View Full Version : Naive potential Edger

03-13-2004, 01:29 AM
Ok, yah I am lame and I know it, but I am very much intrigued by the sXe way (if that made sense). I just have a few questions.
1. What makes someone sXe?
2. Did anyone receive crap from people (not literally) such as friends, when they found out about you converting (i dont know if those are the right words)
3. Do you have to listen to hXc in order to be a sXe?
4. Is sXe more of a trend, than a belief? (i have a feeling that one will get some nice responses)
5. What pushed you, or made you want to become sXe?

Well those are just a few questions. If you could answer them it would be awesome, since I am in dire need of information. I want to know more about sXe so I can see if it's for me. Thanks a bunch!

03-13-2004, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by Erin
Ok, yah I am lame and I know it, but I am very much intrigued by the sXe way (if that made sense). I just have a few questions.
1. What makes someone sXe?
2. Did anyone receive crap from people (not literally) such as friends, when they found out about you converting (i dont know if those are the right words)
3. Do you have to listen to hXc in order to be a sXe?
4. Is sXe more of a trend, than a belief? (i have a feeling that one will get some nice responses)
5. What pushed you, or made you want to become sXe?

Well those are just a few questions. If you could answer them it would be awesome, since I am in dire need of information. I want to know more about sXe so I can see if it's for me. Thanks a bunch!

1. living drug free and being involved in the hardcore scene, although some people fit the criteria and choose not to be called sxe, its something that fits your beliefs and actions.
2. A little but now its just something they accept, Drinking is a huge part of the culture here in england so when i say i don't drink theres always a bit of shock. But theres not too much crap that they can give you, i mean like, "oh you don't drink whats wrong with you?" is about the size of it.
3. yes but not soley hxc.
4. well i don't follow it as a trend, i wasn't doing it to be cool, some people do. Its more about what i believe i guess.
5. me, its a concious choice i made for myself, one that fitted well and made me happy.

03-21-2004, 03:21 AM
1. What makes someone sXe? No drugs, no alcohol or any premiscious/casual sex (although this is constantly under debate. Also you have to be in the hardcore scene. Though there are many ppl who practice being "sXe" without being in the hardcore scene who don't have a lable.
2. Did anyone receive crap from people (not literally) such as friends, when they found out about you converting (i dont know if those are the right words) Occaisionally I get some shit, but I just say it's my beliefs and if u don't respect them you can go fuck yourself.
3. Do you have to listen to hXc in order to be a sXe? Yes, but u can listen to other stuff.
4. Is sXe more of a trend, than a belief? (i have a feeling that one will get some nice responses) Belief it has been around for awhile and aint fading though some ppl become sXe because it's "cool"
5. What pushed you, or made you want to become sXe? To many kids my age doing drugs and dumb shit I don't wanna be one of those, I also respect my body and don't want to poison it with things that people use as crutches.

03-21-2004, 09:15 AM
what they said.

03-23-2004, 02:38 PM
2. i got a little bit of shit for it simply cause people didn't believe me at first then after they did they just didn't understand why i would do it but when they figured out they were cool with it
5. i used to do alot of bad shit and it simply stopped being helpful(for my stat of being) or fun, and just started being routine and i didn't wanna risk fuckking up my life or getting in trouble for something that did nothing for me so i decided to live a healthier/better lifestyle

03-25-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Erin
Ok, yah I am lame and I know it, but I am very much intrigued by the sXe way (if that made sense). I just have a few questions.
1. What makes someone sXe?
2. Did anyone receive crap from people (not literally) such as friends, when they found out about you converting (i dont know if those are the right words)
3. Do you have to listen to hXc in order to be a sXe?
4. Is sXe more of a trend, than a belief? (i have a feeling that one will get some nice responses)
5. What pushed you, or made you want to become sXe?

Well those are just a few questions. If you could answer them it would be awesome, since I am in dire need of information. I want to know more about sXe so I can see if it's for me. Thanks a bunch!

