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Thread: Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew

    It is one of the most interesting "realilty" shows on television. It really is explicit in showing what an alcohol/drug addict thinks and does in their life and the true extent of their addiction. Most of the people on the show look pitiful and near-death while trying to break their addictions. It really is entertaining and informative about the subject of celebrity culture and substance dependence. Any other viewers of the show out there?

  2. #2
    I've seen it before but I think it's sort of ridiculous. These people have legitimate problems and it got turned into a reality tv show.

    Then again, most reality shows are ridiculous, but that doesn't stop me from watching other ones. :)

  3. #3
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    I've seen it before but I think it's sort of ridiculous. These people have legitimate problems and it got turned into a reality tv show.

    Then again, most reality shows are ridiculous, but that doesn't stop me from watching other ones. :)
    it's more of a documentary than a reality tv show, but I will agree that it's ridiculous. I don't think it's necessarily accurate representation of addiction and the effects of it on peoples lives, since most of the people that are on it don't have to work and don't have any real concept of work and real life.

  4. #4
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    Yea. Most of the patients seem to be wealthy, trust-fund babies, or entertainers living unconventional lifestyles compared to the general public. There isn't much of a difference between a homeless alcoholic and wealthy alcoholic when they are physiologically trying to kick an addiction. The footage of some of the prescription drug withdrawals is unaffected by the socioeconomic conditions of the patients; it still looks physically wrenching regardless of what occupation a person is.

  5. #5
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xLettuceHeadx View Post
    Yea. Most of the patients seem to be wealthy, trust-fund babies, or entertainers living unconventional lifestyles compared to the general public. There isn't much of a difference between a homeless alcoholic and wealthy alcoholic when they are physiologically trying to kick an addiction. The footage of some of the prescription drug withdrawals is unaffected by the socioeconomic conditions of the patients; it still looks physically wrenching regardless of what occupation a person is.
    What makes you think there isn't much of a difference? Just that because the physical effects are the same, that the psychology of the person doesn't come into play or that the outside forces of someone's life don't matter in terms of dealing with addiction?

  6. #6
    Registered User TheElephantGirl's Avatar
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    I prefer Intervention. Maybe it's just because some of the stories remind me of personal experiences, but there's something about the show that strikes a chord. It's so real and gripping.
    I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats.

  7. #7
    Being Mean CarlaRant's Avatar
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    Celebrity Rehab is the only reality show that I can stomach when I'm watching the idiot box. I personally have never gone through an addiction phase, but some people very close to me have, so it is interesting to watch the psychology of it all from a distance.

  8. #8
    Registered User Anderson's Avatar
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    Was I the only one who read this as Celebrity Rehab with Dr Dre?

  9. #9
    Im A Person Just Like You but I like to fuck some shoes D1988's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anderson View Post
    Was I the only one who read this as Celebrity Rehab with Dr Dre?
    I never watch TV, but if such a show existed, I would watch.
    I'm a person just like you
    but I like to fuck some shoes
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    It's better than getting head
    Tie the laces on my schlong
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    normal sex life i don't need

  10. #10
    xBoyCrazyx angelchickjb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx View Post
    it's more of a documentary than a reality tv show, but I will agree that it's ridiculous. I don't think it's necessarily accurate representation of addiction and the effects of it on peoples lives, since most of the people that are on it don't have to work and don't have any real concept of work and real life.
    I agree that it is more like a documentary but I believe it is an accurate rep of an addicts life the people do work and have a life. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they aren't human.

  11. #11
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelchickjb View Post
    I agree that it is more like a documentary but I believe it is an accurate rep of an addicts life the people do work and have a life. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they aren't human.
    most of the people involved don't work for a living though and have lives that aren't really normal.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Anderson View Post
    Was I the only one who read this as Celebrity Rehab with Dr Dre?
    Ahahaha that would be amazing. Dr. Dre should definitely have a tv show.

  13. #13
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx View Post
    most of the people involved don't work for a living though and have lives that aren't really normal.
    What are you talking about, I'm sure Rodney King works hard!
    Later Days

  14. #14
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    This show scares me because Gary Busey scares the shit out of me. He is such a wierdo....
    Later Days

  15. #15
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004 View Post
    What are you talking about, I'm sure Rodney King works hard!
    he's the only one that does. I'd dare anyone to try and explain to me how hard rod stewart's kid has ever had to work.

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