View Full Version : your origin...
02-01-2004, 10:42 PM
ok, im new to this little group, and i was just wondering about all of you.
how did you first get into sxe? when did you make the commitment? fun edge stories? anyone ever fuck up and break edge? that last one is a toughie, so if you skip over that no hard feelings.
but yeah, just want some to know about some of your personal experiences.
02-02-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by xlowercasex
ok, im new to this little group, and i was just wondering about all of you.
how did you first get into sxe? when did you make the commitment? fun edge stories? anyone ever fuck up and break edge? that last one is a toughie, so if you skip over that no hard feelings.
but yeah, just want some to know about some of your personal experiences.
i got into minor threat via the beastie boys, learnt of hardcore and straightedge, liked both and gravitated towards both more until i made a concious decission to be straightedge that was nearly 5 years ago. Never broke edge but theres still time:)
I got into punk rock thanx to MTV. I saw green day's basket case, i really liked it,then someone told me it's punk rock.
i saw a concert-date in the local press, and got there. (i was just 10 years old.) i liked it so much, i dig deeper in the scene and i'm still punk after 10 years.
I got wasted a couple of times, and i hated hangovers.
i was listening to hardcore almost from the beginning, but i haven't heard of sXe.
3 years ago i made a friend, who had a sxe badge on. I started asking him about it, and got really interested in this lifeform.
however i'm edge just from dec.1. a really bad hangover made me fed up, and i started to think about "was it worth?! was it good yesterday feeling dizzy, acting stupid, didn't feel good, and end up having a hangover?!" doesn't worth it.
so i gave up my self destruction and find the ultimate lifestyle.
(sorry it's too long...)
02-02-2004, 07:27 AM
As I began to crawl out of the cultural wastle land that was my home town, and the Stepford clone factory that was my schhol (an d I wish I was exagerating here but I truely am not) I began to get exposed to more and more things, I started off on crappy pop punk, and got in deeper and deeper, looking for something I really loved, cared about, and "fitted me", that was how I eventually (and a lot later than I would have liked) found Hardcore.
Befor that at school I'd started going to pubs and clubs when I was about 16. I didn't really care about drinking so I never did for the longest time, my folks had allowed me to have tiny tastes of alcohol since I was a tiny kid, so it held no mistique for me and I just didn't care.
I did end up drinking and the like. One day I was thinking about it, and thought about how much more fun I had without any of that crap, all any of it did was slow me down. I watched all the kids I grew up with falling around in slow motion round the town drunk off their asses, and I saw the sea of humainty going up broad street, fighting, yelling and puking. I acctually felt sick to my stomach as I saw it, and at the same time sorry for them all. Every payday the volume of people on that one street got bigger than any other day. Just people living their unsatisfactory lives and spending theier leisure time and money on things that make them forget who they are and what their life is truly like.
I didn;t want any of that to be me, I didn't want to cover up missery and discontentment with drugs. If I was happy I wanted it to be because I was happy, if i was having a good time I wanted to be having a good time, no more painting over the stains. So I quit it all, and never once looked back.
That and my love of hardcore made me straight edge, and I wish I hadn't wasted all the time I had befor, I could have used the clarity, and I could have used the scene years befor I had it.
Damn Castle Hall, and all the kids you fucked up!
Ps. I had some damn good teachers at that school, but it was the people running the school that had some fucked up ideas and priorities, paintiong over different stains with different paint. But I won't go on a rant about that today.
02-02-2004, 08:11 AM
i started skateboarding in maybe 1985. my whole life basically revolved aroung skating. i met some older kids who skated and listened to some punk rock stuff like the vandals and circle jerks. punk rock interested felt somewhat dangerous. the bands cussed, which now seems like no big deal, but at that time it was rare. so i strated to listen to this punk rock radio show that was on in denver in the mid late 80's. they played a lot of junk, but occasionally played a good song. anyway they played some minor threat one night, and the aggressiveness just appealed to me... so i picked up the tape, yes tape, of out of step. the message appealed to me as well. i wasn't into drinking... i did it once in my life and got sick and hated it. smoked pot a few times but i wasn't into that either. it was like i found this place that was perfect for me. i started trying to find other bands, which now is no big deal because of the internet, but in 1987 there was not an easy way to find out about things. i managed to find uniform choice 'screaming for change' and YOT 'can't close my eyes'.
i made the commitment almost instantly. never broke. never will.