1. No drink/drugs/ciggies casual sex. Being a part of the local hardcore scene.
2. as Straightxed said in the UK, drinking is the done thing. Virtually any gig u go to, any social place infact associated with hardcore or other music, will have the majority of the people drinking, so yea you take a lil bit of grief. At first glance sXe can come accross as square.
3.Yea, but not exclusivley hardcore. If you dont like hardcore u cant really label yourself sXe, however this doesnt mean u cant follow the ideals independantly. It is a good and healthy way to live.
4. sXe is becoming more trendy at the mo yea, but it has solid roots as a way of life.
5. Rather not say.

03-25-2004, 02:52 PM
HAA HAAA HAAAA!!!! what the fuck is that shit? you don't have to be apart of the hardcore scene to be straight edge. that is the gayest thing I have ever heard.... almost....

you can lisson to any type of music you want, last time I checked ....or did the High Councle of Straight Edge hand down a new rulling when I was not looking?

03-25-2004, 02:54 PM
oh.... also you can't dip chew or snuff as well.

03-25-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
HAA HAAA HAAAA!!!! what the fuck is that shit? you don't have to be apart of the hardcore scene to be straight edge. that is the gayest thing I have ever heard.... almost....

you can lisson to any type of music you want, last time I checked ....or did the High Councle of Straight Edge hand down a new rulling when I was not looking?

If your not apart of the hardcore scene, then your drug free, but not edge.

Drug free + Hardcore = edge

sure you can listen to Greek folk music if you want, and anything else, but if you aint hardcore you ain't edge.

03-25-2004, 04:03 PM
Its not music elitism. You can go around wearing a britney spears hoodie and still be edge as long as ur part of the hardcore scene..

Otherwise your just someone with a healthy lifestyle.

03-25-2004, 04:09 PM
yea ok well then I could say that if your not over 21 your not edge either, dosent mean it's true.

being apart of the hardcore scene has nothing to do with being straight edge.
there are plenty of punk, metal, and even ska bands that are edge and have nothing to do with the hardcore scene except maybe they play a show with a hc band from time to time.

03-25-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
yea ok well then I could say that if your not over 21 your not edge either, dosent mean it's true.

being apart of the hardcore scene has nothing to do with being straight edge.
there are plenty of punk, metal, and even ska bands that are edge and have nothing to do with the hardcore scene except maybe they play a show with a hc band from time to time.

How exactly is being 21 got anything to do with it, Where did these metal and ska people here about straightedge, where is straightedge from. The fact is straightedge was born in and remains relevent to the hardcore scene, if these people have nothing to do with the hardcore scene they are as straightedge as my mum.

03-26-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by xethanx
yea ok well then I could say that if your not over 21 your not edge either, dosent mean it's true.

being apart of the hardcore scene has nothing to do with being straight edge.
there are plenty of punk, metal, and even ska bands that are edge and have nothing to do with the hardcore scene except maybe they play a show with a hc band from time to time.

name some bands that exist completely seperate from the hardcore scene that are straight edge.

04-11-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
HAA HAAA HAAAA!!!! what the fuck is that shit? you don't have to be apart of the hardcore scene to be straight edge. that is the gayest thing I have ever heard.... almost....

you can lisson to any type of music you want, last time I checked ....or did the High Councle of Straight Edge hand down a new rulling when I was not looking?

You are the Dumbest ignorent fucker i have ever heard.. you need to listen to hardcore music to be edge.. you can listen to hardcore and other stuff but if you dont like harcore too bad.. and by the way I would appriciate if you woul NOT use the slang word "GAY" or "GAYEST" as you would say which isnt even a word.. because some of us may be offended by that saying.. thats like me saying "oh thats so Straight"


04-12-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
You are the Dumbest ignorent fucker i have ever heard.. you need to listen to hardcore music to be edge.. you can listen to hardcore and other stuff but if you dont like harcore too bad.. and by the way I would appriciate if you woul NOT use the slang word "GAY" or "GAYEST" as you would say which isnt even a word.. because some of us may be offended by that saying.. thats like me saying "oh thats so Straight"


ahh.... here we have a prime example of that 14 yr old scene king mentality.
You have been straight edge for like what... 6 months, a year maybe...? it's little wankers like you that go around fucking up the straight edge scene for the rest of us, with your "I'm more edge than thou-" thought process, then sell out 3 months later.
There are plenty of straight edge people out there that have no affiliation with hardcore, and I'm sure they would just love some little kid like you to walk up to them and try to convince them other wise.
so before you go calling me the "Dumbest ignorent (or maybe ignorant?) fucker" you have ever met, do me a fav, go take your little 14 yr old self, with your little dyed black hair, and your tight little diesel jeans and your zip front hoodie, and your solder rags, and what ever little scenester shit that happens to be in style today that you wear and go tell Sage Francis(non-profits), or Dan Gump (LSR), or Metal Mark(your Fired) there not edge. Gimmy an update on how that turns out for you ok?

