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Thread: Courage Crew??

  1. #76
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    I hate that everybody has to generalize CC members as militant meatheads.

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    so first you used the whole ive been going to shows for 10 yrs as a validation to your accusations of courage crew and now you are backing out because you have a career. so in other words you are full of shit. nothing you said was true. and sorry to say hardcore is a "bro-down mentality" it always has been. so you are just talking shit on people you dont know for the hell of it. How many of you friends have been beat up by courage crew? just be honest you dont know of anyone personally around you that has been beat up by courage crew. you keep saying now that you dont care but that is just because your so called valid point has no truth to it.

    By saying I have been going to shows for 10 years is me trying to explain that I didn't just crawl out from under a rock and just make a comment. I'm not backing out, I'm telling you that I don't go to shows and take role call on who is in what crew or scene or whatever. I said I have not been to a show super recently, which is completely true, so I have no idea if there are new, ex, whatever courage crew dudes. I don't keep track. What I am saying is there was a recent situation with a friend of mine being jumped by a dude that claims to be courage crew. No, I'm not going to start naming names because, as Dusty pointed out, the gang mentality that goes along with Courage Crew makes me not want to get specific because I don't want some one to start talking shit about me or smash my car windows or worse. Hardcore is what you make it, and I make is a positive thing in my life that I can have fun with, with my friends. I'm being honest by saying there was a recent situation. I've seen a lot of different things, one guy getting beat up by 3 dudes, other random violent things that were unwarranted. You can believe whatever you want, I don't care. I just was stating what I have seen in a discussion with other members of this board.

    Now it's your turn to reply so this can just keep going in circles.

    I do have a question though. If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.

  3. #78
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by x JAMES x View Post
    I hate that everybody has to generalize CC members as militant meatheads.
    guys in crews tend to be meatheads.

  4. #79
    Im A Person Just Like You but I like to fuck some shoes D1988's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx View Post
    guys in crews tend to be meatheads.
    If there was a scene here, I would totally start a crew. We would meetup to do posi jumps on a regular basis and spread the posi love to all the land. It would rule. We'd have the coolest varsity jackets too.
    I'm a person just like you
    but I like to fuck some shoes
    On the sofa or in my bed
    It's better than getting head
    Tie the laces on my schlong
    'cos of a nike air max it's standing strong
    I'll even hump it till i bleed
    normal sex life i don't need

  5. #80
    Registered User Segadoway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D1988 View Post
    If there was a scene here, I would totally start a crew. We would meetup to do posi jumps on a regular basis and spread the posi love to all the land. It would rule. We'd have the coolest varsity jackets too.
    Can i join?

  6. #81
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by x JAMES x View Post
    I hate that everybody has to generalize CC members as militant meatheads.

    Yeah, i can understand that, but i wonder why that generalisation exists? Perhaps they are generally meatheads?
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightXed View Post
    Yeah, i can understand that, but i wonder why that generalisation exists? Perhaps they are generally meatheads?

    Some of them are. Idk It's like a gamble. Some members of CC aren't even militant at all. The ones that run the Static Age (venue) in Romeo, Michigan are toatally chill and aren't meatheads. I guess it's just different other places.

  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx View Post
    you know the whole gang mentality thing I was talking about previously? That factors into this entire discussion. Fear of violent repercussions keeps people from talking openly and honestly about stuff they've seen. This allows you to call bullshit because people don't feel comfortable sharing specifics out of fear that it will stir up some shit that they'd rather not deal with but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bullshit or made up.
    absolutely not true. i am calling bullshit cause she was making it sound like she has seen us do all these shitty things in a city are not even really in.

    No one is going to get their ass kicked for what they say on the internet. We are not the mindless retarded fighting machines you all try to make us out to be.

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    We are not the mindless retarded fighting machines you all try to make us out to be.
    Well said.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    By saying I have been going to shows for 10 years is me trying to explain that I didn't just crawl out from under a rock and just make a comment. I'm not backing out, I'm telling you that I don't go to shows and take role call on who is in what crew or scene or whatever. I said I have not been to a show super recently, which is completely true, so I have no idea if there are new, ex, whatever courage crew dudes. I don't keep track. What I am saying is there was a recent situation with a friend of mine being jumped by a dude that claims to be courage crew. No, I'm not going to start naming names because, as Dusty pointed out, the gang mentality that goes along with Courage Crew makes me not want to get specific because I don't want some one to start talking shit about me or smash my car windows or worse. Hardcore is what you make it, and I make is a positive thing in my life that I can have fun with, with my friends. I'm being honest by saying there was a recent situation. I've seen a lot of different things, one guy getting beat up by 3 dudes, other random violent things that were unwarranted. You can believe whatever you want, I don't care. I just was stating what I have seen in a discussion with other members of this board.

