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Thread: New folks

  1. #556
    Registered User stewa_sk8's Avatar
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    hmmmm ... I'm not sure what's the meaning of word " militant", I' checking my dictionary, and there are two ways of explaining this word ... militant> like bad, agresive, trouble makers... and there is a word militant like> strong, knight, unite and powerfull...
    I gues I think that they are militant like this second explanation !!! am I right ??

  2. #557
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stewa_sk8 View Post
    hmmmm ... I'm not sure what's the meaning of word " militant", I' checking my dictionary, and there are two ways of explaining this word ... militant> like bad, agresive, trouble makers... and there is a word militant like> strong, knight, unite and powerfull...
    I gues I think that they are militant like this second explanation !!! am I right ??
    As in using militant, aggressive, forceful and combative behaviour to enforce the opinion or belief.
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  3. #558
    Registered User stewa_sk8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightxed View Post
    as in using militant, aggressive, forceful and combative behaviour to enforce the opinion or belief.
    :-( :-( :-(

  4. #559
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    alright. i'm james.
    i'm 17
    bolton, greater manchester. UK

    at the moment, i'm really into 7 seconds, kingdom, offsides, no harm done, verse, carpathian, gorilla biscuits, negative approach, judge, shit like that, pure hardcore

    bays demo was the last record i bought

    i choose spin kicks an two-step, but not in such a faggotry way.

    it would be great to see h2o, mouthpiece, rhinoceros and champion play a show together

  5. #560 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjamesx_GMHC View Post
    i choose spin kicks an two-step, but not in such a faggotry way.
    dude, dont say that word. its offensive and demeaning to homosexual people
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  6. #561
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    it wasn't demeaning, calling modern hardcore dancing gay is called offensive to people who think 2-stepping like michael flatley is cool.

    but alright. sorry.

  7. #562
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjamesx_GMHC View Post
    it wasn't demeaning, calling modern hardcore dancing gay is called offensive to people who think 2-stepping like michael flatley is cool.

    but alright. sorry.
    it was and the homophobic shit isn't tolerated here. you're definitely welcome here, but the homophobic talk isn't.

  8. #563 rodrigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjamesx_GMHC View Post
    it wasn't demeaning, calling modern hardcore dancing gay is called offensive to people who think 2-stepping like michael flatley is cool.

    but alright. sorry.
    it is, you're using a word that's been used in a derogatory way towards gay people. and when you use it to describe something negative or that you see as negative, it perpetuates the problem.
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  9. #564
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    alright sorry.

  10. #565
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    Smile Hello

    Orite Guys, Im Jacob, Im 18 and Im from Yorkshire in England.

    I dont want to sound steriotypical, but lets say I'm not into your type of music. I like Reggae, Folk, Funk, some Rap and Hip-hop, Blues and Jazz. So yeah, lol, I'm not really into the hardcore metal bands.

    My favourite at the moment are; Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Gregory Isaacs.

    The las record I bought was; Christmas In The Heart - Bob Dylan. Just over a month ago.

    I love sing-a-longs.

    Sorry, but like I said earlier, I don't really know the hardcore metal scene etc. My music taste might be different, but there are still the same type of themes. Getting high, legalising it, freedom etc. There are some artists in the genres that have songs against drugs and drinking etc. I like the music, but yeah, I class myself as StraightEdge because like everyone else, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc.

    Well anyway, I'd like to meet some new friends on here and yeah, I'll see how it goes :)

  11. #566
    attilla's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandhun SgtD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haighy15 View Post
    Orite Guys, Im Jacob, Im 18 and Im from Yorkshire in England.

    I dont want to sound steriotypical, but lets say I'm not into your type of music. I like Reggae, Folk, Funk, some Rap and Hip-hop, Blues and Jazz. So yeah, lol, I'm not really into the hardcore metal bands.

    My favourite at the moment are; Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Gregory Isaacs.

    The las record I bought was; Christmas In The Heart - Bob Dylan. Just over a month ago.

    I love sing-a-longs.

    Sorry, but like I said earlier, I don't really know the hardcore metal scene etc. My music taste might be different, but there are still the same type of themes. Getting high, legalising it, freedom etc. There are some artists in the genres that have songs against drugs and drinking etc. I like the music, but yeah, I class myself as StraightEdge because like everyone else, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc.

    Well anyway, I'd like to meet some new friends on here and yeah, I'll see how it goes :)
    that is why you are not sxe. this is why i have a problem with cm punk and him using sxe as a gimmick. it's taken out of concept. sxe is being drug free AND being involved in the hardcore scene. it's great that you're drug free, but you're definitely not edge.

  12. #567
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haighy15 View Post
    Orite Guys, Im Jacob, Im 18 and Im from Yorkshire in England.

    I dont want to sound steriotypical, but lets say I'm not into your type of music. I like Reggae, Folk, Funk, some Rap and Hip-hop, Blues and Jazz. So yeah, lol, I'm not really into the hardcore metal bands.

    My favourite at the moment are; Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Gregory Isaacs.

    The las record I bought was; Christmas In The Heart - Bob Dylan. Just over a month ago.

    I love sing-a-longs.

    Sorry, but like I said earlier, I don't really know the hardcore metal scene etc. My music taste might be different, but there are still the same type of themes. Getting high, legalising it, freedom etc. There are some artists in the genres that have songs against drugs and drinking etc. I like the music, but yeah, I class myself as StraightEdge because like everyone else, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc.

