I have decided that I am going to apply to do my PhD. When I finished my Master's I was considering it right away, but a Professor told me to really think about it because it is something that I would have to seriously commit 5 years of my life to. So it has been roughly two years since I finished my Masters, and a PhD is still something that I really want to do, so I figure why not?! So I am going to submit my applications in the Fall to hopefully start in Fall of 2014.

03-04-2013, 09:41 AM
we're expecting our first major snow of the year this week. right at the end of the cold weather.

03-04-2013, 09:43 AM
Shaun has had migraines since he was 12. He had a stroke at 18. The doctors could never figure it out despite all of the CAT scans and MRIs. When he started eating healthier, things started getting better, but lately he's been having the migraines again (on top of gallstones). He had another MRI and we found this out. He might have two surgeries in the upcoming month. :(

Thank you all for the support. Any updates?

03-04-2013, 11:45 AM
we're expecting our first major snow of the year this week. right at the end of the cold weather.

That sucks. But at least you have avoided the snow up til this point while much of the NE united states has been getting nailed.

03-04-2013, 01:16 PM
That sucks. But at least you have avoided the snow up til this point while much of the NE united states has been getting nailed.
It does and it doesn't. It's supposed to be warmer this weekend, so stuff should melt pretty quickly. If it means I can get a day of not going into the office, it's alright by me.

03-04-2013, 09:56 PM
Any updates?
Thank you for asking.

The gallbladder has to go at the end of this month.

The neurologist said that Hubby has a small benign arachnoid cyst, some more blind spots in his vision, and an undetermined black spot on his scan. He has been referred to another radiologist to have another scan to determine what's in the black spot. We'll know more next week.

03-04-2013, 10:15 PM
Thank you for asking.

The gallbladder has to go at the end of this month.

The neurologist said that Hubby has a small benign arachnoid cyst, some more blind spots in his vision, and an undetermined black spot on his scan. He has been referred to another radiologist to drink some dye and have another scan to determine what's in the black spot. We'll know more next week.
How's he taking it all? I can only imagine how scary it could all be and the kind of weight that's on both of you right now. Hopefully the other spot is a benign cyst as well.

03-04-2013, 10:23 PM
everyone show watch this to cheer up.

03-05-2013, 09:15 PM
How's he taking it all? I can only imagine how scary it could all be and the kind of weight that's on both of you right now. Hopefully the other spot is a benign cyst as well.
He's staying positive. The second MRI happened today, so he's a bit woozy from it all.

03-06-2013, 07:00 AM
I hope for you guys it'll be over quick so you can go and enjoy life some more.

03-08-2013, 02:36 PM
Who is (jp) ?

03-08-2013, 05:03 PM
Who is (jp) ?a friend of mine.

03-08-2013, 10:36 PM
I just got a phone call from a friend who is getting married in her backyard in a month. The real kicker? She's asking people to bring chairs, food, drinks, etc.

03-09-2013, 08:00 AM
I just got a phone call from a friend who is getting married in her backyard in a month. The real kicker? She's asking people to bring chairs, food, drinks, etc.

well, does that mean no wedding present? cause it may be cheaper for everybody then!

03-09-2013, 08:16 AM
Is it a tradition maybe?

03-09-2013, 08:46 AM
Absolutely no wedding present! Although she expects presents still.

No, it's not tradition. Her family is very upset that she's doing this. She's just that tacky. I don't mean the backyard wedding; I've been to a couple of those and they were nice enough. It's just that the phone invitation; last minute invite (we used to be best friends); and the actual asking to bring food, drinks, and chairs rubs me the wrong way.

Anyway, I have to share this too:
I was at my roller derby team meeting and one of the girls said, "I quit drinking." To which I replied, "Bitch, you have a beer IN YOUR HANDS." "Uh, I mean, I quit to the point of a three drink minimum." I find my conversations with my teammates hilarious. I've been giggling about that one since Thursday.

Hubby update: He had to have a third MRI done this week. Neurologist appointment will be on Tuesday to discuss results.

Okay, off to the farmer's market in the rain.

03-10-2013, 07:02 AM
It's gonna snow again.

03-10-2013, 11:09 AM
It's gonna snow again.
it's like 19 and sunny here today...

03-10-2013, 11:11 AM
Absolutely no wedding present! Although she expects presents still.

No, it's not tradition. Her family is very upset that she's doing this. She's just that tacky. I don't mean the backyard wedding; I've been to a couple of those and they were nice enough. It's just that the phone invitation; last minute invite (we used to be best friends); and the actual asking to bring food, drinks, and chairs rubs me the wrong way.

Anyway, I have to share this too:
I was at my roller derby team meeting and one of the girls said, "I quit drinking." To which I replied, "Bitch, you have a beer IN YOUR HANDS." "Uh, I mean, I quit to the point of a three drink minimum." I find my conversations with my teammates hilarious. I've been giggling about that one since Thursday.

