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Thread: New folks

  1. #436
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D1988 View Post
    Words cannot describe how I feel about that.
    you should try

  2. #437
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    you hate rasizm and everything who says that there is more than 1colour?is that's becouse your mother sayed that?or maybe local newspaper say's that every day, so let's hate everything with rasizm?don't even think what's that ;) that's childish, like all new age europe :(

  3. #438
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    disregard based on race..? :D im not rasist like"kill all those monkey's and babay's", i think that every nation have they'r own land and my grandfather, grandfather's father and so on fought and died becouse of this nation and this land, i'll do the same - that's me right and duty! but now i can see monkeys, having more right's than me in my own land! if niga would hit me and i'd hit him back - i'd be foult, becouse imigrant's are always true - that sucks :( my university import black's from africa( - isn't that rasizm?) university, eu government and some anti-fa programes support 'em to study in university, to live in my country, even if they don't learn local language, they don't learn at all, they don't even want to work! only stealing and smoking grass! - why to ignore malaye and other asian people? let's import all unfortune world! but they will not stand for your country, best they will do - they will stand for they'r own. Can't stand that, sorry ;) This is not america, this land has nation. And i also don't understand you - anti rasist's - they are taking money out of your country, imigrant's make 60-80%of criminals in countrys like sweeden, norway, deutschland and so on..every 4th born child in 2020y will be non-european - is that what you want - to destroy your nation, your history, your"race"as you would say?they are like exponat's in zoo, why do we need 'em?don't we have enough worker's in europe?let's fuck and well have more..! why to tell 'em"africa is bad place to live, live in eu, go to america, your land is bad!"?that's rasizm!i can't understand many anti rasist's or smth this way.. (sorry for my english)
    you are a product of immigration. your ancestors came from somewhere else at some point in time. nations are made up by the people that live in them, they're not some thing that exist alone, and they exist by taking part in immigration. Without it, you lack genetic and ethnic diversity, and quite frankly you end up completely isolated and weak. Your isolationist view of history and race are incredibly short sighted, whether you choose to accept it or not, this is the direction the earth is going. You also shouldn't make shit up with numbers than can be verified. There's no way in hell 60-80% of criminals in any country are immigrants, you're just believing what you've been told because it fits what you want to here. The reality is that you're scared that immigration is going to destroy your way of life, and it is. The world is moving towards a more integrated place and it's going to be awesome. Don't like it? just kill yourself now and save the prison space you'll eventually take up.

  4. #439
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    you hate rasizm and everything who says that there is more than 1colour?is that's becouse your mother sayed that?or maybe local newspaper say's that every day, so let's hate everything with rasizm?don't even think what's that ;) that's childish, like all new age europe :(
    no, childish is hating people for no reason. So i"m just curious, what have all of the immigrants, all of them, done to you? What has their being in your country prevented you from doing?

  5. #440
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    "The world is moving towards a more integrated place and it's going to be awesome" - like niger's block's? how much black inventor's do you know? if we need new gens - all eu have a lot of gens"to be conected"or whatever..why to import black's?they can't even give human normal gens - white human is thousand's year's more developed than niga , they only know how to hide from lion's ;)about history - if you have fish momory(~20second's) - than i understand you, but as i told before - my nation has history like all nations, you can read it in books(if you have normal memory) ;)anyway i see you are only wanker's knowing even less than your pc can tell you :) in my place you would be called "computerast's"(smth between computer and fag) :D so gut luck wanker's see you in hell ;) or in street maybe :*

  6. #441
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    dear wanker, i just told you why people can't stand imigrant's ;) taking my work place(it's crisis today!); haveing more right's than me im my own land; making crimes and so on..anyway you're not interested, why asking..? go wank watching animal planet :D

  7. #442
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    "The world is moving towards a more integrated place and it's going to be awesome" - like niger's block's? how much black inventor's do you know? if we need new gens - all eu have a lot of gens"to be conected"or whatever..why to import black's?they can't even give human normal gens - white human is thousand's year's more developed than niga , they only know how to hide from lion's ;)about history - if you have fish momory(~20second's) - than i understand you, but as i told before - my nation has history like all nations, you can read it in books(if you have normal memory) ;)anyway i see you are only wanker's knowing even less than your pc can tell you :) in my place you would be called "computerast's"(smth between computer and fag) :D so gut luck wanker's see you in hell ;) or in street maybe :*
    do you understand where law and math came from? Are you aware of george washington carver? You're spouting shit that was disproved scientifically over a century ago and you're going to try and call an entire race of people stupid? Your nation has a history, and it's one of being conquered and controlled. For a long time, your nation was viewed as incapable of controlling itself, so how are you in any kind of position to talk about your history in comparison with places in africa? I mean, what does it say about you and your country men's abilities if they have to encourage immigration. I mean. I can't think of a single thing to be invented by lithuania, you all must be completely worthless.

  8. #443
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    dear wanker, i just told you why people can't stand imigrant's ;) taking my work place(it's crisis today!); haveing more right's than me im my own land; making crimes and so on..anyway you're not interested, why asking..? go wank watching animal planet :D
    No, you rattled some made up shit that was general, I was asking specifics. what work place would that be? What rights of yours have been infringed on? what has an immigrant done to YOU? What has their immigration done to YOU? What crimes have they committed against YOU? And what crimes have you committed against them?

