View Full Version : Corn beef and cabbage....
03-14-2004, 10:53 PM
The way my dad makes it, he uses beer in it. all of the alcohol is burned away while it cooked. i never liked it and i wonder if thats why i hate it so much....this really isnt a question.
04-13-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
The way my dad makes it, he uses beer in it. all of the alcohol is burned away while it cooked. i never liked it and i wonder if thats why i hate it so much....this really isnt a question.
no offense to your dad or anything but "corn beef and cabbage" sounds pretty nasty.. maybe you just dont like the taste of it.. because if all of the alcohol is burned off then i dont see it as being alcoholic..
04-13-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
no offense to your dad or anything but "corn beef and cabbage" sounds pretty nasty.. maybe you just dont like the taste of it.. because if all of the alcohol is burned off then i dont see it as being alcoholic..
as a general rule it takes a long long time for all of the alcohol to burn off.
that being said. how much of it is an issue of the alcohol itself vs supporting the industry that provided the alcohol.
04-13-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
as a general rule it takes a long long time for all of the alcohol to burn off.
that being said. how much of it is an issue of the alcohol itself vs supporting the industry that provided the alcohol.
well that would be this kid that eats the corn beef and cabbage's obligation to ask his dad and make sure that the alcohol was cooked off.. but carry up on your statement.. that is true that he technically is suporting the alcohol company by using there product in his "corn beefand cabbage" concoction..?
04-13-2004, 06:01 PM
thats a little crazy, so what about chicken marsala, and penne ala vodka? are those bad too? cause i love them all.
04-13-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
thats a little crazy, so what about chicken marsala, and penne ala vodka? are those bad too? cause i love them all.
i dont refrain from eating them.. i eat them because my italian mother cooks it for me.. but i dont really think it is a very big deel if the alcohol is cooked off. but when i cook i never put any alcohol in my dishes..
04-13-2004, 11:01 PM
the only thing i cook is macaroni and cheese, so i cant really talk about cooking.
04-14-2004, 06:14 AM
I would assume Corn beef and Cabbage would give you some evil farts.
04-14-2004, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by xvunderx
I would assume Corn beef and Cabbage would give you some evil farts.
hahaha... i wouldnt dare to eat it.. not only would i snort in my sleep i would be ripping ass too...
04-14-2004, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
the only thing i cook is macaroni and cheese, so i cant really talk about cooking.
word. i cook mac and cheese, and somtimes i make corn muffins those are the shit..
04-14-2004, 08:28 AM
Corn Muffins OWN! So do Oatmeal Muffins.
04-14-2004, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by Yokosack
Corn Muffins OWN! So do Oatmeal Muffins.
im allergic to cinnamon so no oatmeal muffins for me.. but corn muffins are still the shit.. so are rice crispy treats..
04-14-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
i dont refrain from eating them.. i eat them because my italian mother cooks it for me.. but i dont really think it is a very big deel if the alcohol is cooked off. but when i cook i never put any alcohol in my dishes..
why does it matter if the alcohol burns off or not? it's not like the amount of alcohol that goes into cooking would be enough to effect you. but then again, neither is the amount in one beer or one glass of wine, so why not drink those with dinner too?
04-14-2004, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
why does it matter if the alcohol burns off or not? it's not like the amount of alcohol that goes into cooking would be enough to effect you. but then again, neither is the amount in one beer or one glass of wine, so why not drink those with dinner too?
it matters if the alcohol is burned of or not, because if its not burned off then it is still there and therefor you are consuming alcohol.. and it dosnt matter if it is enough to effect you or not is there is alcohol present in the drink or dish of food then you are consuming it.. but if it is cooked off then you are not consuming it at all because it is no longer there..
04-14-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
it matters if the alcohol is burned of or not, because if its not burned off then it is still there and therefor you are consuming alcohol.. and it dosnt matter if it is enough to effect you or not is there is alcohol present in the drink or dish of food then you are consuming it.. but if it is cooked off then you are not consuming it at all because it is no longer there..
Why doesn't it matter if it's enough to effect you or not? If you were so against the consumption of alcohol then wouldn't you also be against the consumption of food made WITH alcohol?
04-14-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
Why doesn't it matter if it's enough to effect you or not? If you were so against the consumption of alcohol then wouldn't you also be against the consumption of food made WITH alcohol?