Hubby update: He had to have a third MRI done this week. Neurologist appointment will be on Tuesday to discuss results.

Okay, off to the farmer's market in the rain.
I never understood people that throw a party and expect other people to do all the work. Especially something like a wedding. Informal pot luck is one thing, but expecting everyone to do the work for you is selfish.

Fingers crossed on the results. I honestly hope that at some point soon we'll get to the point where you do a test and get results super fast. The waiting is the worst.

03-13-2013, 03:23 PM
Half Belgium couldn't get to work or school yesterday because of the snowfall. I guess every country will laugh at us now?

03-13-2013, 10:43 PM
Good news!
Hubby's scans showed that he has a magna cisterna cyst. That basically is a large growth that's not causing damage - so there's no surgery necessary. He's enrolled in a migraine study to see if we can find out what's causing his blinding migraines.

On the same day, I received a call about an interview at a charter school down the street. :D

03-14-2013, 03:13 AM
Haha, awesome Carla! Enjoy your day!!

03-14-2013, 07:45 AM
Good news!
Hubby's scans showed that he has a magna cisterna cyst. That basically is a large growth that's not causing damage - so there's no surgery necessary. He's enrolled in a migraine study to see if we can find out what's causing his blinding migraines.

On the same day, I received a call about an interview at a charter school down the street. :D

I am glad to hear it is good news! And congratulations on the interview!

03-14-2013, 10:20 AM
Good news!
Hubby's scans showed that he has a magna cisterna cyst. That basically is a large growth that's not causing damage - so there's no surgery necessary. He's enrolled in a migraine study to see if we can find out what's causing his blinding migraines.

On the same day, I received a call about an interview at a charter school down the street. :D
That's great news!

03-15-2013, 07:06 AM
I have nothing I have to do today and tons of homework to do yet I can not get myself to 'waste' my day doing the homework... what is wrong with me?!?!

03-15-2013, 08:44 AM
I recognize myself in you easy.

03-15-2013, 08:51 AM
I have nothing I have to do today and tons of homework to do yet I can not get myself to 'waste' my day doing the homework... what is wrong with me?!?!
you have tons of homework to do today. This is also why I dropped out of college and why I hope to never have homework again.

03-20-2013, 06:47 AM
It's time for some sun.. I'm getting really sick of this weather, it doesn't give me a positive vibe. I could use some positivity!

03-20-2013, 08:56 AM
It's time for some sun.. I'm getting really sick of this weather, it doesn't give me a positive vibe. I could use some positivity!Tomorrow's the first full day of spring and it's barely going to be above freezing. I really hope it warms up to where it's supposed to be soon.

03-22-2013, 07:23 AM
Or else it will be a superawesome summer?

03-23-2013, 03:00 PM
My employment contract was set to expire April 1st. Thursday I was offered a permanent job at a school in Calgary doing what I am doing now. Then yesterday the school I currently work at decided to make my position permanent! Within a 48 hour period I went from planning for unemployment, to planning a move to Calgary in April, to having a career in the place I currently work and love! It has been a pretty good week!

03-24-2013, 05:24 AM
Sounds like good times are ahead, enjoy! So now you don't have to move anywhere?

03-24-2013, 08:57 AM
Sounds like good times are ahead, enjoy! So now you don't have to move anywhere?

I don't have to move anywhere! Which is good news because I also recently starting seeing someone, so she wasn't too happy at the idea of me moving across the country for a job!

03-25-2013, 10:00 AM
My employment contract was set to expire April 1st. Thursday I was offered a permanent job at a school in Calgary doing what I am doing now. Then yesterday the school I currently work at decided to make my position permanent! Within a 48 hour period I went from planning for unemployment, to planning a move to Calgary in April, to having a career in the place I currently work and love! It has been a pretty good week!

awesome, congrats, but didn't you want to be a cowboy?

03-25-2013, 10:12 PM
awesome, congrats, but didn't you want to be a cowboy?

Haha I thought about it, but my head is too big to pull off a cowboy hat. I would end up looking like big hoss.

03-26-2013, 12:10 AM
I'm going to KILL one of my yearbook kids! The deadline to the publisher was 10 minutes ago and he didn't do his one page!!!

03-26-2013, 09:39 AM
I just realised that my vacation is already started, kinda. I only need to be at school on Thursday for an hour and that's it! After that two weeks of vacation.
Oh yeah, guys, can you vote on my self-made cyclocross track (http://www.hetbestesvennysparcours.be/default.aspx?inzending=cdc40059-45c2-482c-80a9-3bc760529297#/detail)? And share it too, if you like? If my track ends in the top 10 before May, it may be picked out by the world champion Sven Nys and it will be built etc etc. You'd make me very very happy!!

03-26-2013, 04:45 PM
I'm going to KILL one of my yearbook kids! The deadline to the publisher was 10 minutes ago and he didn't do his one page!!!

I'm guessing putting the page with "THIS KID SUCKS" isn't an option?