  9. #444
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    disregard based on race..? :D im not rasist like"kill all those monkey's and babay's", i think that every nation have they'r own land and my grandfather, grandfather's father and so on fought and died becouse of this nation and this land, i'll do the same - that's me right and duty!
    thats not your duty at all, and how far back do ancestors need to go in order for it to become the decendants land? You seem able to disregard elements of history that negate your case rather easily. How far back can you trace your ancestory and how many invasions have past generations been involved in. How sure are you that you are in your native land with regards to a thousand years ago? What are you actually fighting for?

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    but now i can see monkeys, having more right's than me in my own land! if niga would hit me and i'd hit him back - i'd be foult, becouse imigrant's are always true - that sucks :(
    You need to shape up with your language, if you are unable to communicate with some respect just don't bother. You have not been given less rights, it is equal but you do yourself no favours by harbouring such hate.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    my university import black's from africa( - isn't that rasizm?)
    No, its not racism either.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    university, eu government and some anti-fa programes support 'em to study in university, to live in my country,
    Its not soley your country, its one world and to remove segregation and barriers makes that one world a better place. In the short term countries gain from imigration, it fills skill gaps...perhaps if you were so passionate about the sucess and well being of your country you would champion the steps it takes to making it a better, more vital and multi cultural country instead of wasting your time with ill thought through ideas that hold no weight and just make you look completely ignorant.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    even if they don't learn local language, they don't learn at all, they don't even want to work! only stealing and smoking grass!
    I feel embracing a countries culture and language is a responsibility of the imigrant and the immigration board. My company employs about 20% polish and as such we offer free english lessons at our local college to embrace them and let them embrace us. You point out some elements of people stealing and smoking grass...i agree thats wrong but i can gaurauntee their are white nationals doing the exact same thing so basing the hatred on race is inaccurate. Base your hatred on anyone that is a theiving layabout and forget colour even being an issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    - why to ignore malaye and other asian people? let's import all unfortune world! but they will not stand for your country, best they will do - they will stand for they'r own. Can't stand that, sorry ;)
    England is fairly multicultural, we have people with roots in many many countries standing up to fight for this country.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    This is not america, this land has nation.

    What has that got to do with anything?

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    And i also don't understand you - anti rasist's - they are taking money out of your country, imigrant's make 60-80%of criminals in countrys like sweeden, norway, deutschland and so on.
    Show me evidence of this, i dispute it.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    every 4th born child in 2020y will be non-european
    If they are born in europe the will be european.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    - is that what you want - to destroy your nation, your history,
    History has happened, you can't destroy it you can simply create a more tollerable history for future times. Like a future where white people don't invade other countries and enslve people for their own ends...destroying nations...time to look in the mirror for the colour you need to hate based on your logic dude.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    your"race"as you would say?they are like exponat's in zoo, why do we need 'em?don't we have enough worker's in europe?
    How so are they like exponents in a zoo? We don't need a lot of people regardless of colour...your anger is misguided.

    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    let's fuck and well have more..! why to tell 'em"africa is bad place to live, live in eu, go to america, your land is bad!"?that's rasizm!i can't understand many anti rasist's or smth this way.. (sorry for my english)
    None of that is racism, you don't seem to actually no what racism is do you. And your english would be better if you left out the racist slurs.
    Last edited by straightXed; 04-29-2009 at 02:48 PM.
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  10. #445
    Registered User x.Xmiss_SmogX.x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    dear wanker, i just told you why people can't stand imigrant's ;) taking my work place(it's crisis today!); haveing more right's than me im my own land; making crimes and so on..anyway you're not interested, why asking..? go wank watching animal planet :D

    Your ignorance is pathetic

  11. #446
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    your dumb, i can't even discuss with such scub's, you don't see what's happening in real world,you live"in computer"..shit, somebody sayed to me, that those"staight edge"are ridiculous - this is true i see now..only good thing that you have is you don't smoke, no alko and ect.but that's all - becouse your are not even worth my attention..wank' realy disappointed, see you in hell ;*

  12. #447
    Im A Person Just Like You but I like to fuck some shoes D1988's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    your dumb, i can't even discuss with such scub's, you don't see what's happening in real world,you live"in computer"..shit, somebody sayed to me, that those"staight edge"are ridiculous - this is true i see now..only good thing that you have is you don't smoke, no alko and ect.but that's all - becouse your are not even worth my attention..wank' realy disappointed, see you in hell ;*
    Get the fuck off this site and don't come back.

    You're an idiot.
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    It's better than getting head
    Tie the laces on my schlong
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    I'll even hump it till i bleed
    normal sex life i don't need

  13. #448
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    your dumb, i can't even discuss with such scub's, you don't see what's happening in real world,you live"in computer"..shit, somebody sayed to me, that those"staight edge"are ridiculous - this is true i see now..only good thing that you have is you don't smoke, no alko and ect.but that's all - becouse your are not even worth my attention..wank' realy disappointed, see you in hell ;*
    the best thing racist people can do is to behave like this. other people will come here, read this and realize just how dumb you and your beliefs really are. Hell, you can't even have a simple conversation with people.

  14. #449
    attilla's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandhun SgtD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poskus88 View Post
    your dumb, i can't even discuss with such scub's, you don't see what's happening in real world,you live"in computer"..shit, somebody sayed to me, that those"staight edge"are ridiculous - this is true i see now..only good thing that you have is you don't smoke, no alko and ect.but that's all - becouse your are not even worth my attention..wank' realy disappointed, see you in hell ;*
    what a boring life, hating every day. you've got nothing, but hatred.

  15. #450
    Registered User easy's Avatar
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    well that was exciting! i have a bolivian friend in the US that is trying to get with an openly racist girl.... hes just about as smart as that guy posting earlier!
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