You make an increadibly good point Dusty.. but would you concider it breaking edge to consume foods with cooked off alcohol in them?
04-14-2004, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
You make an increadibly good point Dusty.. but would you concider it breaking edge to consume foods with cooked off alcohol in them?
I don't tend to look at things in terms of edge or not edge but rather consistant or not. For me, it's inconsistant to not drink alcohol but to eat things with alcohol in it, so I don't eat things made with alcohol. straight edge is something that describes who I am, but it isn't something I use as a reason to make decisions. I'm straight edge because of my behavior and habits. I don't have my behavior dictated by what is straight edge or not, if that makes any sense.
04-14-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
I don't tend to look at things in terms of edge or not edge but rather consistant or not. For me, it's inconsistant to not drink alcohol but to eat things with alcohol in it, so I don't eat things made with alcohol. straight edge is something that describes who I am, but it isn't something I use as a reason to make decisions. I'm straight edge because of my behavior and habits. I don't have my behavior dictated by what is straight edge or not, if that makes any sense.
That makes very good sense.. i tend to look at things that type of way to. i agree you are edge by your habits and behavior.. not by using edge as a reason to make decisions.. i find though that i dont use edge as a reason to make my decisions, but i do use it to filter my decisions.. and i live my own life but i use myself not intoxicating as almost a filter of my actions.. but i never use being as as a reason or an excuse.. but i really questioning weather or not i should eat foods with cooked off alcohol in them.. this will be my own decision aside from being straight edge, but i need some advice do you have any additional advice?? by the way your advice has been great thus far..
04-14-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
That makes very good sense.. i tend to look at things that type of way to. i agree you are edge by your habits and behavior.. not by using edge as a reason to make decisions.. i find though that i dont use edge as a reason to make my decisions, but i do use it to filter my decisions.. and i live my own life but i use myself not intoxicating as almost a filter of my actions.. but i never use being as as a reason or an excuse.. but i really questioning weather or not i should eat foods with cooked off alcohol in them.. this will be my own decision aside from being straight edge, but i need some advice do you have any additional advice?? by the way your advice has been great thus far..
thanks. that's the whole reason for the site. to provide kids with a place to talk and to try and give some kind of guidence based on past experience. Only real advice I can give on this is do research. Look into food science and see at what point does alcohol really go away. I'd look into the effects of alcohol on the body and see what takes what. I'd also suggest buying your mom some dealcoholized wine to cook with.
04-14-2004, 05:46 PM
oh man i really love chicken marsala, and penne ala vodka. that sucks. i was gonna get chicken marsala. now what? goddamn it.
04-14-2004, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
thanks. that's the whole reason for the site. to provide kids with a place to talk and to try and give some kind of guidence based on past experience. Only real advice I can give on this is do research. Look into food science and see at what point does alcohol really go away. I'd look into the effects of alcohol on the body and see what takes what. I'd also suggest buying your mom some dealcoholized wine to cook with.
yea this is a great site.. i am so glad i found it, and that i have a place to share my thoughts and get feedback.. but wouldnt getting dealcoholized wine be still supporting the alcohol company? just wondering but i think i am going to stop with foods that have cooked off alcohol in them.. it was always an issue that i was debating with myself weather or not i felt for myself if it was the right thing or not.. but i think i found a good decision for myself.. thanks dusty..
04-14-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
oh man i really love chicken marsala, and penne ala vodka. that sucks. i was gonna get chicken marsala. now what? goddamn it.
if you read the threads i was posting right above you then you would have read not to live straight edge like a set of rules.. and thats what your doing, its ok if you want to give up foods with cooked off alcohol in them if thats your choice as a person.. but i wouldnt if you dont want to and if you like those foods and you dont think that it is the right choice for you to give them up then dont.. Get what im saying??
04-14-2004, 10:26 PM
yeah but shit i didnt even think about this crap
04-15-2004, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
yeah but shit i didnt even think about this crap
could you refraise that i kinda didnt get what you were trying to say?
04-15-2004, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
yeah but shit i didnt even think about this crap
and thats how they get you.
04-15-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
and thats how they get you.
are you talking about the alcoholic industry getting you?? i read the thread and i was a little bit confused about the point you were getting across..
