Yeah, i can understand that, but i wonder why that generalisation exists? Perhaps they are generally meatheads?
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absolutely not true. i am calling bullshit cause she was making it sound like she has seen us do all these shitty things in a city are not even really in.
No one is going to get their ass kicked for what they say on the internet. We are not the mindless retarded fighting machines you all try to make us out to be.
here is where you are wrong
1. your friend didnt get jumped. we dont jump people.
2. it was not 3 on 1 because we dont do that kind of stuff. as a men we dont get are selves involved in shit we cant handle on our own. now if the person with the problem wants to up the ante then we will also. but at no time have we ever just jumped a kid 3 on 1 that is pussy shit
3. as stated before no one is going to smash out your car windows. that is kiddy shit. who does that? a large majortiy of us are in our late 20s. if i was 13 yeah your car might get hit but where do you come up with this shit?
4. i personally would never threaten a girl. i have morals
Call it what you want, but seeing some one get attacked by some one in a parking lot when there was no altercation prior to the attack is wrong, bottom line. I know you don't believe me when I say that it is some one that is Courage Crew, but it was. You may not do that kind of stuff, but unfortunately other people do, Courage Crew or otherwise. Again, you may not choose to smash my car windows or something like that, but other people do and can, that are over the age of 13. Either way it's sad.
I never said what city I was in, so you must have chosen one yourself. I never even said if I was at a show or what I was doing, so you assumed a whole lot through out this conversation.
I asked you before, If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.
well i assume it was at a show cause you said you have seen alot of things at shows
tell me what city and i can find out what was up in 10 minutes
i mean that sucks your friend got beat up but i am sure it wasnt for no reason
i will tell you exactly why people have negative things to say. it is because people get their feelings hurt. instead of manning up and admitting they are wrong 9 times out of 10 a guy will say we did it for no reason. but the guy was probably dancing like an asshole or fucking with young kids that were dancing or acting like a dumbass in a venue, or being disrespectful to be funny, or just plain old talkin shit cause he wants to see what its all about. ive personally seen kids crowd punch hit the wrong guy and get knocked out for it and then that night be on the internet talking shit on us that we jumped him or he got beat up for smoking near us or being drunk. People say negative things because they want it to be negative.
The most I'm going to discuss about this is that it was not at a show. I was hanging out the the person that got beat up and we were leaving a late night hang out and he got attacked by a dude waiting for him. The reason we were later told he got beat up was that "the dude heard that my friend talked shit about him". You know what, you can say that he did talk shit or deserved it or whatever, but I would vouch for this kid any day that he didn't talk shit. I'm assuming he said he didn't like that kid or something of that nature, because he still can't figure out what it is he said that caused this to happen. I don't want to get into specifics, because unfortunately anyone could find this online and they will know exactly who I'm talking about, and whether it be Courage Crew or otherwise, I will get harrassed or shit talked to. That is the entire reason why I haven't wanted to go into specifics, regardless of you saying nothing would happen.
Bottom line, for me, violence shouldn't be the answer to solve a problem. That's why I have an issue and don't agree with Courage Crew.
You seriously need to do some research on gangs and then try and explain to me how when you say shit like "being disrespectful" that it isn't classic textbook gang behavior. That you're not talking about defending your set and the honor of the crew that has to be upheld.
mostly, yes the fights are at shows and they are dickheads starting shit and fucking up venues. fighting people of internet shit is for little kids. we dont do that shit. now have there been times when dudes who already have a problem with us and it continues online yes. but at no time has anyone been hunted down from a cchat room and beat up. we are not stupid.
you seriously need to take your head out of a text book. why do i need to do more research on gangs. if people are being stupid in a place of buisness that belongs to a friend of mine courage crew or not he is going to be asked to leave and if it escalates it goes that way. so is life. but at no point does courage crew pay my bills and at no point does courage crew force me to do things to forward the growth of the "gang". see a gang does everything it does to become the best. they sell drugs to be the richest and kill those who fuck with their buisness. they have a structure where everything goes to the gang and the indivdual gets nothing. you need to except the fact that we are not a gang and that we dont give a fuck what are reputation is. We are not trying to be the biggest or the baddest or the most violent crew. we dont fuckin care if we are liked or hated. we are not looking for fame or fortune we are only looking to make the best version of each other that we can. gangs dont do that they brain wash kids to become mindless killers who will give all for the gang no matter what the personal cost is. gangs are about money and power. we are about raising are bothers up as high as we can. do things happen? yes do people fuck up? yep. but we dont kill those who fuck up we work it out and stand together. so you tell me what more i need to know about gangs . maybe you need to do a little more research.
i mean if you let people dissrespect you and the places you and your friends hangout or work thats your buisness,but just because you dont stand up against things doesnt mean that is wrong to standup and call a dipshit out for being stupid. its called self respect not a gang mentality. if dumb people want to act stupid in clubs and get shows shut down so we cant all go do what we love to do i am going to call those people out. if you dont want to help thats fine just sit online and tell me how we are all meatheads and my ideas are wrong. ive been at this a long time not only has it kept me alive in shitty situations it has takin me to places and gotten me into things i never thought i would get into. and not all the respect comes from violence it comes from being stand up men.
