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Hey everybody, I'm Kroatone, and i am currently 15. I currently live in Creston Iowa, but I was born in Grove Oklahoma. I'm just getting into the straight edge lifestyle, although I have never really looked in to drugs with eagerness. Most of my family has been involved with drugs and/or alcohol. I'm seen the damage that thos things can do, so I've decided to avoid them, that's when I found out about straight edge.
Bands I'm in to: Well, if i took the time to write all of them down, it would be a very leanthty post. I have about the most diverse taste in music ever. I'll listen to anything with only one expection, that would be country.
What is the last record you bought?: I honestly can't rember, I download all of my music now.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?: I honestly don't get this one, sorry, I'm a nube.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?: Like I said, I'm new to straight edge, the only one i really know of is Minor Threat.