    Well anyway, I'd like to meet some new friends on here and yeah, I'll see how it goes :)
    You should class yourself as drug free as straightedge is a term inherently linked to hardcore, so essentially you are not accurately describing yourself by that term. Drug free is just as cool though although you miss out on the finger points and pile ons but i'm sure you will live!
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  13. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightXed View Post
    You should class yourself as drug free as straightedge is a term inherently linked to hardcore, so essentially you are not accurately describing yourself by that term. Drug free is just as cool though although you miss out on the finger points and pile ons but i'm sure you will live!
    i totally understand what you mean, but my problem is, why does straightedge have to be strickley 'hardcore'? yeah im not into the same music as you, but i have the same morals and looks on life as you. it annoys me, in the UK people regard me as a chav, because of my appearnce, people like me get accisiacted with binge drinking, drug taking and dealing, violence, vandals, rebals and so on. the only thing that seperates us our music taste. we are still the same. i cant see why people who listen to other music cant be classed as straightedge.

    but yeah, i do understand that it is linked to hardcore, but it doesn't necesarilly have to be linked to one thing.

  14. #569
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haighy15 View Post
    i totally understand what you mean, but my problem is, why does straightedge have to be strickley 'hardcore'? yeah im not into the same music as you, but i have the same morals and looks on life as you. it annoys me, in the UK people regard me as a chav, because of my appearnce, people like me get accisiacted with binge drinking, drug taking and dealing, violence, vandals, rebals and so on. the only thing that seperates us our music taste. we are still the same. i cant see why people who listen to other music cant be classed as straightedge.

    but yeah, i do understand that it is linked to hardcore, but it doesn't necesarilly have to be linked to one thing.
    Because to differentiate straightedge from simply being drug free it needs some kind of specific criteria. That criteria just so happens to be the cultural association of hardcore which provides straightedge with its identity in contrast to just being drug free in many ways. By providing a platform to share ideas and concepts about things and providing a unique history which has allowed straightedge and other unique ideas to hardcore grow and move with regards to the combined expressions of the people involved nit has become a vital aspect that if removed leaves you with something that misses so much of what straightedge actually means.

    Heres a better way to look at it, if you have a group of kids that are straightedge and a group of kids that are simply drug free like yourself, what can you essentially gather as likely common ground from that information. Now, we know that people who correctly use the term straightedge (at lets for this example assume the people i am highlighting are doing so) will have a common association with the hardcore music scene, more than that, the straightedge hardcore music scene, and all the dynamics that are associated with that present themselves as things that associate these people. Now all the drug free people like yourself only have the absence of drugs in common and nothing unique to tie your personal beliefs together into some kind of sub culture as you have with straightedge. So while i champion your decision, its just a personal choice to abstain from drugs where as hardcore is something tangable that one can be actively participating in.

    If this still doesn't authenticate the difference then i would ask you to ask yourself a question. I would ask you to note down all the things that make you straightedge, omitting the drug abstinance as that is simply described by the term drug free, and have a look at what makes that term descriptive of you and your actions, if you actually come up with any then please share because in all reality you shouldn't find anything that uniquely describes you and thats why the term shouldn't really be used as it tends to take away from the impact of its true meaning and association. Which would get us back to why CM Punk is not exactly doing us here any favours. If you still question why people who don't listen or participate in the hardcore scene cannot be straightedge or why it is linked to hardcore and not other genres then i am explaining myself terribly and i will endevour to rectify that with further posting.

    Now obviously this is a welcome thread, and you may not be feeling so welcome at the moment but thats the nature of things, people here are simply ensuring that people who come here get an accurate picture of things. I would like to extend some kind of welcome to you and say stick around, learn about what makes straightedge and hardcore inseperable and enjoy.
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  15. #570
    Duchess of Adventures xvunderx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haighy15 View Post
    i totally understand what you mean, but my problem is, why does straightedge have to be strickley 'hardcore'? yeah im not into the same music as you, but i have the same morals and looks on life as you. it annoys me, in the UK people regard me as a chav, because of my appearnce, people like me get accisiacted with binge drinking, drug taking and dealing, violence, vandals, rebals and so on. the only thing that seperates us our music taste. we are still the same. i cant see why people who listen to other music cant be classed as straightedge.

    but yeah, i do understand that it is linked to hardcore, but it doesn't necesarilly have to be linked to one thing.
    Ed says it all a lot better than I can but I've always tried to describe it like this...

    Straight edge is hardcore kids against drugs, the same way SHARPs are Skin heads against racial prejudice. No one would call themselves a Sharp without being a skin head no matter how much they hate racism, same thing with edge if you aren't hardcore, you aren't edge.

    hardcore is that thing that makes edge people edge, and the cement for the culture, it's what separates edge from all the recovering alcoholics, people whyo abstain for religious reasons, and people who simply abstain as a personal commitment to themselves.

    Non of the people who chose to be drug free and fit any of the above groups for example have any less strength in their commitment, they don't have any less of a struggle especially in countries like the UK (I grew up there so know how hard it is to live drug free in the UK) it just means the label Straight edge doesn't accurately describe them, just the same way as I hate racism, but aren't a Sharp.

    It doesn't mean you can't hang out with edge kids as a way to connect with other people who fight every day to live drug free, and feel others would be better off the same way (though the way to do that in real life would be to go to hardcore shows). It just means that you are drug free and proud, it should be the commitment that you take pride in, no matter what words are the best to describe you.

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