hi there!
i´m Dani, from Spain. i´m 21 years old and i love hardcore music. i don´t take drugs, tobacco or alcohol, i hate them.
well, my english is not fine at all, sorry... i´ll the effort to post my ideas on this forum in correct english.
see ya! :D
im Andy Beain
Im kinda new to strait edge, but i like almost ALL of the music
Additionally i like Blues, Classic rock, Prog rock, shredders, thrash, and some goth metal
I would have to agree with straightXed
Found it with the aid of the forum website called Ultimate-Guitar
i like monty python
how do i change my sig. and profile picture?
i cant seem to find avatar OR sig
What's up guys, my name's Adam, I live in Iowa. I've been not drinking for about 3 yrs now or smoking or doing drugs for my whole life. I used to smoke casually out of boredom with friends but found it to be a waste. I've been claiming edge for a while now, I've always been one of those people who hates to label myself and so that's why I've waited so long to do so, but it feels right. Anway, anything you guys wanna know hit me up.
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