View Full Version : anti-sxe lyrics?

03-06-2004, 04:16 AM
so i can't decide if this is anti-sxe, or just a song about a sxe guy who wanted to promote sxe to Billy Milano...

Stormtroopers of death: shenanigans

It's just another Saturday hanging out at DBA. All I came for was whisky and a bunch of pints. I have a drink or two or three and I feel like I'm on T.V. 'Cause some girl across the bar is giving me the evil eye. I make a move to see what's up and bump right into some dumb jock. The guy gets pissed and he throws his drink right in my face. Well now he started, but I'll finish. But first I'll have another Guinness. Fighting's such a boring thing I gave it up, I always win.
Ask me how I sleep at night. This is how I live my life. Drinking, smoking, screwing right. Don't tell me how to live my life.
Another guy, another day. Why won't this guy just go away. Talk my ear off and I don't want to smell your breath. You like my band, I understand, when you say, "I love you man". Can't I have just a minute to go take a piss? Then he asks me if I'm saved
and do I walk with God each day. No way man, I have always been down with sin. He tells me God loves all of us as I get back on the bus. 'Cause God just told me I was gonna get my dick sucked!
Ask me how I sleep at night. This is how I live my life. Drinking, smoking, screwing right. Don't tell me how to live my life.

Good for you, you're born again. Yuppie Young Republican. Being straight makes you happy. Stay the fuck away from me. So you're gay, oh happy day. You don't smoke ain't that's just great. Eating meat, oh God forbid. You'll be more fun when you're dead.

Another time, far away, I'm in Tampa, FLA. I saw my friends and we went out and got really drunk. Got in the car and drove around and passed the Yankees training ground. We drove up close and then I went and hopped the fence. I ran around the bases twice and thought the on-deck mat was nice. I put it back though and ran back out to meet my friends. The cops were there, they saw the tape. Straight to jail at any rate. Three month later Howard Stern got George to drop the case!
Ask me how I sleep at night. This is how I live my life. Drinking, smoking, screwing right. Don't tell me how to live my life.

03-06-2004, 05:27 AM
beer, chicks and fighting. so revolutionary... he should do a collaboration with kid rock.

anything that comes out of billy milano's racist, homophobic mouth i am diametricly oppossed to... so i could care less what he thinks of straight edge.

03-06-2004, 02:00 PM
I can't remember the name of the song for some reason, but it was on the where the wild things are comp. "straight edge is great when you're young but when you get older you learn moderation"

03-06-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
beer, chicks and fighting. so revolutionary... he should do a collaboration with kid rock.

anything that comes out of billy milano's racist, homophobic mouth i am diametricly oppossed to... so i could care less what he thinks of straight edge.

you could or couldn't care less?

03-11-2004, 09:19 AM
ok a few weeks ago i was at a stretch armstrong show and guttermouth was there well they started talking shit about sxe. this kid threw a bottle and hit the singer in the face. the singer threw the mic at the kid then dove off the stage. he got hit in the face and was bleeding the read of the night........what a dumb ass

03-11-2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by GIZMO
ok a few weeks ago i was at a stretch armstrong show and guttermouth was there well they started talking shit about sxe. this kid threw a bottle and hit the singer in the face. the singer threw the mic at the kid then dove off the stage. he got hit in the face and was bleeding the read of the night........what a dumb ass

wait, who's the dumbass, the dude the threw the bottle or the singer of guttermouth?

03-12-2004, 06:26 AM
the guy from guttermouth. all night he was displaying sexism and racism. then he said fuck straight edge. during a song he was doing he took a pamplet about veganism from a table in the back and tore it up on stage.