03-26-2013, 06:07 PM
apparently im clenching my teeth too much, so they're breaking. gonna have to use one of those sleeping thingys

03-26-2013, 07:24 PM
I still hate ohio.

03-27-2013, 04:41 AM
How come?

03-27-2013, 07:25 AM
How come?

worst state ever. no personality of it's own.

03-27-2013, 10:55 AM
worst state ever. no personality of it's own.

What about when all the little chicks with the crimson lips yell Cleveland Rocks?!

03-27-2013, 11:21 AM
What about when all the little chicks with the crimson lips yell Cleveland Rocks?!
Fuck Cleveland.

03-27-2013, 11:59 AM
Did something happen to you in Ohio, Dusty?

03-27-2013, 01:54 PM
Did something happen to you in Ohio, Dusty?Yes, every time I've ever been forced to be there, it sucked. Not because something bad happened, but because it sucks.

03-28-2013, 08:44 AM
apparently im clenching my teeth too much, so they're breaking. gonna have to use one of those sleeping thingys

Me too! I just found that out last week. Arg. My insurance won't cover it either.

Dusty- I thought I would just put that kid's picture on the page with the caption "The ONLY kid who didn't finish his page" but no, apparently that wouldn't be professional according to Hubby. The child did get it done, but not until nearly midnight.

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off.

03-28-2013, 09:37 PM
Me too! I just found that out last week. Arg. My insurance won't cover it either.

Dusty- I thought I would just put that kid's picture on the page with the caption "The ONLY kid who didn't finish his page" but no, apparently that wouldn't be professional according to Hubby. The child did get it done, but not until nearly midnight.

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off.

viv grinds her teeth too. the mouth guard helps a lot. it's completely insane that the insurance won't cover it, but will cover part of the damage it causes.

And maybe not professional but funny and appropriate.

04-02-2013, 12:01 PM
i'm wearing a poncho

04-02-2013, 12:34 PM
i'm wearing a poncho
one to stop the rain or a totally sweet woven one that hippies wear?

04-02-2013, 01:14 PM
one to stop the rain or a totally sweet woven one that hippies wear?

locally traditional one, wich is closer to a hippie one cause it's not raining

04-02-2013, 01:51 PM
locally traditional one, wich is closer to a hippie one cause it's not raining

dirty hippie.

04-02-2013, 02:37 PM
The Walking Dead finale really sucked.

04-02-2013, 11:56 PM
Thought so too.. it didn't even felt like a finale.

04-03-2013, 07:38 AM
The Walking Dead finale really sucked.

Yeah I haven't been happy with the last three or four episodes. It seems like there was A LOT of build up to a whole lot of nothing.

04-04-2013, 07:09 AM
Wasting time, a great thing!

Went cycling today, 20-25 miles. Can't wait for the summer to do some crazy stuff.

04-04-2013, 10:13 AM
Yeah I haven't been happy with the last three or four episodes. It seems like there was A LOT of build up to a whole lot of nothing.
nothing changed. they killed andrea, but that was about it and even that was pointless. They're still in the prison. The governor is still alive. Rick's just less crazy.

04-05-2013, 04:04 AM
nothing changed. they killed andrea, but that was about it and even that was pointless. They're still in the prison. The governor is still alive. Rick's just less crazy.

i havent watched it yet but i don't feel that spoilt it at all. Walking Dead went downhill pretty quick after the first season. It just seems like a bunch of people with a thin, boring and incredibly slow moving story - the zombies seem to have no realy part in the story anymore and just seem to be little more than a lame annoyance plus theres loads of patchy bits which make me want to scream at the tv.

Has anyone been watching Arrow?

04-05-2013, 01:50 PM
i havent watched it yet but i don't feel that spoilt it at all. Walking Dead went downhill pretty quick after the first season. It just seems like a bunch of people with a thin, boring and incredibly slow moving story - the zombies seem to have no realy part in the story anymore and just seem to be little more than a lame annoyance plus theres loads of patchy bits which make me want to scream at the tv.

Has anyone been watching Arrow?

Yes, I've been really impressed. my only criticism is that for a secret identity dude sure does like telling people about it.

04-07-2013, 10:59 AM
What a perfect day, really nice weather and not too much wind. Too bad that it's gonna rain for the next few days but spring and summer is finally coming!

04-08-2013, 08:43 AM
Did my first Insanity Workout today -- Whew! Hope this energy stays all day until derby practice.

04-08-2013, 10:20 AM
Did my first Insanity Workout today -- Whew! Hope this energy stays all day until derby practice.

what's an insanity workout?

04-08-2013, 11:43 AM
And why caps?

04-08-2013, 01:01 PM
what's an insanity workout?

its a pretty intense workout dvd, i did it a few years back. Its hard work to stick the program to the end, i tried the insanity asylum package after that but that was just killer and i knocked it on the head as there was only so much jumping around in my living room i could handle!

