What does everybody think about courage crew? I think its just a stupid way to beat the shit out of people. Beating people up cause they dont believe in the same thigns as u.
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What does everybody think about courage crew? I think its just a stupid way to beat the shit out of people. Beating people up cause they dont believe in the same thigns as u.
I've always wondered... what exactly is the Courage Crew, and how do people get to be in it? All I know is that its associated with violence frequently...
Only time I ever saw a member of Courage crew was at a show in Windsor. The guy was probably 6'6, 300 pounds, he had a skull tattooed on his bald head and an X tattooed on his face, and when he moshed he looked like he was trying to hurt people.Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael
poor dumb guyQuote:
Originally Posted by mouseman004
its basically just a gang of violent sxes who beat the shit out of people during shows if they drink, smoke, etc. or if they just insult somebody in cxc. i have no idea how to get in it, though. probly a tat and initiation?Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael
Isn't this like that hateedge crap that was going about.
If you ask me, these people make straight edge out to be something totally ridiculous and something that it completely shouldn't be, there as bad if not worse than people who actually break edge.
it's just a crew from the midwest that unless you're there doesn't really have any influence or effect outside of a handful of scenes.
hmm, there are a few around here, I know that. But i haven't seen them start anything.
I havnt seen any around here first hand but my friends have seen some people really get messed up.Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael
Right this is the first of me hearing of this but let me guess.
They are guys who go to shows in small gangs and all the kids are kinda scared of as they think "oh god its the courage crew, those guys are tough"
And....the courage crew are basically doing this so they look cool and think they are tough compared to everyone as they have there gang with them.
I want to see a member of Courage Crews myspace it could be quite funny, oh and I bet most of them have myspace, I will put money on it.
These guys give straight edge as bad an image as edge breakers.
This is just what I imagine this bollocks to be about please correct me if I am wrong.
Originally Posted by D1988
I think violence and intollerance is a much less favourable impression than edge breaking by far.
yep, except for they make themselves out to be "self righteous and determined to clean the filth that is our modern society" or something like thatQuote:
Originally Posted by D1988
The courage crew are a band of thugs hiding behind the Straight Edge monikor. They're only interested in hurting people who are not exactly like them, and don't believe in fun or friendship in any form that isn't fascist.
They're also the likely true culprits behind the Straight Edge attacks segment that appeared on Geraldo a few years back.
Have you actually dealt with a bunch of the courage crew kids?Quote:
Originally Posted by Pilaf
The reno ones?Quote:
They're also the likely true culprits behind the Straight Edge attacks segment that appeared on Geraldo a few years back.
ok i know i am alittle late to the question but i am actually in courage crew. we are no gang of young kids running around beating kids up at shows cause they drink and smoke. i dont give a fuck what you wan to do with your life that is your buisness. we have been around almost 20yrs. yeah fights happen its hardcore.
Courage Crew is a brotherhood of straightedge kids who take care of each other like we are blood. we are a patriotic crew that has helped keep hardcore underground and real. if you are fake you will be called out. its not all about fighting we are nationwide we run venues, do merch sales for large bands, run printing companies, and run security at alot of shows. yes i will admit it there are alot of fuckin idoits out there that just want to pick fights and act like gangbangers but we go to shows and make sure that these kids dont take over. how many times have you seen assholes at shows that are cheap shotting kids while they dance or crowd punch. for nearly 20 yrs we have takin on the people you wouldnt. we done what everyone talks about. yeah if a straightedge band sellsout they should be beat up if they still do straightedge songs. this isnt a joke to me and we wont stand on the sidelines and let people dissrespect what we love and live. i always hear aslot of people say we should just turn the other cheek and walk awaybut you know i love hardcore it has always been there for me and i am not going to turn my back when someone is being stupid. i dont know how alot of you came up but in detroit you had to earn the right to go to shows. we fought are way into this scene with old crazy drunks that would fight us on sight if we had x's on our hands. now that i am the older guy at shows i make sure that the kids that are there for the right reasons are takin care of and the fuckin hatebreed fans that like to shove fuckers from behind and donkey kick are takinn care of. you may think crews are a joke but i tell you what find a dude in courage crew and tell him he is a joke.
hardcore is agressive music, are dancing is aggressive, hell just read the lyrics of most hardcore songs. thats how hardcore is avout fighting.
bands in the dont say stand your ground and mean go home and talk shit on the internet. come on every show cant be a champion show
now see, you say stuff about it being about more than just fighting and violence and then go on to focus mostly about fighting. The problem I have and have always had with crews is that they're always about violence, act like a gang and then get pissed when you call them a gang. Everything you're talking about is trying to control things via violence, intimidation and fear and that's exactly why people talk shit about crews. I don't want or need you to go beat up sellouts who are still singing straight edge songs. I'm just amazed that you're 30 and still think that getting into fights is still a valid way to deal with people who don't agree with you.
