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flintsxfinest is a prime example of a moron. hes done nothing but prove everyones opinions on CxC right and on top of that made himself look like a total jackass. he started talking the shit, then made fun of others for talking shit while he continued to talk shit.
I think beating up drug dealers is good, but beating up teenage kids just because they're drinking and smoking... that's stupid.
so THIS is CC.. i see.. there are NS SXE here who claim they can be edge, because "you too have a band like XTyrantX"... i should thank those CC members as all I wanted to see is a nazi sxe who has a perfect excuse that violence is just a part of being sxe :-(
who is a drug dealer? a guy who sells 2 packs of weed a day on his high school? gang member selling crack on the corner whole day?
Well because its an illegal act of violence that shows your inability to overcome or handle a problem without violence. It shows disregard for the law and makes you at best a want to be vigalante and at worst an neolithic thug. It also doesn't solve a problem but rather aids its esculation toward something more sinister.
Now perhaps you could answer the question i asked as it really isn't obvious why indulging in criminal activity is a good thing...i look forward to your answer.
:-) yeah, I got it.. that was just a sarcasm from my side, as I don't encourage anybody to beat up a drug dealer...
i wasn't answering your question in the first place.. i would use declarative snt.. i was just making the ridicule bigger.. no offense in any way
declarative sentence.. anyway.. there is something lost in translation or we just didn't get it each other's posts.. no problem, just forget about it..
hmmm, then there was something lost from my side i guess. my bad :-) ... i asked a question, you replied with a question, that i thought is a joke, so i've answered with joke.. ok, the answer is that i don't know.. i was trying to understand what type of person can be labeled a drug dealer in the sense that - according to some - he should be beaten up. and you answered with a question that is a good , but somehow just specified/updated my own unanswered question.. did i get it finally??
Yeah, i just fail to see how you though my response was a joke. I just highlighted that drugs are dealt in legal ways too, hardly a joke but there you go. As for your question being unanswered, well you did infact answer it yourself and my rhetorical question answered it further.