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02-03-2004, 03:38 AM
A website has been established called - it’s an umbrella type-site for NYC area Punks and Skins; we’re working to get it online very soon.
Finally, a site that will bring it altogether for anyone interested in Punk in the NYC region!
This site will have all sorts of features but the primary four are show schedule, bulletin board system, linkage to related sites and Scenester identification. will list the people who make up the Scene, bands, sub-genres, shows, venues, parties, hangouts, etc, etc in an easy way to access any information that interests you.
The site will have a user-friendly calendar of all Punk shows in the NYC area, with an emphasis on DIY shows.
There will be a local calendar and an out-of-town one.
And it’s not limited to straight-out Punk by any means; Hardcore (and it’s variations), Oi!, Ska, Indie, Goth, Metal, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Emo and Pop-Punk are all covered.
How many times have you heard about a show that you’d like to go to - only too late?!
How many times have you been disappointed by attendance at a show you were at?
By having a site that has a schedule of every Punk show - it’s our goal to improve attendance at all shows, not just because of information but also because of familiarity and cooperation.
Just as important as the show schedule is the bulletin board system.
We want to make this the cyber hangout of NYC area Punks and Skins.
The message boards are designed not only for maximum returns of a visitor but to be actually useful in real life.
Discussion will be made about shows; who’s making them, when, what help they need, where, who needs a band on a certain date, who’s playing, who needs a PA, who needs a ride, etc.
Show producers (I don’t call them promoters) can cooperate avoiding conflict and they can even collaborate!
They can get more people at their shows or combine them to make one big one.
Shows can be promoted in better and more efficient ways.
Could you imagine if just 100 visitors to the site printed merely one show flyer each and put it somewhere they thought it would be effective?
The scope is incredible.
What about bands looking for gigs? will be the center for these efforts because it’s for anyone who has anything to do with Punk in the NYC metropolitan area.
People who don’t live here will consult it to see what Punk shows they can make while they’re in town or if they just want to come because of it.
Many Punks are involved with all kinds of organizations – here is a hub to discuss and promote it.
It’s not limited to this or that; this is about all things that Punks are involved with.
We are going to market to every other Punk related site on the Internet.
It’s not just about shows - politics and social issues will be major discussion areas.
What are the opinions of Punks?
What intellectual offerings do they have?, and are examples of similar sites and we plan to link to them and any other Punk site.
These sites will have traffic flowing to and from
Certainly these scene-sites are distinguished in their own right but without NYC where would they be?
How many of their people come here?
How many New Yorkers would go there if they only had a reason and advance notice?
NYC is the birthplace of Punk but it has to catch up to them insofar as an Internet presence.
The Bronx and Staten Island have sites and there are venue sites, but there are too many gaps and voids and the potential is lost.
Not anymore – and together with everyone we’re going to make a difference by uniting.
Stand up and be counted.
Just who are the Punks and Skins that make up the NYC Scene?
Here is a center to make their presence known.
Individuals can register and get their own little homepage.
This is all about people and they need to be involved to really care.
We will link to any Punk-related site.
Tell us what kind of site you have and we’ll put it in the appropriate category so that it can be presented and not just put on a “links” page.
Please forward this to all Punk and Skinhead friends you have.
If you are in a band email me ( your link and we will list you.
Include what your sub-genre(s) is and in what geographic scene you consider yourself.
Of course, you must link to us as well; we’re not your stepping stone, if you don’t link to us - we don’t link to you.
Getting the word out is critical to the success of this site.
Writers and show reviewers wanted too.
This is part of the hurricane in the Underground; the wind has been blowing since the 80’s but the time has finally arrived.
02-03-2004, 05:24 PM
yeah, you're a few years too late. punk's dead.
02-03-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah, you're a few years too late. punk's dead.
In the words of your hero Ian MacKaye "Think again."
02-04-2004, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by SQNS1
In the words of your hero Ian MacKaye "Think again."
#1, he's not my hero.
#2 in the words of slapshot way back 89, "you want to worship wattie, that's not the way to be, you think your look don't matter, well we'll just wait and see. You want anarchy? Well I'll show you some, you won't last one minute if the real thing comes. Punks dead, you're next".
yeah, slapshot is really great.
and there ARE idiots worshipping wattie...
02-04-2004, 05:47 PM
#1, he's not my hero.
=Yeah I know. I’m having a debate with you over in that thread.
#2 in the words of slapshot way back 89, "you want to worship wattie, that's not the way to be, you think your look don't matter, well we'll just wait and see. You want anarchy? Well I'll show you some, you won't last one minute if the real thing comes. Punks dead, you're next".
=Slapshot has some good songs though I was never a fan.
I don’t understand those lyrics though, the lyricist says looks are irrelevant yet the Exploited are constantly slammed for being fashion Punks.
The 2nd clause I concur with.
The 3rd - fuck that nonsense
Punk is not dead.
I’m a Punk - I’m not dead.
I have many many friends and acquaintances that are Punk – they’re not dead.
