Welcome everyone.
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Welcome everyone.
I'm new here. Just want to say hi. I'm from Sweden. My straigt edge-commitment is based on a socialist view of life. I see drugs, alcohol etc. as a poison that has undermine the socialist movement to make change in this world. It happens now and it has happened in history. I look forward to discuss with you guys. My english SUCKS, but i'll try anyway.
that's why all the US socialists in the turn of the century where also prohibitionists. Makes sense, i tend to disagree but welcome. I certainly will value the addition of another left winger in the occasional debate that springs up here!
Hey all,
I am glad to have found this place and hopefully that holds true. I am not sure where I lay in the line of subsets of straight edge but Ill tell you a little about my beliefs (feel free to open discussion in some other thread so I don't pollute this one). First off I am straight edge only for the sake of humanity. I think that the practices that many use and abuse are damaging to the future of humanity. I don't think it matters if we spoil a planet or anything else but we have to be aware that there are many systems that we all depend on as humans and complete recklessness (like most live) can consequently damages the systems we depend on. I am a believer in both FAR left and FAR right wing policy as both could work in my opinion if we had good people and that is (to me) the central issue. I have consumed alcohol in the past and see no problem with someone drinking a little once or twice but I choose not to do so to send a statement to my peers and any others. I tend to have more angst toward this behavior being social as it pushes the idea that it is worth of everyone's time. I also remain abstinent until I get married which for me has nothing to do with a founded religion. It has everything to do with finding the person that I would be ready to produce a child with. I believe that moral strength and integrity are part of the missing equation that would lead to the failure of humans as a species. I am also a fond believe in the knowledge scientific research brings but I also believe we jump the gun too much and we don't learn as much as we could from things because it isn't financially sound to people and people don't want it because it won't make them money which also is a morality issue IMO. That being the just of what I think I could expand forever in all likelihood.
Substance - something straight edge people always seem to have and I'm personally always happy to meet people like these.
Welcome aboard and save your characters for a debate. If you stick around I'm pretty sure you'll have a chance to elaborate even in more detail on many issues we're discussing here.
Make sure you fire up some topics, don't wait for anyone else to do that. We talk just about anything so feel free to cover the widest range of topics you can come up with.
Thank you for the warm welcome!
welcome! Milwaukee NICE. if you are ever coming to madison let me know. I (think) agree with your statement about the environment, i don't think the non sentient (i do think other animals that can suffer do matter, irrespective of human attitudes to them) environment has inherent value. I also am pretty into philosophy, and i think morality/ethics are really xCOREx (get it!) to what happens to humanity as a whole and to our relationships with each other. though i think those of us who think morality is a big deal gotta make sure to understand disagreement as often not just a morality versus immorality thing haha. Anyways welcome, stick around, and leave loads of threads!
I might be moving to madison to go to school :D
go for it, the university is pretty cool. Plus, then we can start some SXE student org haha
I´m 19 year old and i am from Hamburg/Germany. Furthermore I´m not only straight edge, i am vegetarian, too but i want to become vegan when i live on my own.
My fav bands are at the moment: Have Heart, Stay United, Recon, Amity Affliction, The ghost inside...and more.
I also play Guitar in 2 bands, but one of them is at the momen at the beginning (xROUGH SEA DIVIDESx)
you can check out my other band BURY US ALL at
ps: sry for my english ;)