02-03-2004, 11:00 PM
i was in high school when i found drugs, (everyone in my family is addicted to something or dead cause of some sort of addictive substance.) i smoked almost every day and did e all the time, about the time my ex girlfriend started to date my EX bestfriend (im sure you can imagine why i say ex) i started to think "if she would date my friends who is to say she wouldnt take me to court and take away my daughter" i would do anything for my daughter. i havent touched anything since. never will.
02-07-2004, 10:26 AM
I'm fairly new to being edge. I've been edge roughly for 6 months.
My mums smoked since she was 16 and my dad the same. My dad quit 2 years ago, and it was hell for him. My mum hasnt managed to quit, she always has an excuse and lives on the stuff. It makes her breath stink, her face is pasty like shit. Before I heard about sXe, I made a promise to myself I would never smoke and be so reliant on the shit unlike my mum and intend to keep it.
I never did drugs, and I never cared for alcohol. I think it turned me off when my friends and I overdid it at my house and my friend was rushed to hospital with alcohol poisoning. The rest of us were violently ill and i never want to go through that again. People at parties shove it in my face like its supposed to make me have a good time and I just shove it back.
I found out about straight edge from my best friend. She turned straight edge and she told me about it. She of course, didn't stick to it but I did. The whole lifestyle seemed ideal to me, I love the music scene but not the actual drug thing with it.
02-07-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Xx.Becky.xX
I'm fairly new to being edge. I've been edge roughly for 6 months.
My mums smoked since she was 16 and my dad the same. My dad quit 2 years ago, and it was hell for him. My mum hasnt managed to quit, she always has an excuse and lives on the stuff. It makes her breath stink, her face is pasty like shit. Before I heard about sXe, I made a promise to myself I would never smoke and be so reliant on the shit unlike my mum and intend to keep it.
I never did drugs, and I never cared for alcohol. I think it turned me off when my friends and I overdid it at my house and my friend was rushed to hospital with alcohol poisoning. The rest of us were violently ill and i never want to go through that again. People at parties shove it in my face like its supposed to make me have a good time and I just shove it back.
I found out about straight edge from my best friend. She turned straight edge and she told me about it. She of course, didn't stick to it but I did. The whole lifestyle seemed ideal to me, I love the music scene but not the actual drug thing with it.
you should dip your moms cigs in vinegar. or just puts some drops of it on the filter.
03-09-2004, 09:03 PM
I hung out with kids who are big time drinkers and dopers (and still do), but i only drank and smoked a couple times. Then I started listening to metalcore stuff, and eventually just found hardcore. Then, i met this guy who was sXe, and I just claimed. what keeps me strong is my mom and dad, seeing them both alcoholics and whatnot. I was full on with no caffeine, which was hard, but than i slipped and accidentley ate a thin mint girl scout cookie, which has chocolate. I dont think it was really a break, but my buds give me shit about it all the time.
03-10-2004, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by AxZxHxC
I hung out with kids who are big time drinkers and dopers (and still do), but i only drank and smoked a couple times. Then I started listening to metalcore stuff, and eventually just found hardcore. Then, i met this guy who was sXe, and I just claimed. what keeps me strong is my mom and dad, seeing them both alcoholics and whatnot. I was full on with no caffeine, which was hard, but than i slipped and accidentley ate a thin mint girl scout cookie, which has chocolate. I dont think it was really a break, but my buds give me shit about it all the time.
The amount of caffine in chocolat, let alone a thin mint is beyond negligible, there is probabaly the same amout or more alcohol in Soy sauce than there was in that cookie. or in chocolat in general.
03-10-2004, 05:16 PM
yeah my friend tries to give me shit all the time when i have a soda like once in a while. i really dont care i dont do the imortant things and, to me, im sXe.
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