Yes, quite a lot.Quote:
Originally Posted by xAllTheRagex
Printable View
Yes, quite a lot.Quote:
Originally Posted by xAllTheRagex
Brilliant. How do I find out about such things?
I don't expect much locally though.
Originally Posted by straightXed
Yet , personally i hate when some one asks me about the EDGE.. I tried to hold down ( the first 100 times or so.. but now im frustrated by that question ) .
And Straight Edge show ?? Your lucky to see 1 HardCore band play in a show crowded with metalheads ( as there are no HXC clubs here.. )
Well perhaps if you were more forth coming and helpful to people not in the know about straightedge you may begin to see more hardcore bands playing! And for the record there are no hardcore clubs here either, just venues that can one night have a hardcore show then a week later have an indie pop outfit playing...the only reason hardcore shows exist is because kids like you or i want to have them and put them on. So if someone is asking you about straightedge and stuff you should see that as an oppertunity to make the scene more vibrant!Quote:
Originally Posted by xWiglex
I'm not sure exactly why you hate helping people out who are genuinely curious about something and its not like its any one particular question, there are so many questions people have. Sure sometimes the questions aren't really anything you'd care to answer and can even at times seem naive/ridiculous but its the effort to learn and seek out advice on things that endears me to the idea of helping someone.
Whats local i mean the UK is pretty small so i'm sure you are near something going on.Quote:
Originally Posted by xAllTheRagex
Sorry if this is a double post... it sort of went wrong before...
st00pid internet.
Anyway, Hi Guys! :D
I've been Straight-Edge about a year now, although I have never drunk alcohol, smoked or taken drugs. I guess I've only been Straight-Edge for a year, because it was only a year ago that I heard of Straight-Edge (CM Punk FTW) and found out what it was. I read about it (thank you Wikipedia) and thought "hey... that's basically what I do anyway".
My Interests are sort of Nerdy/Goth - I like Evanescence, the Dresden Dolls, Apple Computers and Star Trek.
My user-name comes from the way I dress btw; lol - I'm not an ACTUAL Pirate, but I do dress in frilly shirts and sort-of Pirate-y boots :P
Hi, welcome, so did you find out much about hardcore a year ago or is that why you are here? There are some great threads about hardcore bands on here and it really is a crucial part of straightedge.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pirate Dave
I have heard some of the music, I have to admit that I can only stand that type of music for so long, I also love death metal, but I can only listen to it for about an hour before it all starts to sound the same.Quote:
Originally Posted by straightXed
Can you recommend any groups that are a it more... I dunno I guess musical would be the word, than those that I have heard?
I have basically only heard one band that I can remember... Minor Threat? Maybe? I dunno, I can't remember. I seem to remember it being a bit overly heavy for my tastes , like I said it was the kind of thing I could enjoy for a while, but then get bored of and have to listen to something else later.
Hmmm, if you think minor threat is overly heavy then i'm not sure what to suggest, i wouldn't really consider them heavy. Stock bands that seem to be favoured by pretty much everyone in the straightedge community are:Quote:
Originally Posted by Pirate Dave
Youth of today
Gorilla biscuits
Chain of strength
10 yard fight
In my eyes
Sorry, I'm not sure I meant heavy, I often listen to Deicide and Mayhem which I guess much heavier, but yeah... I probably meant something else.Quote:
Originally Posted by straightXed
I will certainly look into the bands you suggested though :)
You really should, the music is what makes straightedge what it is, its more than just avoiding drugs, to be straightedge is largely about the music.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pirate Dave
You'llbe happy to know I now own some Gorilla Biscuits songs. Good old iTunes :PQuote:
Originally Posted by straightXed
And how do you like them?Quote:
Originally Posted by Pirate Dave
They're good, I only have 2 songs, as iTunes can be a bit of a rip off, Start Today and Gorilla Biscuits, I probs be getting more. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by straightXed
Originally Posted by straightXed
Heh , there are no bands either , sure there are 3-4 bands + my band.. Yet , seeing the same bands over and over again isn't that exiting .
And , dude you never been in my hometown.. I NEVER SAW A STRAIGHT EDGER in my life ( well , in my city at least ) . I know there are some , yet only a few . So , all this mob of 1,000,000 ( ~ population of riga ) - 14-50 edgers.. and they start asking... It's not like they will pass it on , they will say " ask that guy , he told me " to their friends .