04-10-2013, 02:56 PM
we skipped spring

04-10-2013, 03:03 PM
we skipped spring

not yet. this weekend's gonna be cooler. I am amazed at how much plant stuff came out of nowhere in the last few days.

04-14-2013, 10:37 AM
We had 22°C today, what a surprise! Anyone else enjoying the nice weather?

04-15-2013, 09:57 AM
Deftones' bassist Chi Cheng passed away, rest in peace.

04-15-2013, 10:14 AM
Deftones' bassist Chi Cheng passed away, rest in peace.
man, dude was in a coma for 5 years. that had to be hard for his family.

04-16-2013, 05:49 AM
Yeah, the last year or so he was in a semi state, I believe, actually getting a little better.

04-30-2013, 06:01 PM
The Dutch have a king!

04-30-2013, 06:12 PM
The Dutch have a king!

kinda lame that they didn't wait for the queen to die first.

05-01-2013, 11:03 AM
I think it's different over there, Beatrix also was queen when her mother still lived.

05-05-2013, 10:13 PM
I am addicted to the NHL playoffs

05-06-2013, 09:47 AM
I am addicted to the NHL playoffs

Every year I find myself addicted. Even when the team I cheer for isn't there, I just love the playoff intensity/atmosphere. Last night there were pretty much Team brawls in the Montreal and Ottawa game, which was awesome.

05-07-2013, 10:20 PM
Did you watch the islanders beat the penguins tonight? I love watching the penguins lose. ALSO... vote for my playoff beard!!! https://www.beardathon.com/capitals/easymorgan/profile.aspx also you can pledge it for charity if you have extra cash lying around!

05-09-2013, 08:24 PM
Eee! I just landed a part time summer job at the skating rink! (How perfect, right?) I'm going to be leading the kids summer camp. :D

I'm also doing a work-trade once a week at a near-by yoga studio. Free yoga, pilates, and cross fit classes. This is great because I want to get certified as a yoga instructor so I can start an after-school yoga program. Things are turning up Carla!

05-09-2013, 08:40 PM
Eee! I just landed a part time summer job at the skating rink! (How perfect, right?) I'm going to be leading the kids summer camp. :D

I'm also doing a work-trade once a week at a near-by yoga studio. Free yoga, pilates, and cross fit classes. This is great because I want to get certified as a yoga instructor so I can start an after-school yoga program. Things are turning up Carla!

are you going to paint your eyebrows blue?

05-10-2013, 07:58 AM
Ha-ha! If it will land me the teaching job I interviewed for, maybe!

05-14-2013, 03:22 PM
Ha-ha! If it will land me the teaching job I interviewed for, maybe!
when should you hear something?

05-14-2013, 04:43 PM
I had the second interview on April 15th and at the time, they said they'd let me know by the end of the week. I've called and emailed HR to see of the position has been filled, but apparently they have not. I see now on the website they've changed their dates for job offers. It's a brand new school building being built, so I'm sure they're just really busy. I hope to hear from them soon so I can tell my current place to kiss off.

05-15-2013, 01:07 AM
Fingers crossed!

05-16-2013, 11:41 PM

05-17-2013, 10:48 AM
I really hate having blood taken.

05-17-2013, 11:45 AM
Ick. Why do you have to do that?

05-17-2013, 11:56 AM
Ick. Why do you have to do that?

physical. the joys of getting older.

05-17-2013, 12:31 PM
physical. the joys of getting older.

look at it on the bright side, some decades ago, the cuban goverment needed people to give blood for the revolution, so cuban farmers and people got taught that you could have an excess of blood in your system and people needed to take it out to be stronger, so farmers would just search for people to take their blood and sometimes even slice their own arms to balance it out. so you're probably more fit for the revolution now!

05-17-2013, 02:37 PM
look at it on the bright side, some decades ago, the cuban goverment needed people to give blood for the revolution, so cuban farmers and people got taught that you could have an excess of blood in your system and people needed to take it out to be stronger, so farmers would just search for people to take their blood and sometimes even slice their own arms to balance it out. so you're probably more fit for the revolution now!except that they're the enemy you commie bastard.

05-17-2013, 07:14 PM
except that they're the enemy you commie bastard.

i thought you built space toilets for the russians!

05-17-2013, 07:44 PM
i thought you built space toilets for the russians!
usa! Usa!

05-19-2013, 09:13 PM
we bought a Vanilla Fudge Brownie Breyers ice cream today, a really spiffy one, cause it's imported? it was also pretty expensive for ice cream... cause of the importedness.
anyway, it wasnt really that good... kind of a letdown. i was expecting something like one i tried at dusty's, cant remember the name. but hey, it's still ice cream!

05-20-2013, 04:03 AM
My girlfriend just broke up with me. This sucks and hurts hard!

05-20-2013, 10:23 AM
My girlfriend just broke up with me. This sucks and hurts hard!
that sucks dude. you'll get through it.

05-20-2013, 04:39 PM
My girlfriend just broke up with me. This sucks and hurts hard!
ouch, that sucks. it's time to listen to the descendents maybe.

