if you are posting on stormfront use a proxy as they track IP's and often give them to redwatch etc.
personally i am VERY anti nazi, discrimination and such.
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if you are posting on stormfront use a proxy as they track IP's and often give them to redwatch etc.
personally i am VERY anti nazi, discrimination and such.
......generly i hate em' and i think damn boneheads give real skinheads bad names
I think you could find better resources if anyone was indeed in need of learning about what racism is. I'm hoping that no one here would want to post there.
While i cannot really respect the views or actions of someone who supports and follows racist ideals i find i have a lot more trouble with average people that harbour racist views but claim not to be racist. The extreme views of people that follow national or nazi movements does bother me and i often find the reasoning to be rather deluded but they know they are racist and that they issues and hatred based on peoples hate. But something i hear here a lot is statements like "i'm not racist i just hate pakkis" or "i don't hate them i just wish they would fuck off to their own country". And then of course there are the jokes, i think only a very small percent of people i have met would not find a racist joke funny. Most people just simply don't think about how prevalent racism is in our everyday lives, its ingrained in so many people, just little things like how they react differently to someone of a different race or letting a stereotype of a race be how you view them.
Leftwing Rightwing. political stew !!!!!
I know quite a few bands afiliated to stormfront and they are not all mindless goons. I am sick of isms. The older I grow the more I see through all the political shit. Sure, hatred is bad, but I hate most non straightedge people. I suppose that is fascisim ? For every wrong there is a right. Humans are very stupid really. Very few seeing the world as it really is.
In summary. Im not a racisit. Im not a nazi And think both sites suck and have no idea why this thread is here, or why I am writing this shit in it !!!!!!!
Go listen to GBs and smile lots !!!
Nationalism and fascism it very much serious problem in my country. At us numerous nazi skinhead movement. And the most awful that these people because of the hatred and ignorance try to connect ideas Straight Edge with fascism and racial pride. Also now they try to develop nazi-hardcore a stage they name itself Hardline. But they the only thing with whom only fight it with Anti-fascists. They even not a vegans or vegetarians they do not protect animals.
They like to speak that in a hardcore there are no precise policy and consequently they can easy connect SxE ideas with their nazi shit. I think it's whole shit, i know that many of us are not in politics but always punk/hardcore scene was against racism and fascism.
Punks, Hardcore/sxe kids, skinheads resist nazis on the streets and protect HxC/punk scene from dung. Some in the peace ways, the some people with the fists, but an essence in that that if it to not do that will occur too that has occured in England in in 70th with Skinheads. Many of our comrades are dead for their views. =(
Just look http://www.antifa.org.uk/fallcom.htm
Some of great hardcore lyrics about fascism and prejudice:
Do you think that all blacks are niggers?
Ignorance is an attitude
You wallow in your racist stupor
Have you really stopped to think?
Do you believe in the K.K.K., do you think White Power rules today?
Would you like to shoot a white man dead, would you like to bust
a black man's head - No way!
In England there's the National Front, headstrong bunch, these fuckin' cunts
With Webster as their figurehead, they liberate Hitler as he lies dead
They think they're so bloody tough, paki-bashing ain't enough
Martin Webster like the K.K.K., map out all the plans his own way
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism fucking sucks!
Some black folks call the white race scum, cos they think we are the only ones
Who only live in prejudice, while a lot of blacks live just the same
Do you really judge a man, by the color of his skin
You got the color, you got no right, to fuck up everybody else's life
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism fucking sucks!
CALIBAN - Destroy Fascism Lyrics [Endstand cover]
I've had enough of your lies
Now it's the time to make it stop
Spreading false propaganda how your race is clean
How can you be so stupid? Colour doesn't mean a fucking thing
Now we're ready to fight for everyone's right
To live without fear getting attacked by you
Baldheaded assholes this we won't tolerate
It's time to put end to this fucking hate
Destroy fascism!
Antifascist action now...
Pointing finger - hard times
You think you’re so fucking right
I thought judging people by colour
was like choosing books by its cover
but I’m not surprised
I wonder when people will realize
we’re living in hard times
people aren’t blind to the only thing that shouldn’t mind
these masks of fear shaped in our heads
(the mentality of) “you better have a gun or you’ll be dead”
so easy to hate so hard to embrace
(neglecting essence) everybody deserves a chance
we’re living in hard times
people aren’t blind to the only thing that shouldn’t mind
we’ll speak out, we won’t bow down
fuck your system the time is now
they may set the rules but we play the game
just refuse to be their pawn
so this picture will fucking stain
what do you have better to show than racial pride
'cause I only see old fears that you try to hide
do you even know why you hate?
why don't you get in someone's shoes and face their fate
what if the world refused to turn
your country at the dark
where would you run?
Agnostic Front - Fascist attitude
Why should you go around bashing one another
If they look or think different, why let it bother
Everyones got their own style, their own thoughts
Don't let it bother you, don't let it get caught
Your fascist attitudes - we need the least
With a scene that's fighting for unity & peace
Don't need more anger; no more danger
Don't need to hate; stop before it's too late
Learning how to respect each other is a must
So why start a war of anger & danger among us
It's time to grow out of your nazi hypocrism
When you really don't want part of a fucked up system
Youth Of Today - Prejudice
Arguing your point about which race is best
think you've got some insight well it's just prejudice
and the more that you argue the more mad you get
well I don't want to fill myself with hate like that
you're prejudice just look at you
you're prejudiced and you're gonna be judged too
You've taken your stance, you've split us apart
let's see how many bad feelings you can start
trying to make hatred seem real cool
keep talking those facts you come off the fool
you're prejudice just look at you
you're prejudiced and you're gonna be judged too
unite the race what listen
we may be the same race but we're not the same [ PREJUDICE ]
you're cowards looking for someone else to blame
and you're just a few cause most are too smart
to listen to all the shit that you start
The Brotherhood - No Tolerance (For Ignorance)
So proud of your country, nationalistic pride
So proud of your race, prejudiced mind
If you so love your country why can't you see
It's made up of all people, no racial boundaries
We're dedicated to stop your ignorance
Band together to bring you to your knees
For your actions we have no tolerance
Your blind hate, prejudice, a disease
Beating up kids who don't share your views
Pull that shit with us and you'll lose
We may lose some battles
But we'll win this war
We may have sat complacent once, no more
Not large, but it grows. They and earlier tried to appropriate ideas SxE in the RAC and Hatecore to music but until recently they never tried to play hardcore and to imitate in clothes and mosh dances. All of us it is perfectly known what bad role means mass media can to play, I do not want that people associate my way of life and our scene with any shit like it. = ( These guys never were a part of our scene and now they try to appropriate and to the stupid ideas that that at all does not belong to them.
They sometimes like to mention that Hitler conducted a healthy way of life. It's so stupid... x(
sorry for my maybe not excellent english language