Ok, ok... I've never heard in my life about this Courage Crew. What exactly is it????
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Ok, ok... I've never heard in my life about this Courage Crew. What exactly is it????
Goodness. You'll need to read through this thread to get an idea.
I have never had any problems with the courage crew. At least not to my knowledge. I think that the stories surrounding them have been blown out of proportion. I live in Norther Kentucky and go to shows here in Cincy Ohio all the time. I have never been messed with and I can tell you I get pretty rough at shows. I think we all just want to have fun and to know there is a safe environment where we can do so. I suspect that since the sxe lifestyle is one that is ridiculed by the general public and particularly in the club scene, I think it a good thing to have a brotherhood of friends to stand up for this minority-though it seems to be growing. And while I in no way advocate violence, and find it necessary only in extreme cases, its nice to know that there are others out there with a helping hand to pull one up off the floor.
I've been to a lot of Chicago and Chicago area shows and have seen a lot of things. Personally, I just don't see what's positive about Courage Crew. I've seen more blood than anything else when it comes to Courage Crew involvement, things seem to be way too negative.
All I can say is that I have mad respect for the courage crew. If I EVER had the oppourtunity I would join. That brotherhood is so strong. Being from the metro detroit area you learn to respect them.. Because nobody can fuck with CC. Ever.
Every movement has a militant side.. And courage crew is somewhat militant. It doesn't mean their menace's though. They keep people from posioning the scene. Beat one, save twenty-five.
They i can't respect them, they have done nothing to earn respect from me. I think they are a menace and really quite ignorant to boot. I believe that they themselves poison the scene and degrade it more than they prevent it. Beat one, save twenty five...thats just bullshit.
All of you talk shit about courage crew and militant edge yet I guarantee you none of you would go up to a courage crew member and disrespect them like that.
They keep shows free of skinhead douchebags trying to cause trouble. If you blow smoke in their face or act like a drunken idiot, yes they will hit you. They keep dumbass toughguy kids in line.
So when I have first hand seen a Courage Crew dude beat some one up for looking at them the wrong way I'm suppose to respect that?
I have seen this kind of shit happen more than once, kids getting beat up by Courage Crew dudes just because the dudes don't like them, petty shit. Rarely provoked, but I've seen that too. Either way it's lame.
I've definitely seen Courage Crew dudes beat up other straight edge dudes too.
If i would or i wouldn't what difference does it make. I mean if you think a homicidal maniac killer is wrong for stabbing people in the head would you tell him that? I mean being smart enough not to say what you think about people who clearly can't engage in a verbal discourse without getting violent says more about the courage crew than it does about the people who choose not to talk to them. That said, i would happily chat to them and if they disagree with my opinion of them then all they have to do is prove me wrong, but thus far they haven't managed that.
As for keeping the shows free of skinhead douchebags...well a lot of places seem to get on just fine with out them. And i have to say from what i understand they act like the dumbass toughguy kids and react to a lot less than smoke in their face. Perhaps they all don't act as bad as the people that have helped shape my opinion of the crew as a whole but seriously i have no respect for them and find them to be rather ignorant and thugish. Like i say i am open to being proved wrong but i hear more and more negative and next to no positive.
I have NEVER seen this happen where I live. And I'm talking solely of the detroit chapter. I know none of them personally but all of them have never started a problem unless they were provoked or felt that a physical intevention was nesseccary.
I saw something recent, the kid claims to be Courage Crew, I have no idea what makes it official and what doesn't. It's not just the city of Chicago, it's the suburbs and other areas in Illinoise and Iowa. I'm not going into details because I don't feel like being harassed.
I've been going to shows for well over 10 years, I've seen a lot of random things. I don't exactly have a diary I can pull out and give you the exact names and locations.
so in all honesty you have no idea if what you seen was courage crew or not yet you will get on here an came we did it. and who is going to harass you? i f we did it we did it. but dont come on here and claim you have seen all this horrible shit and blame it on us if you dont even know. and if you have been going to shows for ten yrs and you dont know who is who that is strange.
So hold on, if someone is claiming they are courage crew, how is one supposed to know if they are or aren't?
In all honesty, if someone is claiming they are courage crew (fuck knows why anyone would want to do that) it gives the idea that they are courage crew.
I have to ask, why do you think so many people have a negative impression of courage crew based on things they have seen?
No, the kid claims to be Courage Crew, everyone says he is. So I'm going with yes, he is. People talk a lot of shit and I'm not going to get myself involved in stuff so that the next time I see this kid, or a friend of his, they won't bother me or try to get me involved in all this shit.
I avoid interacting with people that are Courage Crew or hang out with them, so why in the world would I know who any of them are if I see them randomly and not frequently? There's dudes around now that weren't 10 years ago, let alone 5. I don't actively get involved with them, or want to pay attention to them forced to. Sorry I don't have the latest roster of Courage Crew players hanging on my wall so I can memorize faces with names, sheesh.