04-12-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
ahh.... here we have a prime example of that 14 yr old scene king mentality.
You have been straight edge for like what... 6 months, a year maybe...? it's little wankers like you that go around fucking up the straight edge scene for the rest of us, with your "I'm more edge than thou-" thought process, then sell out 3 months later.
There are plenty of straight edge people out there that have no affiliation with hardcore, and I'm sure they would just love some little kid like you to walk up to them and try to convince them other wise.
so before you go calling me the "Dumbest ignorent (or maybe ignorant?) fucker" you have ever met, do me a fav, go take your little 14 yr old self, with your little dyed black hair, and your tight little diesel jeans and your zip front hoodie, and your solder rags, and what ever little scenester shit that happens to be in style today that you wear and go tell Sage Francis(non-profits), or Dan Gump (LSR), or Metal Mark(your Fired) there not edge. Gimmy an update on how that turns out for you ok?

francis says himself that he isn't edge.

and I'd like to see you back up the statement that there are plenty of straight edge people with no affliation to hardcore since they're kind of mutually inclusive and everyone that I've ever met that was actively involved in things had a quite strong affliation.

04-12-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
How exactly is being 21 got anything to do with it, Where did these metal and ska people here about straightedge, where is straightedge from. The fact is straightedge was born in and remains relevent to the hardcore scene, if these people have nothing to do with the hardcore scene they are as straightedge as my mum.

The first 'Straight Edge bands' were all punk bands.

you have to remember that Straight Edge and Hardcore bolth originated from Punk Rawk, which in turn (I think) came from a combination of rock and roll, and ska.

so ahhh... I'd have to say that, back in the day, they probably all heard about it from the disgrunteled punk bands back in the 70's and 80's that started wrighting tunes about how they hate all the drunk kids messing up the shows.

now-a-days they hear about it from all the metal bands that call them selves hardcore.

04-12-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
The first 'Straight Edge bands' were all punk bands.

you have to remember that Straight Edge and Hardcore bolth originated from Punk Rawk, which in turn (I think) came from a combination of rock and roll, and ska.

so ahhh... I'd have to say that, back in the day, they probably all heard about it from the disgrunteled punk bands back in the 70's and 80's that started wrighting tunes about how they hate all the drunk kids messing up the shows.

now-a-days they hear about it from all the metal bands that call them selves hardcore.

the first straight edge bands were all hardcore bands. some of the first hardcore bands. they were a driving force for the schism. You have to realize that straight edge and hardcore were both reactions to punk, not spin offs.

04-12-2004, 01:42 PM
no it was not a reaction, it was an evolution. hardcore evolved from punk. it was not a change over night, or a 'reaction' as you put it.

The First Straight Edge bands were infact Punk bands.

04-12-2004, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
no it was not a reaction, it was an evolution. hardcore evolved from punk. it was not a change over night, or a 'reaction' as you put it.

The First Straight Edge bands were infact Punk bands.

actually it was. what are you basing this on, because when I get home, I'm sure I can find the interview with mackaye where he talks about how minor threat said something along the lines of "no, we're not punk. we're more than punk. we're hardcore!"

04-12-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
actually it was. what are you basing this on, because when I get home, I'm sure I can find the interview with mackaye where he talks about how minor threat said something along the lines of "no, we're not punk. we're more than punk. we're hardcore!"
maybe you could, but basing hardcore and straight edge off of minor threat is probably not a very good idea, seeing how there were other Straight edge bands before they came along. Minor threat just came up with the term we all use for the name. the idea had been around long before.

Just cause a band halfway through it's career decided to change what it calls it self, how dose it justify this argument? I don't remember in any of the minor threat songs I have heard, Ian shouting "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck, and lisson to this new thing I came up with called Hardcore!!"


