good for you!
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good for you!
Ok , Here it goes :
Im 14 ( turning 15 in october ) .
Riga , Latvia ( That's in eastern europe sorth from Poland , south from Finland )
well... ok : xlooking forwardx , What We Feel , Earth Crisis ( btw it's my favorite band... and OFFTOPIC i've read a wikipedia article , are they really starting to play again ? ) , Evergreen Terrace , Comeback Kid , Undusted ( that's a local band ) , Snobrand ( anther local band ) , Korea and Maxium The hormone .
Earth Crisis - All Out War cd witch i got of ebay
spin kicks & two-step
That would be a tough choise... but definetly one of them would be Earth Crisis
Welcome to the boards.Quote:
Originally Posted by xHalmarux
And yeah, Earth Crisis have been doing a reunion tour thing recently.
and sadly they are comming down here next year on january.Quote:
Originally Posted by D1988
crappy way to start next year
I am wondering if anyone can find someone who makes wearing a bandana look worse than this?
Ok here it goes,
I'm 27
Originally from Salt Lake, but stuck in a shit hole city in Wisconsin right now
Cool Your Jets
Comeback Kid
Last record bought was xAFBx
I'd have to say pile ons and sing alongs
Guess I'll go for:
Path of Resistance
Youth of Today
I'm 21
I'm from the nati in OHIO
I've been edge all my life, but I guess I didnt "claim it" until 1999
I feel like an old woman, far too old to go to shows... which i stopped doing when I was like 15. I listen to everything. I would not title myself hardcore by any means haha.
My top bands currently are:
Saves the Day
Comeback Kid
A Day To Remember
Brand New
Lil Wayne
Rise Against
really i listen to about anything
last cd i bought was Justin Nozuka
that about sums me up i guess
Jees, the people on this board thought I was bad for thinking being 20 was old.Quote:
Originally Posted by XamandaX513
Welcome to the boards.
Justin Nozuka from Toronto Ontario...Yeeeaaaah represent!Quote:
Originally Posted by XamandaX513
21 is still massively young. come talk to me about feeling old at shows when you hit 30.Quote:
Originally Posted by XamandaX513
what made you claim edge at such a young age? what was your exposure to it?
I'm 31
I'm from Austin, Texas
The bands I'm listening to most right now are:
Last record I bought was:
POISON "Mystery Temptation" 7" EP (Not the rock band but the punk band from Japan)
hey! welcome. Our drummer loves Krigshot, weird that you mention them, I thought they are obscure as hell.Quote:
Originally Posted by chargehammer
I dig KRIEGSHOT as well. They are great Swedish hardcore but KRIEGSHOG is a noisey style band from Japan.Quote:
Originally Posted by SgtD
oh, i didn't know about the japanese! I thought you made a typo. i'll look into that then, thanks.Quote:
Originally Posted by chargehammer
Yeah, no worries. A lot of people actually think that. KRIEGSHOG are fairly new (a couple of years maybe) but are more along the lines of GLOOM, DEFECTOR, etc. style. Great in my opinion though. I believe they only have a few releases.Quote:
Originally Posted by SgtD
Hardcore Hell EP
split ep w/DOG SOLDIER
5 Track demo cassette
Bonus cassette with ICONOCLAST and THE SEXUAL covers on it.