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Thread: New folks

  1. #496 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSkangster76x View Post
    Yeah! Why?
    you're one of the first guy i know that likes them. they are really known down here and most people i know (me included) find them extremely annoying. specially since they go and sing stuff they didn't really show when they played here.
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  2. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodrigo View Post
    you're one of the first guy i know that likes them. they are really known down here and most people i know (me included) find them extremely annoying. specially since they go and sing stuff they didn't really show when they played here.
    I haven't seen them live but they kick ass on their records. My friend also likes them,so now you kinda know two people who like them :)

  3. #498
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    i don't like 'em either and rodrigo perfectly described 'em : annoying
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    Z-spot Gaming community
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  4. #499
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    Yeah but..

    The original question was:
    "List some bands you are into at the moment."
    So i did.

  5. #500 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSkangster76x View Post
    The original question was:
    "List some bands you are into at the moment."
    So i did.
    if you dont want to discuss its okay
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  6. #501
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSkangster76x View Post
    The original question was:
    "List some bands you are into at the moment."
    So i did.
    that's great
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    Z-spot Gaming community
    No Ego's, no "pwnage", just gaming

  7. #502
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    It's ok

    Quote Originally Posted by rodrigo View Post
    if you dont want to discuss its okay
    I just don't know what to say.I like em,you don't.So...

  8. #503 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSkangster76x View Post
    I just don't know what to say.I like em,you don't.So...
    fight back!
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
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  9. #504
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    I can't be bothered :)

    Well my summerholiday starts tomorrow and i feel lazy.Just 6 hours of nightshift left and then...FREEDOM!

  10. #505 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSkangster76x View Post
    Well my summerholiday starts tomorrow and i feel lazy.Just 6 hours of nightshift left and then...FREEDOM!
    I draw and this is my siteRodri-GO!
    Tell your friends!
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  11. #506
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    So I am new to this website, I guess I am a new folk.

    How old are you? 19 years

    Where are you from? Massachusetts Merrimack Valley Area, but near Boston too.

    List some bands you are into at the moment. Delorean, Dirty Projectors, Fugazi, Gaslight Anthem, Pictureplane, Bon Iver, Wolf Parade, Minutemen, Animal Collective. The biggest band I am into at this moment is my silly little band. You may know what it is like I spend a lot of time doing stuff for it, and the songs get stuck in my head. Plus at this moment I am literally into them.

    What is the last record you bought? The last album I acquired through non buying means was Rooty by Basement Jaxx. The last record I actually bought is something I want to give a backstory to. It was Middle of Nowhere by Hanson, which is a band I really like a lot, which I liked since I was 7, and I am not ashamed to admit it. There was a sale at my library selling CDs for 1 dollar each. I bought a lot of all right CDs mostly 90s alternative and the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. I saw Middle of Nowhere there, and after I bought everything, I went back and I said I am going to get this CD, so I bought it. That is the story. And Hanson is an awesome band.

    Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
    Pile ons and sing alongs.

    What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
    I like sxe hxc all right, but mostly people I know right now who are like my friends and acquaintances. Other than that I don't have a wide knowledge of sxe hxc, but some bands that'd be fun to see are SSD, Chain of Strength,Youth of Today. Minor Threat is one of my favorite bands but I don't consider them to be straight edge, but I don't know what sxe hxc is, and who does? there is no set definition. However I would like to see tem and they are very related to straight edge so yeah.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skittles View Post

    Where are you from?
    * Philadelphia, but I'll be going to college in a few months in Boston
    So about going to college in Boston. I go to school near there. So woo hoo, maybe we might even go to the same one. If not Boston is still just a great place.

  12. #507
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by funwithpinetrees View Post
    What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
    I like sxe hxc all right, but mostly people I know right now who are like my friends and acquaintances. Other than that I don't have a wide knowledge of sxe hxc, but some bands that'd be fun to see are SSD, Chain of Strength,Youth of Today. Minor Threat is one of my favorite bands but I don't consider them to be straight edge,
    why not ?

    Quote Originally Posted by funwithpinetrees View Post
    but I don't know what sxe hxc is, and who does? there is no set definition.
    i thought it was hardcore that's straight edge no ?

    Quote Originally Posted by funwithpinetrees View Post
    However I would like to see tem and they are very related to straight edge so yeah.
    why are they very related ?

    beside all that, welcome to the forum, have a fun stay !
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    Z-spot Gaming community
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  13. #508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifestyle_X View Post
    why not ?

    i thought it was hardcore that's straight edge no ?

    why are they very related ?

    beside all that, welcome to the forum, have a fun stay !
    Oh boy questions to answer, that is a good way to exchange ideas which can be like people talking to each other.

    I like how when you quote something here it doesn't make like a big quoting chain where everything gets quoted.

    Ok so If by "why not" you mean why don't I consider Minor Threat straight edge, and not "why not to everything I said, the reason is that they made the song "straight edge" and everything but they don't consider themselves to be straight edge and some of the people in the band aren't straight edge. they are related in that they wrote songs that started a movement, and they have a lifestyle and so many people who are straight edge look up to them as role models of what this movement is about.

    When I say I don't know what hardcore straight edge is, I mean there are lots of ways to define straight edge, hardcore and hardcore straight edge. I don't know what these words mean. I don't have any definitions for any of these terms, I only have vernacular and cultural connotations of movements that are were made by people acting together in the last 30 years.
    But that is just a big exposition of meaningless babbling stream of conscious writing.

    So when you say i thought it was hardcore that's straight edge no? That is correct. Whatever hardcore that's straight edge's meaning in your thoughts is what it is and I took a really simple questions and got perplexed by the complexity of language.

  14. #509
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    Quote Originally Posted by funwithpinetrees View Post
    So about going to college in Boston. I go to school near there. So woo hoo, maybe we might even go to the same one. If not Boston is still just a great place.
    I'm going to Boston University, so I'm like IN the city.

  15. #510
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    Frederick Maryland
    How old are you? i'm 17

    Where are you from? Mt. Airy Maryland

    List some bands you are into at the moment. Have heart, casey jones, fight everyone, in alcatraz 1962, sleeping giant, reign supreme, endwell,

    What is the last record you bought? in alcatraz 1962- Still Strong

    Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons all the way.

    What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Agnostic front, casey jones, call to preserve, xAFBx

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