Many of us embody Punk ideals.
The only people who say Punk is dead are non-Punks.
The Revolution is long over but the Movement continues.
and there ARE idiots worshipping wattie...
=I have no role models, heroes or idols.
Recently though for some reason I made a list of people I admire.
Here’s a peek:
George Lucas
Mike Ness
Jim Carrey
Wattie Buchan
John Wayne
John Lydon
Steven Spielberg
Humphrey Bogart
Archie Leach
02-04-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
#1, he's not my hero.
=Yeah I know. I’m having a debate with you over in that thread.
#2 in the words of slapshot way back 89, "you want to worship wattie, that's not the way to be, you think your look don't matter, well we'll just wait and see. You want anarchy? Well I'll show you some, you won't last one minute if the real thing comes. Punks dead, you're next".
=Slapshot has some good songs though I was never a fan.
I don’t understand those lyrics though, the lyricist says looks are irrelevant yet the Exploited are constantly slammed for being fashion Punks.
The 2nd clause I concur with.
The 3rd - fuck that nonsense
Punk is not dead.
I’m a Punk - I’m not dead.
I have many many friends and acquaintances that are Punk – they’re not dead.
Many of us embody Punk ideals.
The only people who say Punk is dead are non-Punks.
The Revolution is long over but the Movement continues.
and there ARE idiots worshipping wattie...
=I have no role models, heroes or idols.
Recently though for some reason I made a list of people I admire.
Here’s a peek:
George Lucas
Mike Ness
Jim Carrey
Wattie Buchan
John Wayne
John Lydon
Steven Spielberg
Humphrey Bogart
Archie Leach
you haven't been "punk" very long have you?
02-04-2004, 08:24 PM
Nah only since 1986.
02-04-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
Nah only since 1986.
I find this hard to believe on multiple levels.
mostly because I can't imagine any one that lived through the actual death and burial of punk to be so doeyed and naive about it.
02-04-2004, 09:31 PM
I find this hard to believe on multiple levels.
=Because you don’t know anyone like me.
mostly because I can't imagine any one that lived through the actual death and burial of punk to be so doeyed and naive about it.
=Because your thinking is fundamentally flawed.
And with such a beginning how can you have a natural correct mental process?
There are people who say what you just said and there are those who say the opposite.
If I believed those who said that negative shit – than you could understand me because we would both have the same negative mindset.
Or you can believe and Old School guy like me (what i call a 3rd generation Punk).
Who came into the Punk Scene in 1986 (Raleigh, NC)
Returned home to NYC where there was more Punk than many other states.
Moved over to the Arizona scene (1990)
California Scene (1992)
Rejoined the NYC Scene in 2000.
Guys who been there and lived it.
And know a thing or 2 – that you don’t.
02-04-2004, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
I find this hard to believe on multiple levels.
=Because you don’t know anyone like me.
mostly because I can't imagine any one that lived through the actual death and burial of punk to be so doeyed and naive about it.
=Because your thinking is fundamentally flawed.
And with such a beginning how can you have a natural correct mental process?
There are people who say what you just said and there are those who say the opposite.
If I believed those who said that negative shit – than you could understand me because we would both have the same negative mindset.
Or you can believe and Old School guy like me (what i call a 3rd generation Punk).
Who came into the Punk Scene in 1986 (Raleigh, NC)
Returned home to NYC where there was more Punk than many other states.
Moved over to the Arizona scene (1990)
California Scene (1992)
Rejoined the NYC Scene in 2000.
Guys who been there and lived it.
And know a thing or 2 – that you don’t.
uh, dude. I've been around since 88.
and one thing that is true now as it has been years ago, punk is dead.
and my original statements hold.
02-04-2004, 09:52 PM
To hold on to a wrong idea.
See how far it gets you.
02-04-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
To hold on to a wrong idea.
See how far it gets you.
a lot further than holding onto an outdated , dead and irrelevant one.
02-07-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
a lot further than holding onto an outdated , dead and irrelevant one.
Yeah right.
But hey ignorance and arrogance are in vogue more than ever – so you’re cool.
Really cool.
02-07-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
Yeah right.
But hey ignorance and arrogance are in vogue more than ever – so you’re cool.
Really cool.
ignorance would be implying I don't know what I'm talking about, which I do. I just think you're joke. but it is nice to see that you learned how to quote, good job!
02-07-2004, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
ignorance would be implying I don't know what I'm talking about, which I do. I just think you're joke. but it is nice to see that you learned how to quote, good job!
See but that’s’ the thing – you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You just think you do.
You telling a Punk that Punk is dead is like telling a lesbian that there’s no such thing as homosexuality.
You are clearly ignorant of what Punk means and the Punk Movement and Scene.
It’s quite apparent that you were never Punk.
You’ve been to some shows so you think you know the score.
You don’t know shit.
02-07-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
See but that’s’ the thing – you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You just think you do.
You telling a Punk that Punk is dead is like telling a lesbian that there’s no such thing as homosexuality.