    Now it's your turn to reply so this can just keep going in circles.

    I do have a question though. If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.
    here is where you are wrong
    1. your friend didnt get jumped. we dont jump people.
    2. it was not 3 on 1 because we dont do that kind of stuff. as a men we dont get are selves involved in shit we cant handle on our own. now if the person with the problem wants to up the ante then we will also. but at no time have we ever just jumped a kid 3 on 1 that is pussy shit
    3. as stated before no one is going to smash out your car windows. that is kiddy shit. who does that? a large majortiy of us are in our late 20s. if i was 13 yeah your car might get hit but where do you come up with this shit?
    4. i personally would never threaten a girl. i have morals

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx View Post
    guys in crews tend to be meatheads.
    what is the defintion of a meathead?

  12. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    here is where you are wrong
    1. your friend didnt get jumped. we dont jump people.
    2. it was not 3 on 1 because we dont do that kind of stuff. as a men we dont get are selves involved in shit we cant handle on our own. now if the person with the problem wants to up the ante then we will also. but at no time have we ever just jumped a kid 3 on 1 that is pussy shit
    3. as stated before no one is going to smash out your car windows. that is kiddy shit. who does that? a large majortiy of us are in our late 20s. if i was 13 yeah your car might get hit but where do you come up with this shit?
    4. i personally would never threaten a girl. i have morals
    Call it what you want, but seeing some one get attacked by some one in a parking lot when there was no altercation prior to the attack is wrong, bottom line. I know you don't believe me when I say that it is some one that is Courage Crew, but it was. You may not do that kind of stuff, but unfortunately other people do, Courage Crew or otherwise. Again, you may not choose to smash my car windows or something like that, but other people do and can, that are over the age of 13. Either way it's sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by xflintsxfinestx View Post
    absolutely not true. i am calling bullshit cause she was making it sound like she has seen us do all these shitty things in a city are not even really in.
    I never said what city I was in, so you must have chosen one yourself. I never even said if I was at a show or what I was doing, so you assumed a whole lot through out this conversation.

    I asked you before, If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    Call it what you want, but seeing some one get attacked by some one in a parking lot when there was no altercation prior to the attack is wrong, bottom line. I know you don't believe me when I say that it is some one that is Courage Crew, but it was. You may not do that kind of stuff, but unfortunately other people do, Courage Crew or otherwise. Again, you may not choose to smash my car windows or something like that, but other people do and can, that are over the age of 13. Either way it's sad.

    I never said what city I was in, so you must have chosen one yourself. I never even said if I was at a show or what I was doing, so you assumed a whole lot through out this conversation.

    I asked you before, If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.
    well i assume it was at a show cause you said you have seen alot of things at shows

    tell me what city and i can find out what was up in 10 minutes

    i mean that sucks your friend got beat up but i am sure it wasnt for no reason

    i will tell you exactly why people have negative things to say. it is because people get their feelings hurt. instead of manning up and admitting they are wrong 9 times out of 10 a guy will say we did it for no reason. but the guy was probably dancing like an asshole or fucking with young kids that were dancing or acting like a dumbass in a venue, or being disrespectful to be funny, or just plain old talkin shit cause he wants to see what its all about. ive personally seen kids crowd punch hit the wrong guy and get knocked out for it and then that night be on the internet talking shit on us that we jumped him or he got beat up for smoking near us or being drunk. People say negative things because they want it to be negative.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by linsee View Post
    Call it what you want, but seeing some one get attacked by some one in a parking lot when there was no altercation prior to the attack is wrong, bottom line. I know you don't believe me when I say that it is some one that is Courage Crew, but it was. You may not do that kind of stuff, but unfortunately other people do, Courage Crew or otherwise. Again, you may not choose to smash my car windows or something like that, but other people do and can, that are over the age of 13. Either way it's sad.

    I never said what city I was in, so you must have chosen one yourself. I never even said if I was at a show or what I was doing, so you assumed a whole lot through out this conversation.

    I asked you before, If Courage Crew isn't a bad thing and doesn't do the things people accuse them of, how did all this start with people having negative things to say? I'm just curious.
    oh yeah and if you tell me the specifics on what happened i promise your car windows will be safe

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by D1988 View Post
    If there was a scene here, I would totally start a crew. We would meetup to do posi jumps on a regular basis and spread the posi love to all the land. It would rule. We'd have the coolest varsity jackets too.
    to late we already did the varsity jacket thing a long time ago and you dont want to be like us do you

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