You have no fucking clue what I have or haven't seen. You have no idea what kind of person I am. So if you don't believe me, then you don't. I don't give a shit. I'm not going to back down from what I've stated, it's what I've seen and it's the truth. Arguing with me isn't going to change that.
i believe that most people over exaggerate and just figure that every asshole who is straightedge and gets in a fight is courage crew. i dont think any of you have ever even met any of us and really only base your idea of us on what you have heard or read. and if you want to know if someone is courage crew or not ask them. no one is going to beat you up for asking a question. but if you are too scared to ask most courage crew will being wearing dog tags and usually some form of shirt or hoodie or jacket that says courage crew. we dont hide who we are that way it is easy to tell who we are.
i got a question for you. why would you wanna talk shit on something you dont understand or even know about?
why do you avoid courage crew? and no one is saying you should have a roster of people but if you are all involved in hardcore as much as you say you are you should know who is around and what is going on around you in your scene. you are the one who bragged about going to shows for 10 yrs. and in all actuality chicago is an FSU city. so you really arent going to see alot of us running around and fighting people in other peoples cities to the level that you are making out to be. so i am calling bullshit
So if someone says they are courage crew we assume they are until you tell us they aren't. Its not exactly exageration when people are calling themselves courage crew, its not my fault that lots of other assholes get lumped in with courage crew but if the things that i and others are basing their opinions on is the actions of people actively calling themselves courage crew then i feel theres not much to ask them. If you tell me they aren't courage crew then so be it but i don't want to interact with them and if these people calling themselves courage crew are giving you a bad name why not deal with it in an appropiate courage crew fashion. I'm not about to ask someone that calls themselves courage crew if they are courage crew, it really has nothing to do with being scared its simply that i just disagree with the stance, the attitude and just think it seems like slightly volotile meatheads mascerading as somekind of positive force. It doesn't endear me to interacting with them, i mean i interact with you and thats painful enough!!
I base my opinion on the information i am given, you yourself have fucked up and idiotic ideas in my opinion and i just put that opinion forward, if you give me different information my opinion will change but as it stands i still see courage crew as a negative thing. I have read your posts and how you explain courage crew to be something different to what we all think but the point is, even with your explanation of it i think you are wrong and the whole idea of courage crew is just pointless. So what you are essentially asking here is why would i express my opinion, the question i ask you is why the hell shouldn't i? Does a differing opinion make you that uneasy that you would rather i either said courage crew is great or say nothing at all...thats simply not going to happen so i sincearly hope that is not the case. I hope this answers your question?
I never said I was "soooo into hardcore" or so into the scene or whatever. I said I have been going to shows for over 10 years, they're far and few between anymore, I don't go to a lot because I have a career and not a lot of time to travel to Chicago, Milwaukee, Iowa City, or anywhere in between. I wouldn't call that bragging, I'm just stating something about myself. I don't pay attention to people that I don't hang out with, I don't care what they're doing unless they're hurting one of my friends. I'm not into the bro-down mentality, I have a vagina and a brain. You can call it whatever you want, I don't care. I really doubt anyone else on this board cares either.
so first you used the whole ive been going to shows for 10 yrs as a validation to your accusations of courage crew and now you are backing out because you have a career. so in other words you are full of shit. nothing you said was true. and sorry to say hardcore is a "bro-down mentality" it always has been. so you are just talking shit on people you dont know for the hell of it. How many of you friends have been beat up by courage crew? just be honest you dont know of anyone personally around you that has been beat up by courage crew. you keep saying now that you dont care but that is just because your so called valid point has no truth to it.
Yeah, well like i say i based my opinion on things you have said also...if you are saying you don't know shit about it then fine but i'm thinking you just chose to omit that part of my reply because you want to talk shit.
You just seem to find it hard to accept that people think your ideas are nonsense but i do, i've never heard one redeeming thing about courage crew from you or anyone else. If you want to make that all about me and my shortcommings, well thats just fine but its not really the case. I just think you should accept that i don't agree with courage crew based on the shit that you come out with as well as what people i know and trust have seen as well as encounters with other courage crew members online - Although of course they could just be saying they are courage crew and you will probably tell me they aren't really courage crew. Of course, i can't be sure you are either!
Now, i said this before but perhaps you missed it, if you can give me a decent reason to think differently about courage crew then i will. But if you, an alleged member of courage crew, can't do that then perhaps you shouldn't refer to it as ignorance on my part and rather see it as fact that lots of people do not agree with your train of thought on these matters.
you know the whole gang mentality thing I was talking about previously? That factors into this entire discussion. Fear of violent repercussions keeps people from talking openly and honestly about stuff they've seen. This allows you to call bullshit because people don't feel comfortable sharing specifics out of fear that it will stir up some shit that they'd rather not deal with but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bullshit or made up.
I hate that everybody has to generalize CC members as militant meatheads.
By saying I have been going to shows for 10 years is me trying to explain that I didn't just crawl out from under a rock and just make a comment. I'm not backing out, I'm telling you that I don't go to shows and take role call on who is in what crew or scene or whatever. I said I have not been to a show super recently, which is completely true, so I have no idea if there are new, ex, whatever courage crew dudes. I don't keep track. What I am saying is there was a recent situation with a friend of mine being jumped by a dude that claims to be courage crew. No, I'm not going to start naming names because, as Dusty pointed out, the gang mentality that goes along with Courage Crew makes me not want to get specific because I don't want some one to start talking shit about me or smash my car windows or worse. Hardcore is what you make it, and I make is a positive thing in my life that I can have fun with, with my friends. I'm being honest by saying there was a recent situation. I've seen a lot of different things, one guy getting beat up by 3 dudes, other random violent things that were unwarranted. You can believe whatever you want, I don't care. I just was stating what I have seen in a discussion with other members of this board.
Now it's your turn to reply so this can just keep going in circles.
I do have a question though. If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.