i'll be on a lookout. thanks dudeQuote:
Originally Posted by chargehammer
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i'll be on a lookout. thanks dudeQuote:
Originally Posted by chargehammer
Hey, I'm new to this site. 16 years old. turn 17 in august.
I'm from Sweden. And right now I'm really into In Flames
Last record I bought was A sense of purpose
tjenna. var e du från då?Quote:
Originally Posted by halloween
jag brukar inte direkt hänga här längre, men den senaste tiden har jag iaf varit inne ett mindre antal gånger.
ska du kanske se in flames i gbg på lördag? isf kan du leta efter två killar och två tjejer i fula typ målarkläder, jag kommer vara en av dem.
I am 18, and am from a small town in Missouri. I listen to various Metal bands. The last album I bought was Kill 'Em All by Metallica.Quote:
Originally Posted by xsecx
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Charlotte NC
List some bands you are into at the moment. As Cities Burn. Job For A Cowboy. Brand New.
What is the last record you bought? good question. probably Narrow Stairs- Death Cab For Cutie
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?pile ons and sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? I have no idea.
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Portland Oregon
List some bands you are into at the moment.
A.F.I., Bikini Kill, Jack Off Jill, Blaqk Audio, Combichrist, Pigface.
What is the last record you bought?
Umm. I got two at the same time. Blaqk Audio- cex cells and AFI- Answer that and stay fashionable.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Spin kicks and two-step
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
7 seconds, Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits, AFI; I would say their older music when they were considered eastbay hardcore. Albums such as very proud of ya and Answer That and Stay Fashionable. Minor threat did break up and decide not to be sXe anymore and there is fugazi. Im sure you knew that.
I do want to say that I am NOT sXe. I do not do drugs. I did them for years and started at an extremely young age. I did not have a clue about any bands like Minor Threat or any sXe bands or people. Most of the people I have seen with sXe tattoos are pushing needles in to the tattoos cause they are junkies.
I do not want to do drugs at all and my body has been clean of drugs for seven years. I am interested in the sXe lifestyle and I suppose that is why I am here?
I do still smoke but I don’t want to be laying in the gutter shitfaced in my own vomit. I did that to much.
that's awesome that you've been able to make such a dramatic change and stick with it.Quote:
Originally Posted by mscookiecrumbl
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? columbus, OH
List some bands you are into at the moment. the human abstract, avenged sevenfold, also pantera, iron maiden, black sabbath
What is the last record you bought? avenged sevenfold - avenged sevenfold
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? i dont know???
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? i dont know any sxe bands but i want to learn more about sxe! i like metalcore so recommend me any sxe metalcore!
How old are you? 16
Where are you from? edmonton area alberta canada
List some bands you are into at the moment: the used, alesana, escape the fate, jamies elsewhere, from collisions i collapse, bullet for my valentine, TWLOHA, bless the fall
What is the last record you bought?Alesana's Where Myth Fades to Legend
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? honestly, no idea. ^.^
How old are you?
Where are you from?
South West, England.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
AFI (always), Comeback Kid, Norma Jean, UnderOATH, xAFBx, Let Down, Have Heart, 36 Crazyfists, Rise and Fall. Countless more.
What is the last record you bought?
People still buy music? :P
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
A mix of both.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Throwdown. Earth Crisis. Champion. Casey Jones.
I don't really get it...
A lot of new users are "Curious About The Edge.."
You can't learn it! It's who you are.. ! If you wan't to know WTH it is.. then read a wikipedia article..
or they can come here and read stuff and learn in a more active way thats better than a wikipedia article =)Quote:
Originally Posted by xWiglex
No. The forum is for anyone who is straight edge, claiming, thinking about claiming and also anyone who is even just curious as to what straight edge is. It's a place to ask questions and a place to discuss anything to do with straight edge, hence there are lots of different area's within the forum to discuss different things.Quote:
Originally Posted by xWiglex
And ovcourse you can learn what straight edge is. You weren't just straight edge one day, it isn't just "who you are", you had to learn about it and actually get a clue before claiming and discussing straight edge with anyone else.
Originally Posted by xWiglex
If you want to know what it is or what its all about surely the best advice is to go to a straightedge show and talk to the people involved, failing that talking to people involved on a forum is a good runner up. I feel a wikipedia article is a little further down the list somehow.
Wait. They actually have those in the UK?! =oQuote:
Originally Posted by straightXed