04-12-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
maybe you could, but basing hardcore and straight edge off of minor threat is probably not a very good idea, seeing how there were other Straight edge bands before they came along. Minor threat just came up with the term we all use for the name. the idea had been around long before.

Just cause a band halfway through it's career decided to change what it calls it self, how dose it justify this argument? I don't remember in any of the minor threat songs I have heard, Ian shouting "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck, and lisson to this new thing I came up with called Hardcore!!"


you didn't answer the question.

What idea had been around long before? what other straight edge bands?

04-12-2004, 04:36 PM
the Idea that evolved into straight edge.

I'm sure you have neard of bands like:

the teen idols
Iron Cross
artificial peace

they were all around before or at the same time as minor threat, and were all punk bands.

I mean really... to say that you have to lisson to Hardcore to be Straight edge is pretty much like saying that you have to be gay to get aids.

04-12-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
the Idea that evolved into straight edge.

I'm sure you have neard of bands like:

the teen idols
Iron Cross
artificial peace

they were all around before or at the same time as minor threat, and were all punk bands.

I mean really... to say that you have to lisson to Hardcore to be Straight edge is pretty much like saying that you have to be gay to get aids.

the teen idols had most of the same people. how do you figure the rest had anything do with it? if lyrics, what lyrics? if interviews, what interviews?

at what point where there hardcore bands? who was the first hardcore band? What were some of the first hardcore bands then?

straight edge is a hardcore phenomenon. to seperate them you have something else, something different, to not see or realize that it to be completely ignorant of the concept and history.

04-12-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by xethanx
ahh.... here we have a prime example of that 14 yr old scene king mentality.
You have been straight edge for like what... 6 months, a year maybe...? it's little wankers like you that go around fucking up the straight edge scene for the rest of us, with your "I'm more edge than thou-" thought process, then sell out 3 months later.
There are plenty of straight edge people out there that have no affiliation with hardcore, and I'm sure they would just love some little kid like you to walk up to them and try to convince them other wise.
so before you go calling me the "Dumbest ignorent (or maybe ignorant?) fucker" you have ever met, do me a fav, go take your little 14 yr old self, with your little dyed black hair, and your tight little diesel jeans and your zip front hoodie, and your solder rags, and what ever little scenester shit that happens to be in style today that you wear and go tell Sage Francis(non-profits), or Dan Gump (LSR), or Metal Mark(your Fired) there not edge. Gimmy an update on how that turns out for you ok?

well lets see here... i posted a reply on a message board do you see anything fucking wrong with that.. the whole point of a message board is to post your fucking opinion and thats what i did.. and by the looks of it everyone that has replied to your input that "you dont have listen to hardcore to be edge" has said that you do and that you were wrong.. so suck it up your wrong and you just got all this from me a fourtien year old.. or as you would say "little fourtien year old self with your died black, hair and zip up hoodie.." since you dont know me let me tell you a few facts about me.. since you seem to want to make things up about me right away.. i have (natural black hair) since the day i was born.. iv been edge for about 2 and a half years since i was 12..and i listen to hardcore unlike you.. so i cant wait to hear your reply...


04-12-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
iv been edge for about 2 and a half years since i was 12..and i listen to hardcore unlike you.. so i cant wait to hear your reply...


yea so ahh... did you put 4 years in your profile to make your self look cooler or something? where did I say I didn't lisson to hardcore? why can't you wait for my reply? and do you always use a roman numeral in lue of the word I've?

any way back to real life....

Originally posted by xsecx
the teen idols had most of the same people. how do you figure the rest had anything do with it? if lyrics, what lyrics? if interviews, what interviews?

at what point where there hardcore bands? who was the first hardcore band? What were some of the first hardcore bands then?

straight edge is a hardcore phenomenon. to seperate them you have something else, something different, to not see or realize that it to be completely ignorant of the concept and history.

As far as I know XSecX, the only member that passed over from the teen idols was Ian, who was playing bass for the teens.... if my history is correct, they where the ones that founded the X's as a kind of trade mark for the early movement of straight edge. they went on a west coast tour and played at clubs where they (wouldent normaly be able to on the east coast) would get a black X on there hands to show they were underage. they brought this back with them to the east coast as a symbol of youth and unity.

as far as the lyrics and stuff.... I will post some if you really want, but I don't think that's going to change anything cause your next point would be: "Well Ethan, how can you call/define them as Punk bands", and then were going to be here for another week or 2 going over musical differances and song formats and bla bla bla....