05-20-2013, 10:26 PM
ouch, that sucks. it's time to listen to the descendents maybe.this is sound advice that got me through many a break up.

05-21-2013, 11:26 AM
My girlfriend just broke up with me. This sucks and hurts hard!

That sucks, man. I am sorry you're feeling shitty. Try not to let it get you too down and just spend tons of time with friends and people who care about you.

05-21-2013, 02:44 PM
I'm relatively excited for the new xbox one.

05-21-2013, 03:17 PM
I'm relatively excited for the new xbox one.

I have heard really good things about it since the reveal today, and apparently Microsoft shares went up immediately. Although the playstation enthusiasts on my facebook seem to think it is going to suck really bad. But I think that is just attachment to a product instead of an unbiased look at it.

05-22-2013, 12:19 PM
Thanks guys. Great music btw!

05-22-2013, 01:18 PM
I have heard really good things about it since the reveal today, and apparently Microsoft shares went up immediately. Although the playstation enthusiasts on my facebook seem to think it is going to suck really bad. But I think that is just attachment to a product instead of an unbiased look at it. I have both, but only really play games on the xbox. I don't see that changing. It's hard to tell based on a single launch what it's going to be like, I'd wait until E3 to see some actual game play and more about the games that will be coming out.

07-03-2013, 08:19 AM
I haven't slept well in 2 days and my throat hurts really bad. I'm not going to go to work, I'm just going to sit and play wrath of the white witch and level up my characters.

07-03-2013, 08:20 AM
I have both, but only really play games on the xbox. I don't see that changing. It's hard to tell based on a single launch what it's going to be like, I'd wait until E3 to see some actual game play and more about the games that will be coming out.

and now I'm still waiting. I didn't care about the used games thing, I actually liked the idea that I could share games with close friends once I was done virtually. I'm going to wait until after launch and everything settles down before I buy anything, which is not how I have done if for the past decade.

07-04-2013, 10:46 AM
I'm really sad my skates broke last night.

07-05-2013, 01:10 AM
How's the throat, Dusty?

07-05-2013, 07:58 AM
How's the throat, Dusty?It's fine but the insomnia is still going strong.

07-05-2013, 11:04 AM
Boo to being sick -- especially in the summer! Bleh.

07-19-2013, 06:46 PM
the heat kinda sucks. I went from Austin back to DC this morning. Austin was way more comfortable.

07-21-2013, 11:03 AM
I'm enjoying this 25°C - 30°C summer. Hope it will stay this way.

Thinking about going to the US next year for 2 or 3 weeks again, like always. (but now more serious)

07-21-2013, 12:10 PM
I'm enjoying this 25°C - 30°C summer. Hope it will stay this way.

Thinking about going to the US next year for 2 or 3 weeks again, like always. (but now more serious)

like to study or jobhunting kind of serious?

07-22-2013, 04:08 AM
Vacation dude.

Is anyone up for a name-this-movie-poster thread?

07-22-2013, 07:35 AM
I'm enjoying this 25°C - 30°C summer. Hope it will stay this way.

Thinking about going to the US next year for 2 or 3 weeks again, like always. (but now more serious)

I would kill for 25-30 degrees. This last week has been 35 plus humidity, which has brought it up to 42 or 43 degrees everyday. It has been awful.

07-22-2013, 03:21 PM
Vacation dude.

Is anyone up for a name-this-movie-poster thread?
DO IT, to both.

07-23-2013, 05:53 PM
I started a thread! But is it in the correct subforum?

08-01-2013, 01:33 PM
How is summer going for you guys? Everything alright?

08-01-2013, 01:39 PM
Not had much of a summer. Weather's been weird and I've had/have a lot of business travel july and august. I just want things to hurry up so Viv and I can move at this point.

08-01-2013, 02:26 PM
Not had much of a summer. Weather's been weird and I've had/have a lot of business travel july and august. I just want things to hurry up so Viv and I can move at this point.

Maybe I missed this in another conversation, but where are you and Viv moving?

08-01-2013, 02:27 PM
How is summer going for you guys? Everything alright?

Summer is going well! I just moved into a new apartment at the beginning of July, which is kind of nice. How is summer going for you?

08-01-2013, 02:42 PM
Maybe I missed this in another conversation, but where are you and Viv moving?
Austin TX next spring.

08-02-2013, 05:07 AM
Summer is going well! I just moved into a new apartment at the beginning of July, which is kind of nice. How is summer going for you?

Cool! Still enjoying your job? I remember you were really glad to have it, cause it was quite interesting.
I'm just killing time training on my bicycle, want to try out some competitions. Also been working two weeks at the uni in Antwerp, moving an research archive. Next week I start working as a mailman for seventeen days.

Austin TX next spring.

What? You guys are leaving VA?

08-02-2013, 08:04 AM
Austin TX next spring.

That is awesome, I think you have mentioned before how much you love Texas. Are you moving for work, or just because you want to?