You are clearly ignorant of what Punk means and the Punk Movement and Scene.
It’s quite apparent that you were never Punk.
You’ve been to some shows so you think you know the score.
You don’t know shit.
well skippy since I've been in things since just about the same time you got into it, I think it's pretty clear that one of us is living in reality, and the other is holding on really hard to something that is no longer alive or relevant. The punk movement died in the 80s. I don't think you're a punk. I think you're a delusional kid pretending that they've been around longer than they actually have.
and you're right. I was never punk. I've been hardcore forever, but never punk.
02-07-2004, 10:23 PM
well skippy since I've been in things since just about the same time you got into it,
=Douchy, you got into it after me, and you only got into the HC scene.
They were more or less the same thing until the end of the 80s when there was a more distinct fracture.
Though it’s a spawn of Punk and often interchangeable, it’s easy not to embrace many Punk axioms in the strict HC scene.
I think it's pretty clear that one of us is living in reality, and the other is holding on really hard to something that is no longer alive or relevant
=That’s your opinion and it’s based on nothing but your self- righteousness.
And just like your self-righteousness is delusion - all thoughts that come from it are.
The punk movement died in the 80s.
=I suppose all the Punk shows that I go to aren’t really there.
And my beliefs and all other Punks’ anti-mainstream ideals are all fake.
And all this dressing up we do is just so we can get shit.
. I don't think you're a punk. I think you're a delusional kid pretending that they've been around longer than they actually have.
=I’m 38 - a veteran paratrooper, and kid - you don’t believe me cause you’re so used to your own shit talking you come to expect it from everyone else.
And of course you’ll rationalize and fictionalize anything to support your own self-righteousness.
All self-righteousness demands it.
and you're right. I was never punk. I've been hardcore forever, but never punk.
=Finally, some truth from you.
Most Punks I know are more hardcore than most of the kids who call themselves “hardcore”.
Ya know - all those people you say don’t exist.
02-07-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
well skippy since I've been in things since just about the same time you got into it,
=Douchy, you got into it after me, and you only got into the HC scene.
They were more or less the same thing until the end of the 80s when there was a more distinct fracture.
Though it’s a spawn of Punk and often interchangeable, it’s easy not to embrace many Punk axioms in the strict HC scene.
I think it's pretty clear that one of us is living in reality, and the other is holding on really hard to something that is no longer alive or relevant
=That’s your opinion and it’s based on nothing but your self- righteousness.
And just like your self-righteousness is delusion - all thoughts that come from it are.
The punk movement died in the 80s.
=I suppose all the Punk shows that I go to aren’t really there.
And my beliefs and all other Punks’ anti-mainstream ideals are all fake.
And all this dressing up we do is just so we can get shit.
. I don't think you're a punk. I think you're a delusional kid pretending that they've been around longer than they actually have.
=I’m 38 - a veteran paratrooper, and kid - you don’t believe me cause you’re so used to your own shit talking you come to expect it from everyone else.
And of course you’ll rationalize and fictionalize anything to support your own self-righteousness.
All self-righteousness demands it.
and you're right. I was never punk. I've been hardcore forever, but never punk.
=Finally, some truth from you.
Most Punks I know are more hardcore than most of the kids who call themselves “hardcore”.
Ya know - all those people you say don’t exist.
well at least you learned how to take a step backwards, since you're living in a make believe past, at least it's consistant.
it's at this point I point out that you're somehow a military veteran and a punk. well at least you're consistant in your make believe life.
and the "more distinct fracture" would be the DEATH OF PUNK. hardcore kept going, punk died.
you're like one of those japanese soldiers living on remote islands in the pacific and thought that WWII was still going on.
02-07-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
well at least you learned how to take a step backwards, since you're living in a make believe past, at least it's consistant.
it's at this point I point out that you're somehow a military veteran and a punk. well at least you're consistant in your make believe life.
and the "more distinct fracture" would be the DEATH OF PUNK. hardcore kept going, punk died.
you're like one of those japanese soldiers living on remote islands in the pacific and thought that WWII was still going on.
Thanks much
My life is so extraordinary to you that you can’t believe it.
02-07-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
Thanks much
My life is so extraordinary to you that you can’t believe it.
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
02-12-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
So how long has it been for you?
02-12-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
So how long has it been for you?
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
02-12-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
Uh huh.
Your desire to have the last word even though that word says nothing - speaks a volume about you.
02-12-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
Uh huh.
Your desire to have the last word even though that word says nothing - speaks a volume about you.
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
02-12-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
Reinforcement wasn’t necessary.
My files are already updated.
02-12-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by SQNS1
Reinforcement wasn’t necessary.
My files are already updated.
If you have delusional disorder, you may have a fixed belief that lasts at least one month and that others in your life try to tell you is incorrect. You may believe, for example, that you are being followed by the FBI or that you are suffering from AIDS, even though neither is true. You may begin to interpret events in your environment as supporting this belief, although others around you are clear that there is no connection between the events and your delusion. You will likely be unshakable in your belief that you alone know the truth.
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