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Thread: So I know most of you know how to read...

  1. #1

    So I know most of you know how to read...

    So you might even read books. What do you like to read? Favorite authors?

    I am a big reader, and I am always looking for new authors to try out.

  2. #2
    Token Canadian mouseman004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    So you might even read books. What do you like to read? Favorite authors?

    I am a big reader, and I am always looking for new authors to try out.
    I am a huge Lord of the Rings geek, so I have read the Hobbit, all 3 lord of the rings and the Silmarillion.

    I also read some other fantasy, Piers Anthony is one of my favourite authors. I read a couple of books in his Xanth series. My favourite Piers Anthony book is On a Pale Horse. It is actually what the show "Dead Like Me" is based on.

    And then I do your typical Tom Clancy. I have read most of his "Net Force" series and I have read Rainbow 6

    And then there is a lot of political theory that I have been into such as Thomas Hobbes' leviathan, I have also read alot of John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Marx, all that sort of thing.
    Later Days

  3. #3
    attilla's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandhun SgtD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    So you might even read books. What do you like to read? Favorite authors?

    I am a big reader, and I am always looking for new authors to try out.
    I'm a sucker for Dean R. Koontz. I also enjoy reading Peter Popper's books, he's a psychologist, and a really wise man. He gives lectures all around the world.
    I doubt you could find his books translated to english, at least the ones he wrote for entertainment.
    P. Howard (Jenő Rejtő) is a favourite of mine as well, you should try and find some of his books in english. He has a pretty unique style of writing, with lots of ironical humour.

    I wish I had the time to read, I have about 10 books on my shelves I'd like to read...

  4. #4
    Registered User Segadoway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004 View Post
    I am a huge Lord of the Rings geek, so I have read the Hobbit, all 3 lord of the rings and the Silmarillion.
    i have them all, even the tales of tom bombadil, and i have read the series 17 times, i also love matthew reilly, george orwell, eion colfer, chris whitcomb, and several authors

  5. #5
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck, it's a beautiful story about a family that needs work during the dust bowl. I also read the biography of Kurt Cobain and Frank Zappa, the one about Cobain is the most shocking imo.

    and others, i liked the harry potter books :)
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

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  6. #6
    I like pudding
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    iowa for now but im gonna go to Boston
    I liked this book called Beige it's by cecil castellucci it's about this chick who lives in canada but she has to go to L.a. to stay with her dad while her mom is in peru
    she hates punk music but her dad is in the punk scene it's pretty bad-ass

  7. #7
    official retarded child chadfitzy's Avatar
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    george orwell and things down that line

  8. #8
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    i'm currently reading a book about a bunch of studies on the human brain and what changes it for the better and for the worse and why. It focusses on foods, diet, metabolism, sex, exercise, sleep, puzzles, tv and so on. It goes on to explain about different chemical reactions in the brain, optimism, pessimism, depression, emotional intelligence, anxiety, motivation and a bunch of other stuff on a bio chemical level. Theres loads more thats just the first part, its a really fascinating book.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  9. #9
    not cool. swallow's Avatar
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    I'm also a fantasy geek, but I love to read books of human anatomy (but only with nice pictures of skeletons, muscles, terrible diseases and so on), fashion and that kind of stuff. Nowadays I read a bit less than what I used to, maybe because of school.

  10. #10
    Awhsome! Dummy's Avatar
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    World War Z
    Best book ever!

  11. #11
    xBoyCrazyx angelchickjb's Avatar
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    You guys are all NERDS!!!
    just kidding...i like reading anything by Nicholas Sparks

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by mouseman004 View Post
    I am a huge Lord of the Rings geek, so I have read the Hobbit, all 3 lord of the rings and the Silmarillion.

    I also read some other fantasy, Piers Anthony is one of my favourite authors. I read a couple of books in his Xanth series. My favourite Piers Anthony book is On a Pale Horse. It is actually what the show "Dead Like Me" is based on.

    And then I do your typical Tom Clancy. I have read most of his "Net Force" series and I have read Rainbow 6

    And then there is a lot of political theory that I have been into such as Thomas Hobbes' leviathan, I have also read alot of John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Marx, all that sort of thing.
    Okay I loved Dead Like Me, so I will have to check out that book.

    I never have watched/read any LOTR stuff. It doesn't appeal to me at all, which is weird since I like fantasy and science fiction a lot.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by swallow View Post
    I'm also a fantasy geek, but I love to read books of human anatomy (but only with nice pictures of skeletons, muscles, terrible diseases and so on), fashion and that kind of stuff. Nowadays I read a bit less than what I used to, maybe because of school.
    I like books about the human body too. I am really interested in books studying human bodies post-mortem, that sort of thing. If you haven't read Stiff (by Mary Roach), I highly suggest it. It's really interesting, and the author definitely has a sense of humor as well.

  14. #14
    oh, and I read lots and lots of science fiction too, if anyone ever wants any new authors to try out.

  15. #15
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    you'd really like fables. books with pictures are way better than books with just words.

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