Cool! Still enjoying your job? I remember you were really glad to have it, cause it was quite interesting.
I'm just killing time training on my bicycle, want to try out some competitions. Also been working two weeks at the uni in Antwerp, moving an research archive. Next week I start working as a mailman for seventeen days.

Yep I love my job. My contract became permanent in April too, which is awesome. That is cool. A friend of mine is a tri-athlete and competes pretty regularly so I have learned a lot about cycling lately, haha. He showed me his bike, and it is worth more than my car is. A job as a mailman sounds interesting!

08-02-2013, 09:05 AM
How is summer going for you guys? Everything alright?

My summer vacation is officially over. I've started training back at a public school (better benefits, better pay, no Turkish principal constantly putting me down and ignoring my ideas). But, the vacation was good. I got to see my family, worked on the reservation and at the skating rink for a short period, and hang out with Hubby.

08-02-2013, 10:01 AM
What? You guys are leaving VA? Yup. 30 years is long enough to be in one place.

08-02-2013, 10:02 AM
That is awesome, I think you have mentioned before how much you love Texas. Are you moving for work, or just because you want to?
because we want to. my job is letting me do it, and Viv will be a lot happier there than she is here so it should be all around awesome. Looking forward to nice comfortable winters and no mosquito summers.

08-04-2013, 07:21 AM
this is sort of sad http://consequenceofsound.net/2013/08/black-flag-sues-flag-henry-rollins-for-copyright-infringement/

08-04-2013, 10:02 AM
this is sort of sad http://consequenceofsound.net/2013/08/black-flag-sues-flag-henry-rollins-for-copyright-infringement/
I'm actually surprised it took this long.

08-22-2013, 02:31 PM
I was in the texas all last week, in NY all weekend and now all I want to do is sleep. It's also feels like the summer went by faster than normal.

08-23-2013, 07:40 AM
I was in the texas all last week, in NY all weekend and now all I want to do is sleep. It's also feels like the summer went by faster than normal.

Summer is definitely going by way too fast. I don't even know where July went, and we are already almost in September.

08-23-2013, 08:53 AM
Sometimes, it feels like autumn here. Not good!

And I just got bit twice by a German shepherd, when I was doing my job as a mailman. This sucks really hard.

08-23-2013, 10:50 AM
Sometimes, it feels like autumn here. Not good!

And I just got bit twice by a German shepherd, when I was doing my job as a mailman. This sucks really hard.

same dog or different ones?

08-23-2013, 01:43 PM
Same dog. I'm participating in a local bicycle race tomorrow and I wonder how bad it's gonna get. The bites are in the same leg; one just above the butt cheek and the other one just above the backside of my knee.

08-24-2013, 11:59 AM
Ha, the race went good! I won the price for best sprinter.

08-24-2013, 01:13 PM
Ha, the race went good! I won the price for best sprinter.


09-01-2013, 09:14 AM
I was in the texas all last week, in NY all weekend and now all I want to do is sleep. It's also feels like the summer went by faster than normal.

Agreed! I worked all summer and it felt like my break went by too fast. Even my visit to Indiana felt rushed. Now that school's started back up, I've been in this go-go-go! state. Starting at a new school is tough enough and right in the middle of transitioning from state standards to Common Core standards is even more difficult, but I'm in a better place. Mesa Public Schools, 7th grade Honors & General Ed. English.

09-02-2013, 01:33 AM
What are state and Common Core standards?

09-07-2013, 07:03 PM
i have a daughter

09-07-2013, 07:06 PM
which means im a daddy


09-07-2013, 07:09 PM
which means im a daddy

that's awesome dude, congrats!

09-07-2013, 07:36 PM
thanks dude, she is awesome, i have never been this happy. Its all quite indescribable right now but its all awesome.

09-07-2013, 07:40 PM
thanks dude, she is awesome, i have never been this happy. Its all quite indescribable right now but its all awesome.

I hope for your sake that she learns to sleep through the night soon. Hopefully we'll be over again at some point soon so we can meet her.

09-08-2013, 06:20 AM
Wow! Congratz to you Ed, and the mother ofcourse!! You guys look really great, must be amazing.

09-09-2013, 09:45 AM
i have a daughter

Congratulations! That is incredible.

10-04-2013, 03:31 PM
Anyone who uses Strava when cycling or jogging?

10-05-2013, 09:22 AM
What are state and Common Core standards?

Whoa, sorry I missed this a month ago. The standards are the goals and skills that every student must achieve at each grade level in the US educational system.

10-05-2013, 09:24 AM
which means im a daddy



10-24-2013, 11:07 PM
Um, who decided it was okay for me to agree to be the Maid of Honor in my friend's wedding? I have no idea how I'm going to meet the expectations of a bachelorette party without losing my mind.

10-25-2013, 02:04 AM
I don't even know what you have to do then. Good luck!

10-25-2013, 09:26 AM
which means im a daddy


i dont know how i missed this, but congratulations man. that's pretty awesome

11-03-2013, 06:35 AM
How is everybody?

