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Thread: New Policy

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx
    doesn't matter. pm me what you want you name to be changed to. I'm not down with people using depression as a fashion accessory.
    Um, since when was a name a fashion accessory? I was always under the impression a name was a symbol, and the purpose of a symbol is to make connections and trigger certain thoughts in the brain.

    And maybe people are using depression as a form of expression, not fashion, because this is a "sXe" forum, not EMO.

    Take my name for example, it's very vague, you can take it however you want, "BornAgainVirginDrugs."

    Maybe someone with a name like "Iwanttocutmywristsanddiebecauseimsoemo" is actually using teenage angst in a comedic sense.

    I'm not defending suicide because it's f**king pansy, but I am always an advocate of freedom.

    It's just ultra conservative to prevent and even frown upon expression.

    I'm not expecting you to understand freedom is always cooler, I was merely expressing my dismay to your discouragement of symbol freedom.

    Last edited by BornAgainVirginDrugs; 06-17-2007 at 11:28 AM.

  2. #47
    L33t M3D!C's Avatar
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    i agree
    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx
    anyone with any mention of killing themselves, suicide, razor blades, etc etc etc, will be deleted and forced to come up with a new name.
    Non Sum Qualis Eram

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Furniture City USA, Michigan
    Wow, what a coincidence, I planned on killing myself tonight!

  4. #49
    XVX xJoeyNormalx's Avatar
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    Though it's a signature, not a name, I'd just like to confirm that my signature isn't breaching this rule. I don't really see SK's quote as about suicide or depression, and that's not why I like it, but I am happy to change it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Soren Kierkegaard
    "I have just now come from a party where I was its life and soul; witticisms streamed from my lips, everyone laughed and admired me, but I went away ... and wanted to shoot myself."

  5. #50
    Registered User strombollii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XBILLYX
    who the fuck would want to kill themselfs we are edge not emo.
    ..etc, etc.

    since when is emo a label for depression? Fuck, I like Dashboard, Deathcab, and Cursive, apparently I want to kill myself now.

    Seriously, I'm not the most tolerant person in the world, but you're all doing nothing but propagating this "angsty" bullshit. Emo's a fucking genre, not a label.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by livithezombie
    by the way im new so can some one tell me how to start a new thread please?
    there's a button! its at the top of each board
    hold that head high!

  7. #52
    Registered User Sunlightseven20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strombollii View Post
    ..etc, etc.

    since when is emo a label for depression? Fuck, I like Dashboard, Deathcab, and Cursive, apparently I want to kill myself now.

    Seriously, I'm not the most tolerant person in the world, but you're all doing nothing but propagating this "angsty" bullshit. Emo's a fucking genre, not a label.
    Slow and introspective bands get the "depressed" wrap.

    Loud and energetic bands get the "angry" one.

    Crunk bands get the "ignant" wrap.

    Doesn't mean they are those things... just means people tend to generalize and that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

    Ain't society a pain in the ass?

  8. #53
    Registered User Just-a-fool's Avatar
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    To kill yourself isnt quite a sign of being Emo,
    and even if it was then it wouldn't matter because the emo would be dead.
    However attempting to kill theirselves is more likely when you follow a
    emo lifestyle.

    But then again, i heard about a 40year old guys killing himself.
    And i strongly doubt he was emo (sure he was emotional) but not a
    follower of the subculture.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is that the idea of wanting to kill yourself
    can come to any of us. At a bad moment in life, its just the way you handle it
    that will define who you are and how you stand in life.

  9. #54
    Registered User Segadoway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XBILLYX View Post
    who the fuck would want to kill themselfs we are edge not emo.
    Fuck off.
    first of all learn to spell.
    second learn what emo is.
    third grow up.
    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingClassSkin View Post
    I know this one's a bit off topic now, but what kind of Emo sissy would come into a forum just to whine about how much he/she would like to die?

    my god.
    Quote Originally Posted by Purchase View Post
    yeah.. i hate that.

    thats why at my school we have an anti-emo army
    i want to punch you in the face over the internet, just........stop.
    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingClassSkin View Post
    Fantastic! Stupid fuckers. What would make a guy wanna grow his hair over his eyes and wear his sister's jeans? I don't get it.
    maybe because he isnt a macho idiot like you, if he does want to do those things let him, why would anyone want to wear braces and shave their head? you fool.
    Quote Originally Posted by strombollii View Post
    ..etc, etc.

    since when is emo a label for depression? Fuck, I like Dashboard, Deathcab, and Cursive, apparently I want to kill myself now.

    Seriously, I'm not the most tolerant person in the world, but you're all doing nothing but propagating this "angsty" bullshit. Emo's a fucking genre, not a label.
    i agree, but i dont think ANYONE deserves the amount of hate directed at them, even people that aren't emo are hated now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Just-a-fool View Post
    To kill yourself isnt quite a sign of being Emo,
    and even if it was then it wouldn't matter because the emo would be dead.
    However attempting to kill theirselves is more likely when you follow a
    emo lifestyle.

    But then again, i heard about a 40year old guys killing himself.
    And i strongly doubt he was emo (sure he was emotional) but not a
    follower of the subculture.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is that the idea of wanting to kill yourself
    can come to any of us. At a bad moment in life, its just the way you handle it
    that will define who you are and how you stand in life.
    thank god someone here has any sense.
    seriously i agree with the topic but i hate emo bashers.
    Last edited by Segadoway; 03-20-2009 at 01:54 AM.

  10. #55
    Hey xKINGx's Avatar
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    sounds like a good thing to me!

  11. #56
    Hey xKINGx's Avatar
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    Wait, wait. First, sorry about the double post, but how in the world did this thread develop into this at the end talking about emos?! My first reply was to the topic, not to the currnt discussion on the thread. Try to keep things on topic please.

  12. #57
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xKINGx View Post
    Wait, wait. First, sorry about the double post, but how in the world did this thread develop into this at the end talking about emos?! My first reply was to the topic, not to the currnt discussion on the thread. Try to keep things on topic please.
    As discussions do not stick rigidly to the first thing discussed the best option is to quote the post you are replying to. This then lets your post make sense to all who read it and doesn't prohibit a discussion from naturally taking a different course and ending up discussing something quite different.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Segadoway View Post
    Fuck off.

    maybe because he isnt a macho idiot like you, if he does want to do those things let him, why would anyone want to wear braces and shave their head? you fool.
    ok regardless of my own view of emos, emo culture, or emo music, i dont think shaving your head, wearing braces makes you a macho idiot... nor does being proud of your own masculinity make you an fool...

  14. #59
    Registered User Just-a-fool's Avatar
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    Ey! nothing against fools pls...
    Stop at nothing,
    Live your dreams.

  15. #60
    Registered User Segadoway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sociocidal View Post
    ok regardless of my own view of emos, emo culture, or emo music, i dont think shaving your head, wearing braces makes you a macho idiot... nor does being proud of your own masculinity make you an fool...
    i didn't say that at all, i said you are an idiot for making fun of someone elses culture when people do the same to you.
    and i think it does, did you choose to be a man? why be proud of it? what you said made you a macho idiot and i stand by that.

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