04-15-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
are you talking about the alcoholic industry getting you?? i read the thread and i was a little bit confused about the point you were getting across..
in general. people live their lives with accepted behavior that they never necessarily think about or question. It's this reason that I think most people eat meat. You're just so used to doing certain behavior that you never take a step back and actually think about it from all angles.
04-15-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
in general. people live their lives with accepted behavior that they never necessarily think about or question. It's this reason that I think most people eat meat. You're just so used to doing certain behavior that you never take a step back and actually think about it from all angles.
ok.. good point, do you eat fish Dusty? or are you Vegan?
04-15-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
ok.. good point, do you eat fish Dusty? or are you Vegan?
nope. I eat meat. but I'm also aware and ok with where it comes from. a lot of people aren't.
04-15-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
nope. I eat meat. but I'm also aware and ok with where it comes from. a lot of people aren't.
i am actually the exact same way.. i have eaten meat all of my life, exept i know where it comes from and i understand it... my mother is a vegitarian, so we dont eat alot of red meat in my house, but i dont wear leather because that would be killing the animal for only the perpose of fashion..
04-15-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
i am actually the exact same way.. i have eaten meat all of my life, exept i know where it comes from and i understand it... my mother is a vegitarian, so we dont eat alot of red meat in my house, but i dont wear leather because that would be killing the animal for only the perpose of fashion..
why is it ok to kill it to eat it, but not ok to kill it to wear it? You'd get a lot more use out of leather shoes than you would a steak.
04-15-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
why is it ok to kill it to eat it, but not ok to kill it to wear it? You'd get a lot more use out of leather shoes than you would a steak.
because eating is a matter of survival (not like your going to die or anything, if you dont get your steak).. but by eating you get nutrience and it serves a purpose to your health.. a pair of leather shoes is not going to do you health any good, and it is not a necisity..
04-15-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
i am actually the exact same way.. i have eaten meat all of my life, exept i know where it comes from and i understand it... my mother is a vegitarian, so we dont eat alot of red meat in my house, but i dont wear leather because that would be killing the animal for only the perpose of fashion..
why is fashion different than eating, i mean its not like you need to eat meat to survive its just a choice.
04-15-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
because eating is a matter of survival (not like your going to die or anything, if you dont get your steak).. but by eating you get nutrience and it serves a purpose to your health.. a pair of leather shoes is not going to do you health any good, and it is not a necisity..
yeah, but neither is eating meat. you can live without it, and lots of people do. so that doesnt really hold. You could eat a block of tofu instead of a steak and have the amount of health benefit.
04-15-2004, 02:42 PM
and you still need shoes, so why find alternatives for one and not the other?
04-15-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
and you still need shoes, so why find alternatives for one and not the other?
but you can buy shoes that are not made out of leather.. but if you want to keep and balanced diet (without tofu) you can eat steak because that is part of the food chain and it is a mean of survival.. leather shoes are not
04-15-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
but you can buy shoes that are not made out of leather.. but if you want to keep and balanced diet (without tofu) you can eat steak because that is part of the food chain and it is a mean of survival.. leather shoes are not
You can get shoes that aren't made of leather just as you can get a balanced diet thats not made of meat.
both meat and leather are not parts of survival, and if you kill the cow to make a steak why not use the rest of it like man once did for survival. I mean you feed up this animal and it takes money why don't you make an efficiant kill and use all of the dead animal, although i suggest stopping just before you feed the scraped remnants to your other animals.
It just seems like theres no real reason to wear leather shoes if you eat steak.
04-15-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
You can get shoes that aren't made of leather just as you can get a balanced diet thats not made of meat.
both meat and leather are not parts of survival, and if you kill the cow to make a steak why not use the rest of it like man once did for survival. I mean you feed up this animal and it takes money why don't you make an efficiant kill and use all of the dead animal, although i suggest stopping just before you feed the scraped remnants to your other animals.
It just seems like theres no real reason to wear leather shoes if you eat steak.
I agree but i dont really trust some companys that make leather products that the product is just used from and animal that was killed for food... because i agree i think that you should use the whole animal and if that was deffiently what all of the leather companys did then i would be fine with it but i dont have much trust that they do.. i feel that some of them might just kill the cow for the leather and nothing else. but i am open to suggestions.. and i agree with some of what your saying..
