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Thread: Courage Crew??

  1. #151
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    hey about that courage crew and cleaning out society from all this 'filth', i wonder if they are in any schoolprojects for little kids. people who come and warn you about all of this, at my elementary school it was a cop. picture it at your town, all these little kids shit there pants, they won't drink or smoke or do drugs EVER ! or would these c&c dudes be all nice with those schoolkids ? :p
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

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  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    Shockingly enough, fighting isn't something myself or my friends do to react to words. I don't hang out with people that use their fists first. My friends use their heads.

    I hate to break it to you, but there is a large number of the population who don't think fighting or throwing a punch is an option unless they are being physically attacked and want to defend themselves.
    i hate to break it to you but it is your friend that started it. if he would have kept his mouth shut nothing would have happened

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by VivaLaCreep View Post
    that comment just makes you an ignorant moron.
    no saying we are like nazis is ignorant. making a smart ass comment is what it is a smart ass comment

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by VivaLaCreep View Post
    thank you.
    i agree that if you call someone an asshole out of nowhere, they're going to confront you, or at least they should. but to throw a punch with out a conversation is jus barbaric.
    what is the point in calling someone out if you dont want a reaction to what you said. now if the guy would have pulled him aside and said it to him in a different way things could have go differently. but you walk up to a dude and run your mouth to him you get what you get. half of the responsibilty goes on both parties. dont talk shit and whine and cry when you get hit. i mean you guys all know us so well and know that we are nothing but barbaric retards who only solve things with violence so why would you approach someone you look at like that and confront them. that seems stupid.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004 View Post
    Just because you keep saying that the story would change if the situation was reversed, doesnt make it true. Beleive it or not, there are people out there who are smarter than you who would react differently in similar situations.
    i didnt keep saying it. i only said it once. and yeah there are people out there that react to a confrontation in different ways they are called pussies

  6. #156
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    i didnt keep saying it. i only said it once. and yeah there are people out there that react to a confrontation in different ways they are called pussies
    You have accused her of changing her story many times, and you have said more than once that if the situation was reversed her story would change. And I think the only pussies out there are the idiots like you who solve problems through violence instead of using any sort of brain power to come up with a better way to figure things out. Grow up you child. Thanks for proving everybody on this message board right.
    Last edited by mouseman004; 04-30-2009 at 10:59 PM.
    Later Days

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    i hate to break it to you but it is your friend that started it. if he would have kept his mouth shut nothing would have happened
    Wait are you talking about a tparticular situation we discussed before in this thread or what? You're really unclear when you respond to something. Maybe you should go back and reread everything, because you seem to be confused.

    What you quoted me on was me saying was a statement not relating to a particular incident, I was saying that my friends and I don't use or fists unless it's to protect ourselves when being physically attacked.

    If we are talking about one of the incidents previously discussed, my friend did not start anything physical. One of the instances a friend of mine was jumped at a non-show related place, as I told you. The other incident was when I saw someone call a Courage Crew dude an asshole and get beaten by 3 guys at once. I never said it was a friend, it was something I saw at a show.

    Regardless of what the situation is, it started out not being a physical fight and Courage Crew always answers with their fists rather than being smart, intelligent, or witty. They think with their fists instead.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    i didnt keep saying it. i only said it once. and yeah there are people out there that react to a confrontation in different ways they are called pussies
    are you really as stupid as you seem? seriously, you dont want people to say shit about courage crew but here you are making a perfect example of yourself. you've just proved that you are closed minded and immature. people showed you a different opinion and you stay stuck in a violent rut.

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    no saying we are like nazis is ignorant. making a smart ass comment is what it is a smart ass comment
    i didnt say you were LIKE nazis. i said you were a bunch of nazis. meaning ignorant, brutes, with a mind set to make everyone just like you. you all claim edge, which is basically supporting a healthy lifestyle, but you beat the hell out of people for not choosing the same?

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by VivaLaCreep View Post
    i didnt say you were LIKE nazis. i said you were a bunch of nazis. meaning ignorant, brutes, with a mind set to make everyone just like you. you all claim edge, which is basically supporting a healthy lifestyle, but you beat the hell out of people for not choosing the same?
    man you guys have no sense of humor. the whole pussies comment was a joke to watch you guys respnd the way you did, by talking shit. hahahaha you guys are so easy to manipulate. In no way are we ignorant brutes with a mind set to be like us. that is a personal choice whether or not people want to be courage crew. but in no way shape or form are we anything like nazis. again another one of you blowing things way out on context.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004 View Post
    You have accused her of changing her story many times, and you have said more than once that if the situation was reversed her story would change. And I think the only pussies out there are the idiots like you who solve problems through violence instead of using any sort of brain power to come up with a better way to figure things out. Grow up you child. Thanks for proving everybody on this message board right.
    there you go talking shit. now how does that solve anything. it was a joke and the only thing i prove on this message board is time and time again that none of you know what you are talking about when it comes to the so called "hate edge kids" and courage crew. but im curious so you better way of solving things is to call me an idiot and to grow up? you are going places with that theory. keep talking shit online that makes you better than me and more grown up. hahaha you are a joke

  12. #162
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    i hate to break it to you but it is your friend that started it. if he would have kept his mouth shut nothing would have happened
    I don't hate to break it to you, you are a complete idiot.
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  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    there you go talking shit. now how does that solve anything. it was a joke and the only thing i prove on this message board is time and time again that none of you know what you are talking about when it comes to the so called "hate edge kids" and courage crew. but im curious so you better way of solving things is to call me an idiot and to grow up? you are going places with that theory. keep talking shit online that makes you better than me and more grown up. hahaha you are a joke
    You do realise this is a post with you talking shit online too...are you really that stupid that you can't realise that?
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  14. #164
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    man you guys have no sense of humor. the whole pussies comment was a joke to watch you guys respnd the way you did, by talking shit. hahahaha you guys are so easy to manipulate. In no way are we ignorant brutes with a mind set to be like us. that is a personal choice whether or not people want to be courage crew. but in no way shape or form are we anything like nazis. again another one of you blowing things way out on context.

    You are all brainless thugs whose knuckles drag along the floor, ignorance is your middle name. And theres a high possibility you were loved much as kids.
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  15. #165
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    i didnt keep saying it. i only said it once. and yeah there are people out there that react to a confrontation in different ways they are called pussies
    Thats what retards call them because they have trouble forming coherent and sensible opinions and are such losers they don't actually have anything to lose, hence them acting like moronic thugs.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

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