I like how you keep making incorrect assumptions, my knowledge of gangs comes from direct interaction growing up, not from a text book. Half of the shit you spew is the same shit they would. Did you not say that courage crew gets kids jobs and pays for shit? When you're not under the microscope the words you say and things you portray are definitely gang like. When someone brings it up, then you talk about how you're not, but if I'm not mistaken, aren't you guys on gang watchlists, at least in Dayton? You talk about respect like people should automatically respect you, when I go back that it's not really respect that you care about, it's control and fear. What have you guys done to be stand up men outside of shows and hardcore? Where things actually matter?
what gangs were you around that helped each other get jobs. and no i dont think people should automaticly respect me but they should respect the place that they are at or the buisness they are in. i dont give a fuck about control or fear. and the whole gang watch list thing is bullshit. in fact you are on the gang watch list in some states. if you claim to be straightedge you are on a gang watch list.
Outside of hardcore we do work with some charities and churches.
If you think gang life is just criminal activity and they don't work actual jobs, ever, then I think you need to maybe do a little research. Are you going to try and tell me that there aren't similarities between what you say and do and gangs? You talk about respect and how important it is, but now you want to talk about how you don't care about it? You want people to act how you want them to, and they way you do it is via intimation and violence. That isn't about respect, it's about fear.
If you claim to be straight edge you're on a gang watch list in some places because of the actions of crews, not the actions of individuals. Courage Crew definitely had a direct hand in that, or are you going to refute that?
What charities and what churches?
If you don't care what your reputation is then whats all this about? If everyone thinks you are violent meatheads and you don't care why are you going on about how we shouldn't think that? Sounds to me like you really do care if you are liked or hated. And while any respect you do get may not come from violence you should be aware that its a large reason for you not gaining the respect of a lot of others.
Not with my friend no, but what I had said is that I've seen 3 beating up just 1 dude. No that was not the incident with my friend, it was an incident at a show. I've been honest through out all my posts, it seems like you just aren't reading them clearly and just getting angry instead.
i just thought it would be fun to see what all of you would have to say. hell the only reason i came to this site in the first place was that you guys were talking shit about me. and then i saw the courage crew thing and i thought maybe i could help answer some questions that maybe you guys had.
i dont think gang life is just criminal activity i know it is. i have been around it my entire life. yeah some of them do work regular jobs. there are always exceptions to the rules, but every guy ive known flying a flag still has alittle something extra going on on the side even in legit buisnesses. gangs are about money and that is about it. it starts out to be down for your block or your hommies but it all ends up to money.
im not going to name specifics on charities or churches. simply because i am not going to have you fuckers mailbomb these people with bullshit that has nothing to do with what we are doing. your only goal is to tear down everything i believe in and in no way am going to give you the oppurtunity to tear down the good things that we have been working on.
simply put we did something for hardcore a long time ago. and instead of fadding away like other crews have or self destructing we are still around. were there fights. yes. do people fear us. yes. but the biggest problem is you cant lump us into one category like you are trying to do. we are not a gang.
so I can call bullshit on you too? I mean, you can't and don't want to name specifics so why should anyone who reads this believe that courage crew does anything other than get in fights?
Do you even take responsibility for directly being one of the reasons that straight edge is considered a gang in some areas? Are you going to deny that or simply ignore it and present that the question isn't asked.
You're not reading everything I am writing. These are different incidents we are talking about here. The incident with my friend was not at a show, and other incidents I have seen have been at shows. I said that I saw 3 dudes that were Courage Crew beat up 1 guy, which is true. A guy called them assholes or some name and they just started beating on him. The guy getting beat on didn't throw a punch or even attempt to once he was getting beat, while Courage Crew just jumped in with punches.
Wait, you fully condone 3 guys beating up on someone for calling them assholes?
Wheres the "courage" in that? If they were really pissed about being called assholes, surely one of the super offended tough dudes could have fought 1 on 1 instead of having him and his buddies jump the guy? Nothing you say can justify shit like that.
Calling someone a name doesn't automatically mean they are ready to have a fist fight with someone, that is just dumb.
I hate all this nonsense that goes on in this thread, it should just be deleted and forgotten about.