Um, since when was a name a fashion accessory? I was always under the impression a name was a symbol, and the purpose of a symbol is to make connections and trigger certain thoughts in the brain.Quote:
Originally Posted by xsecx
And maybe people are using depression as a form of expression, not fashion, because this is a "sXe" forum, not EMO.
Take my name for example, it's very vague, you can take it however you want, "BornAgainVirginDrugs."
Maybe someone with a name like "Iwanttocutmywristsanddiebecauseimsoemo" is actually using teenage angst in a comedic sense.
I'm not defending suicide because it's f**king pansy, but I am always an advocate of freedom.
It's just ultra conservative to prevent and even frown upon expression.
I'm not expecting you to understand freedom is always cooler, I was merely expressing my dismay to your discouragement of symbol freedom.