11-03-2013, 09:00 AM
How is everybody?
we've had better weeks. one of our cats has cancer and won't be with us that much longer and Viv's grandmother is in the hospital and we're expecting her to pass away any time now.

11-03-2013, 11:12 AM
I'm very sorry to hear this. Does this mean you guys are in the UK now?

11-03-2013, 02:21 PM
I'm very sorry to hear this. Does this mean you guys are in the UK now?

Not yet, we're waiting to hear what's happening when. We're leaving for TX on Tuesday for the rest of the week, so we'll probably come home from that, do a bunch of laundry and leave right after we get back.

11-06-2013, 10:29 AM
we've had better weeks. one of our cats has cancer and won't be with us that much longer and Viv's grandmother is in the hospital and we're expecting her to pass away any time now.

I am really sorry to hear that. One of my cats just passed away from cancer a couple of weeks ago. It always seems to silly to be so hurt when a pet dies, but it is essentially losing a member of your family. I am also very sorry to hear about Viv's grandmother. My thoughts are with you two and your families.

How is everybody?

Things are okay. I just got back from presenting something at a conference in the booming metropolis of Regina, Saskatchewan. The conference was fun and the presentation was received really well.

On a less happy note, my mother is currently being tested for cancer. Apparently there is a growth and her doctor thinks it could be cancer, but nothing is confirmed yet. The hardest part is the waiting for test results because being unsure about something like this is just a terrible feeling. Hopefully it isn't cancer, my fingers are crossed.

11-21-2013, 09:12 PM
I'm not sure if this is the greatest thing I've ever seen or the worst.


11-22-2013, 04:26 AM
Quite amusing to watch tho.

Anonymous Ghost
11-22-2013, 08:12 PM
Some friends of mine did something sort of like that... but kinda cooler xD LOL


11-24-2013, 02:53 AM
i havent listened to stay gold in years, the tyre throw was devastatingly feeble!

11-27-2013, 10:40 AM
Any of you guys use Strava? (did I already ask this?)

12-12-2013, 04:33 AM
Uruguay legalized marijuana, who'll be next?

12-22-2013, 05:18 PM
We had to put one of our cats to sleep on Friday. It's been a shitty week.

12-23-2013, 06:35 PM
Sorry to hear that. Was she/he ill?

Again, I'm waiting for the summer.

12-23-2013, 07:04 PM
Sorry to hear that. Was she/he ill?

Again, I'm waiting for the summer.
yeah we found out he had cancer 2 months ago and it progressed really quickly.

01-06-2014, 01:59 PM
Today I got dumped again by the same girl, for the third time in six months. We had a good relationship for about two and a half years. I'm very sad this has to happen again and although I love her very very much, I'm starting to get kinda pissed off by this shit.

01-06-2014, 09:01 PM
Today I got dumped again by the same girl, for the third time in six months. We had a good relationship for about two and a half years. I'm very sad this has to happen again and although I love her very very much, I'm starting to get kinda pissed off by this shit.
Sounds like it may be time to move on unfortunately.

01-07-2014, 03:54 AM
I guess so. Let's hope it will be a bit easier than last two times.

01-07-2014, 06:20 PM
man, that sucks, dude. but dusty's right, just move on and you'll find another girl eventually

01-09-2014, 01:43 PM
I lost my watch and it really sucks. It's the only "jewelry" I wear.

01-09-2014, 07:02 PM
The one jewelry that's also really useful. Was it pricey?

01-09-2014, 08:46 PM
The one jewelry that's also really useful. Was it pricey?

01-20-2014, 11:18 AM
Is it really 20 January? Can't believe this.. Now that my girlfriend left me, I feel like I'm in a midlife crisis. Is that possible if you're 24?

01-20-2014, 02:49 PM
Is it really 20 January? Can't believe this.. Now that my girlfriend left me, I feel like I'm in a midlife crisis. Is that possible if you're 24?

It's always hard when you are used to something being there and it goes away. You'll get used to it and feel better with time.

01-20-2014, 03:25 PM
It's always hard when you are used to something being there and it goes away. You'll get used to it and feel better with time.

I sincerely hope this description to be true, for everything.

01-20-2014, 08:10 PM
I sincerely hope this description to be true, for everything.

I've been through my fair share of loss and it always has been for me.

01-21-2014, 03:25 AM
It's always hard when you are used to something being there and it goes away. You'll get used to it and feel better with time.

It's the third time it happened to me, so I should know that. I always ended up crazy in love with another girl, but years later. It feels like I'm tired of waiting for the right one (it felt really good with this girl and I was good for settlement). Still, time is moving and you can't do anything about it (not anymore, tried everything..). The sickness, sadness and anger just makes it so hard sometimes, when I think about the memories and that's she's with someone else now.

How is the temperature in the US now btw? I heard it was freezing in every state, last week?