also weren't some dudes in bleeding through courage crew? how exactly are they trying to keep hardcore underground and real?
i will tell you how the dudes from bleeding through help. they use there popularity to get smaller bands shows and venues and they give jobs to crew members who need them. if a band gets big that no their fault. how they act or do with thier fame is up to them. chad from new found glory is courage crew he is a fuckin millionaire but he puts time and money back into hardcore. thats the goal get big and take care of your family. and yeah to people outside of courage crew it may all look like fighting but we take care of each other. we are there at 2 am when a dude needs to move out. we are there for the birth of members kids. we help each other fiancial if we can. we help guys get jobs. we are no gang. we dont exploit the people we love to go out and get money for the higher ups.
you also make it sound like i go get everyones opinion and if it isnt the same as mine i beat them up. that is not true at all. most of the time the fights are with people who just dont know how to act right and end up doing something fuckin stupid. so the last fight i got into i had to guys corner me in a parking lot and try and strongarm me for money. so what are you supposed to do fuckin talk it out with them. fold over and then get online and right a blog about it. fuck that i did what i do. i suprised at your age that you havent realized that there are times when talking isnt the answer. if people are going to wear clothes that state opinions they are going to be held accountable for them. does that mean i am going to beat them up. no. but im sorry if i see some asshole in a leather jacket with a giant swastka on it i am going to confront him on it. i dont do this for you. i do this for me. i wont stand on the side and not do anything. if its wrong its wrong. yes evryone has the right to their opinion but that doesnt make you unacountable for the stances you take.
yeah but dude, you didn't mention any of that before. your last post focused on intimidation and fighting, which admittedly is as much of being a part of a crew as it is helping out each other. The shit you were talking about before, is a gang mentality. It's creating a syndicate. While it may not be all bad, it's certainly not all good either.
That's kind of the point, you're making it sound like it's your job to police anyone. It isn't. You're not some vigilante making the world a better place by beating up some dude with a swastika. You're not actually addressing the problem, you're just using it as an excuse to get into a fight, which you clearly enjoy. So you beat up a guy. Great. I'm sure you've been beat up and jumped. Did it change what you thought about whatever the reason was? Did it really change anything? What do you think you've really ever accomplished by getting into fights at shows?
Please list some "hardcore" bands you are into dude.
Hi there,
I'm originally from South Bend, IN and grew up going to shows in Chicago, Indianapolis, and Michigan. My "hardcore mentor" is 11 years older than me and was often mistaken for Courage Crew because he's a SHARP with some crazy tattoos and a letterman's jacket. He and I are very chill people that tend to get along with many people and often talked to CC guys. Some we even considered friends.
I understand brotherhood and the love for hardcore. And I personally have had a run-in with a Nazi who was bragging about selling drugs to some kids at the club which I often volunteered. I won't say that was right, but I can understand the emotion behind the actions and standing up for yourself-physically if necessary. It sounds that in a way, you're trying to fill the role of scene elder to those that don't follow the unspoken rules. My assumption is that your way of "takin' care of" these problems is often physical, which I find unnecessary. The crew's actions, even if it's only done by a few members, brings a negative spotlight on straightedge and hardcore. Question: If someone from your crew acts out that reflects poorly, are they reprimanded?
it doesnt matter what i say you will disagree and that is fine im just trying to maybe educate you on some things that you speak of but dont know anything about. your mind is all made up of what you think of me my crew and people like me. i just come across alot of sites like these were kids just talk shit about things they dont understand. im trying to find common ground but it isnt there. you wanna know my beliefs but then you just shoot me down everytime i make a point. i am passionate in what i believe. i live and die for my beliefs. no one asked me to do what i do but if we dont police our own shows they get shut down or over run with bullshit. you go to a hatebreed show now and tell me if that is what you want your local show s to become. and i know you will tell me you dont care who comes to shows and i have no right to tell anyone who shouldnt be at shows. it never changes with each group. alot of talk about good things to do and no action. you know what your scene is different than mine and i came up different than you so we will agree to disagree.
it is not easy to be courage crew, we make sure we arent getting a bunch of fuckin retards running around thinking they can get away with what they want, but we are human and people make mistakes. we dont reprimand we learn and teach one another. if someone fucks up we pick them up and help them fix what ever it is they did.
im also into death metal. does that fit your profile of what i am. oh and hip hop too and old bluegrass and gospel music.
Psy Ambient FTW!