I don't think were going to change each others minds, though I'm sure we could complie a massive ammount of information that would suit bolth our thoughts.

I would like to share something with you that I found today, though it's not completely pertinant to this debate:


it makes for a good read, and shows a few points that I have made, along with some other issues that are overlooked in our current 'tough-guy' scene.

04-12-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by xethanx

As far as I know XSecX, the only member that passed over from the teen idols was Ian, who was playing bass for the teens.... if my history is correct, they where the ones that founded the X's as a kind of trade mark for the early movement of straight edge. they went on a west coast tour and played at clubs where they (wouldent normaly be able to on the east coast) would get a black X on there hands to show they were underage. they brought this back with them to the east coast as a symbol of youth and unity.

as far as the lyrics and stuff.... I will post some if you really want, but I don't think that's going to change anything cause your next point would be: "Well Ethan, how can you call/define them as Punk bands", and then were going to be here for another week or 2 going over musical differances and song formats and bla bla bla....

I don't think were going to change each others minds, though I'm sure we could complie a massive ammount of information that would suit bolth our thoughts.

I would like to share something with you that I found today, though it's not completely pertinant to this debate:


it makes for a good read, and shows a few points that I have made, along with some other issues that are overlooked in our current 'tough-guy' scene.

nelson was also in the idles and also had a lot to do with the actual naming of straight edge.

and I'm saying. you're making statements I don't agree with. I want to know why you think that and what you're basing it on. I know why I think the way I do on the subject and pretty readily provide supporting evidence.

and yeah, it's interesting, but it's also inaccurate. interviews that I've read disprove the first paragraph, so there really isn't any point in my reading it past that.

04-12-2004, 09:59 PM
well keep inmind that intervues and stories, are only looked at from the wrighters/speakers point of vue. it's possable that they may be completely correct, or completely wrong. (although there is a nice section in there about how they all open a diy club and stuff.)

Not to sound like a dick or anything, but you really havent provided any evidence reguarding your thoughts on how hardcore and straight edge did not evolve from punk.

actualy I have never heard any one say that hardcore and straight edge didn't come from punk, so I'm kinda shocked that there is more than one, that thinks that.

04-13-2004, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by xethanx
well keep inmind that intervues and stories, are only looked at from the wrighters/speakers point of vue. it's possable that they may be completely correct, or completely wrong. (although there is a nice section in there about how they all open a diy club and stuff.)

Not to sound like a dick or anything, but you really havent provided any evidence reguarding your thoughts on how hardcore and straight edge did not evolve from punk.

actualy I have never heard any one say that hardcore and straight edge didn't come from punk, so I'm kinda shocked that there is more than one, that thinks that.

actually. go ahead and read dance of days. you'll find the part that I mentioned earlier about minor threat referring to themselves as hardcore. Everything has to have a start. Hardcore isn't any different. Bands might have existed within the same space but they weren't the same. The attitude and musical styles are vastly different.

And you've never heard any one say that hardcore and straight edge didn't come from punk? Have you read any interviews or stuff written back then? How do you think things started? What do you think evolution is? It's a reaction to something. Straight edge was a reaction to punk. It didn't grow from it. It looked at punk and essentially said "damn, that's fucked up, I'm not going to go in that direction, I'm going to go in this one".

and not to sound like a dick, but you totally copped out providing any support for any of your previous statements.

as for the shit that von havoc wrote, the first 2 paragraphs are wrong. the 930 club wasn't the reason for the Xs. Mentioning slapshot and youth crew in the same breath as if they were related is also completely nuts. especially in light of the active fued the scenes had.

04-13-2004, 10:40 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by xethanx
[B]yea so ahh... did you put 4 years in your profile to make your self look cooler or something? where did I say I didn't lisson to hardcore? why can't you wait for my reply? and do you always use a roman numeral in lue of the word I've?

any way back to real life....

listen...im just not going to get into this with you... and why do you care so much about how i spell "I've"