Anonymous Ghost
01-21-2014, 04:12 AM
It's the third time it happened to me, so I should know that. I always ended up crazy in love with another girl, but years later. It feels like I'm tired of waiting for the right one (it felt really good with this girl and I was good for settlement). Still, time is moving and you can't do anything about it (not anymore, tried everything..). The sickness, sadness and anger just makes it so hard sometimes, when I think about the memories and that's she's with someone else now.

How is the temperature in the US now btw? I heard it was freezing in every state, last week?

Maybe that's the problem, you're expecting for someone to come, change your of life and stay forever. What if we've been all living a lie regarding romance and there is no such thing as "THE right one"? What if instead there are "The right ONES"? What I mean is that I like to think that there is always a right person for the right time and when that time is done, we should just let it go and move on without expecting anything to happen. Just live your life, be happy and don't let your happiness depend on anyone else but yourself. A significant other is not supposed to make you happier, but to complement your own happiness. Nothing in life lasts forever whether we like it or not. It's just like having this really great meal that you never want it to end, so you keep saving something for later so it lasts forever instead of just enjoying it while you have it. Then it rottens with time but you don't want to throw it away because you keep remembering how good it was and want to keep eating it and you keep seasoning it trying to make it taste like before. LET IT GO!!! Be happy that you had the pleasure of tasting it, now it's rotten, throw it away and go on with your life, keeping eating it is just gonna make you feel worse with every bite. The best things in life come when you're not expecting them. THERE ARE PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA, you'll meet another great one, and when that one is done, you'll find another. Don't be sad because it ended, be happy because you made it work for the time it lasted regardless if it was just a few days, a few weeks or 20 years. In fact, there's people I can't even stand being with for just a couple of hours, so congratulations!! You made it over two years!! Way to go!! Now... MOVE ON!!

01-21-2014, 05:32 AM
Very pragmatic. I´ll keep that in mind in case it ever happens I don´t manage to finish my sandwich.

01-21-2014, 09:45 AM
A good read, thanks Anonymous Ghost.

01-26-2014, 08:11 PM
I met my nieces for the first time this month. They're 2. They're pretty awesome. My sister and I haven't been on the best terms since before they were even conceived. Her husband it turns out is a heroin addict so we've been trying to do what we can to help out. It's amazing what heroin can do to a family. Dude has stolen from his business. his wife, my parents and his kids savings. he's invented and then killed friends to explain benders. It's been some good times. At least the kids are fun.

01-27-2014, 12:28 PM
I guess he's still around? Can't imagine living with a person addicted to heroin/drugs. How does your sister deal with him?

01-27-2014, 01:09 PM
I guess he's still around? Can't imagine living with a person addicted to heroin/drugs. How does your sister deal with him? He's been kicked out but still around because she legally can't prevent him since he hasn't been arrested for anything yet. She's hoping to start the divorce stuff this week if she can.

01-31-2014, 09:58 AM
Today is the first day above freezing in weeks. It feels damn near tropical at this point.

01-31-2014, 07:11 PM
Heh, it's not been freezing here for almost a year! We're maybe hitting 10°C next week, crazy. I sometimes wonder if winter will even start this year.

02-01-2014, 09:29 AM
Heh, it's not been freezing here for almost a year! We're maybe hitting 10°C next week, crazy. I sometimes wonder if winter will even start this year.

The complete opposite of here. It's been way colder, way longer than normal.

02-02-2014, 10:00 AM
it's the end of the world, guys!

02-02-2014, 02:54 PM
Rodrigo, how are you? It's been a while!

02-03-2014, 07:06 AM
yup, been hanging out. weather is crazy and all that

02-07-2014, 05:52 AM
Still drawing? Cause your website is down, I think.

02-10-2014, 08:44 AM
Goddamnit. Just got a 80 dollar charge from Amazon... Begin December, I bought my sister a Kindle for her birthday and got the option to try free Amazon Prime for fast delivery. I totally forgot that after one month, they automatically charge you for renewel eventhough I don't want it. I guess I lost the 80 dollars... Got one year of Amazon Prime now, hurray.

02-10-2014, 11:04 AM
Goddamnit. Just got a 80 dollar charge from Amazon... Begin December, I bought my sister a Kindle for her birthday and got the option to try free Amazon Prime for fast delivery. I totally forgot that after one month, they automatically charge you for renewel eventhough I don't want it. I guess I lost the 80 dollars... Got one year of Amazon Prime now, hurray.

now you can order everything you want, no matter how heavy it is.

02-11-2014, 05:22 AM
yeah, it seems pretty dope. you can use it for stuffs!

02-11-2014, 05:26 AM
i think i got blocked from this site yesterday from trying too hard to get my sxe.com email account setted up. now i'm scared of opening my mail software to check out if it works and just do webmail

02-11-2014, 08:20 AM
Is shipping to Belgium also free of charge?

02-11-2014, 12:59 PM
Is shipping to Belgium also free of charge?
oh shit, you did it from the US amazon?