04-15-2004, 08:49 PM
animals are friends, not food
-a sticker from
04-16-2004, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by xshadowsfallx
animals are friends, not food
-a sticker from
i agree but i am aware of what happens to the animals when you eat them and i feel that it is part of thfe food chain and getting a balanced nutrition without tofu.. "fish Are friends not food- finding nemo haha
04-16-2004, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
I agree but i dont really trust some companys that make leather products that the product is just used from and animal that was killed for food... because i agree i think that you should use the whole animal and if that was deffiently what all of the leather companys did then i would be fine with it but i dont have much trust that they do.. i feel that some of them might just kill the cow for the leather and nothing else. but i am open to suggestions.. and i agree with some of what your saying..
but what is wrong with that, i mean if an animal is just killed for food its still essentially unnesescery, why is it ok for a cow to be killed for one luxary and not another. As far as i can tell they will all use as much of the cow as possible because it generates more revenue that way, but it seems if you are against leather but pro meat you are supporting the idea of only using half the cow. I don't think anyone kills a cow just for leather, the meat is what sells the most. personally i don't eat leather or eat beef, its nothing to do with the cow - you kill cows for juicy burgers, theres no reason to not wear leather.
04-16-2004, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
i agree but i am aware of what happens to the animals when you eat them and i feel that it is part of thfe food chain and getting a balanced nutrition without tofu.. "fish Are friends not food- finding nemo haha
Humans don't really need to apply themselves to a food chain. we domesticate the animals and feed the animals in order to feed us, its not really a chain like you would find in nature. A balanced diet most definitely does not mean eat meat, i have not eaten a cow for ten years, i'm not vegetarian or vegan although i was both, and i can state without doubt that meat is not an important factor to your diet, you eat meat only because you like it and its available and its what you have been brought up with, and that is all the reason you need.
04-16-2004, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
Humans don't really need to apply themselves to a food chain. we domesticate the animals and feed the animals in order to feed us, its not really a chain like you would find in nature. A balanced diet most definitely does not mean eat meat, i have not eaten a cow for ten years, i'm not vegetarian or vegan although i was both, and i can state without doubt that meat is not an important factor to your diet, you eat meat only because you like it and its available and its what you have been brought up with, and that is all the reason you need.
i agree.. but we are animals and we are part of the food chain.. just we are a little bit more evolved and we in a way run the thing and we do to much to the food chain.. i eat meat so that i can have a healthier diet.. i rarely eat red meat.. but i do on a occasion to get proties, but i do understand the process of having to kill the cow and i am aware of that i dont just eat meat without knowing about the process..
04-19-2004, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
i agree.. but we are animals and we are part of the food chain.. just we are a little bit more evolved and we in a way run the thing and we do to much to the food chain.. i eat meat so that i can have a healthier diet.. i rarely eat red meat.. but i do on a occasion to get proties, but i do understand the process of having to kill the cow and i am aware of that i dont just eat meat without knowing about the process..
not really. we're not part of the food chain because there is nothing that hunts and eats us. We are removed from that completely as we aren't subject to nature we shape it to our will.
the logical flaw here is that you're trying to say that you be healthy you must eat meat, and that's not the case. You can't really justify meat eating as something necessary because it honestly isn't. I eat meat because I like it and I don't have any moral objection to what it is or where it comes from, but I'm not going to try and say that I eat meat because it's something I have to do.
04-19-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
not really. we're not part of the food chain because there is nothing that hunts and eats us. We are removed from that completely as we aren't subject to nature we shape it to our will.
the logical flaw here is that you're trying to say that you be healthy you must eat meat, and that's not the case. You can't really justify meat eating as something necessary because it honestly isn't. I eat meat because I like it and I don't have any moral objection to what it is or where it comes from, but I'm not going to try and say that I eat meat because it's something I have to do.
well Tofu products do suffice as a much more healthy alternative to meat.. i eat alot of Tofu products.. i jusut started going Vegan not to long ago and its going great.. after seeing a video my the PETA on the meat processing that deffiently made me go Vegan..
04-19-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
well Tofu products do suffice as a much more healthy alternative to meat.. i eat alot of Tofu products.. i jusut started going Vegan not to long ago and its going great.. after seeing a video my the PETA on the meat processing that deffiently made me go Vegan..
that was a quick turn around.
04-19-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
that was a quick turn around.
yea my moms been begging me to not eat eat for years and we are both activists about animal rights.. so i finnaly took the step, and its working out good..
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