I just find it ironic that you talk about respect and taking responsibilities for your actions and you can't even do that there.
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You helped confirm a bunch of stuff so at least thats something, but it is interesting how you go from really going on one about how you deserve respect and want people o understand just how decent you really are and then completely flip to not caring at all if people have a negative view of you. And by interesting i mean completely inconsistant.
Well perhaps he just wanted to point out the fact they were being assholes. Oh no, verbal critisism, someone highlighted their negative behaviour...must fight them now! But after you have reacted with illegal violence because you struggle to verbalise a decent argument to justify your asshole like behaviour you still want to be respected. Yeah, that makes sense! Its simply called being a thug, most likely insecure and uses violence to mask that.
let me make something clear, the courage crew IS a bunch of violent people who have to respect for anyone different from them, a few of my friends showed me this site and thought i'd have some opinions. i'm not edge myself but i have a huge respect for those who are.
I live in cincinnati and i have first hand experianced courage crew and their girlfriends many times. i have had a guy knock thru a crowd to slap a cigarette out of my mouth. i have had other moments when the guys have the decency not to hit females but instead they call their girlfriends out. i had to be carried out of the fish club in trenton ohio because i lit up a smoke outside, came back in and got punched in the face. i'm a very small girl and i'm only 5'0 tall. it was completely uncalled for.
courage crew is just an excuse to start violence and instill fear. straight edge is a way of life that i respect 100%. i have friends who are very close to me that are sxe. they come over while we're partying and will hang out while we act stupid. they respect the fact that we dont sport edge and we respect the fact that they do.
courage crew completely distroyed the idea of straight edge. the idea that drinking, smoking tobacco, and recreational drugs arent someones 'cup of tea'. it was started because the teen idles were almost denied into a club to play because they werent of drinking age. they werent there to get trashed, they were there to play music, so they offered up the idea of putting 'X's on the back of their hands to indecate that they werent old enough. the scene just grew from there. not because it was a fashion trend or because people wanted to stand out, people just plain wanted to live life and do the things they love with out the drugs and drinking that was most commonly precived in the punk genre. it picked up speed and was a great influence on a large chunk of 'punk rock youth'. but somehow this good influence has led to a group of people finding it nessecery to be a bunch of nazis.
Oh I totally agree, but I don't understand the violence part of it. I've just seen over the top retaliations when someone has said something like "dude don't be a douchebag".
I guess someone would have to do something over the top ridiculous to me for me to even think of violence.
Shockingly enough, fighting isn't something myself or my friends do to react to words. I don't hang out with people that use their fists first. My friends use their heads.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a large number of the population who don't think fighting or throwing a punch is an option unless they are being physically attacked and want to defend themselves.
I agree,
Im not sure what to think about this, ive been reading through the whole thread trying to figure out my opinion of it. I personally think that yes, some members of CXC may have been assholes or beat on people for stupid reasons, but i wouldnt want to judge a whole crew on the actions of those individuals. I can however see how this would give a general opinion of a groupe of people if some of them are doing these things.
I dont think violence is the answer, and picking fights just for the sake of fighting is wrong! Yeah going to shows and looking out for kids and stuff is great but there is a line where it goes from helping out to bullying.
I personally havent met anyone from courage crew, and i suppose ill make up my mind if i meet any, but then again my opinion would be on the individual not the whole crew. Lets just hope i dont get a smack in the mouth :P
when you choose to associate with a group, you take responsibility at least on some level of the actions of members of that group. Why wouldn't you judge a crew based on the actions of their members, since as demonstrated on here, the actions are at least supported by others and it's a common shared attitude?
Why would it change, its still a really dumb way to react and sensible people generally don't condone that regardless of who it is. I have distanced myself from people i was friends with because i couldn't condone their behaviour...so of course you are wrong...again.
this proves my point. some people really do think violence is always the first options where as my friends and i'm sure alot of others on this site agree that violence is a very last resort. if you call my friend or me an asshole out of no where, you can bet that they/i will say something to you. but i refuse to hit you. obviously theres a reason why you said that, and i'd want to know why. if you just did it to a an arrogant prick then yeah, i'm probably going to get pist, and if you continue, i'm probably gonna lose my cool, but not everyone jumps at the first chance to hit someone..
figures that this comment came from someone who stated that they're a courage crew member.
hey about that courage crew and cleaning out society from all this 'filth', i wonder if they are in any schoolprojects for little kids. people who come and warn you about all of this, at my elementary school it was a cop. picture it at your town, all these little kids shit there pants, they won't drink or smoke or do drugs EVER ! or would these c&c dudes be all nice with those schoolkids ? :p
what is the point in calling someone out if you dont want a reaction to what you said. now if the guy would have pulled him aside and said it to him in a different way things could have go differently. but you walk up to a dude and run your mouth to him you get what you get. half of the responsibilty goes on both parties. dont talk shit and whine and cry when you get hit. i mean you guys all know us so well and know that we are nothing but barbaric retards who only solve things with violence so why would you approach someone you look at like that and confront them. that seems stupid.
You have accused her of changing her story many times, and you have said more than once that if the situation was reversed her story would change. And I think the only pussies out there are the idiots like you who solve problems through violence instead of using any sort of brain power to come up with a better way to figure things out. Grow up you child. Thanks for proving everybody on this message board right.
Wait are you talking about a tparticular situation we discussed before in this thread or what? You're really unclear when you respond to something. Maybe you should go back and reread everything, because you seem to be confused.
What you quoted me on was me saying was a statement not relating to a particular incident, I was saying that my friends and I don't use or fists unless it's to protect ourselves when being physically attacked.
If we are talking about one of the incidents previously discussed, my friend did not start anything physical. One of the instances a friend of mine was jumped at a non-show related place, as I told you. The other incident was when I saw someone call a Courage Crew dude an asshole and get beaten by 3 guys at once. I never said it was a friend, it was something I saw at a show.
Regardless of what the situation is, it started out not being a physical fight and Courage Crew always answers with their fists rather than being smart, intelligent, or witty. They think with their fists instead.
are you really as stupid as you seem? seriously, you dont want people to say shit about courage crew but here you are making a perfect example of yourself. you've just proved that you are closed minded and immature. people showed you a different opinion and you stay stuck in a violent rut.
i didnt say you were LIKE nazis. i said you were a bunch of nazis. meaning ignorant, brutes, with a mind set to make everyone just like you. you all claim edge, which is basically supporting a healthy lifestyle, but you beat the hell out of people for not choosing the same?
man you guys have no sense of humor. the whole pussies comment was a joke to watch you guys respnd the way you did, by talking shit. hahahaha you guys are so easy to manipulate. In no way are we ignorant brutes with a mind set to be like us. that is a personal choice whether or not people want to be courage crew. but in no way shape or form are we anything like nazis. again another one of you blowing things way out on context.