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Thread: is coffee....

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    is coffee....

    Can anybody tell me,if I start drinking coffee again,is this non edge? And,are teddy grahams vegan. [I loved em as a kid,wanna buy some IF they are] :D

  2. #2
    Registered User lo0m's Avatar
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    according to PETA, some are...
    the coffee thing.. i believe that coffee, tea,medicaments, etc. are in "grey area".. it really depends on you and your choice...
    Take the time. Don't be blind. You will find. An open mind. There's no need for you to tell me what I've done wrong. I can, can see, all this contradiction around me. I just, just want, I want to be free. Don't question my actions. I never said that I was flawless

  3. #3
    attilla's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandhun SgtD's Avatar
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    caffeine is a drug. so no, drinking coffee is NOT edge. end of story. there's a huge thread about it, look it up for more info, if you want to

  4. #4
    Registered User Marion's Avatar
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    But what if she's not addicted to it, and if it does not alter her mind?
    loom talks about tea, among other stuffs, I personnally occasionally drink tea, and it does strictly nothing to me, except warming my vocals folds before I sing of stuff, so I don't really see the point. Of course, if it causes an addiction I get it, but if not...

  5. #5
    Taxi Driver Lifestyle_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marion View Post
    But what if she's not addicted to it, and if it does not alter her mind?
    loom talks about tea, among other stuffs, I personnally occasionally drink tea, and it does strictly nothing to me, except warming my vocals folds before I sing of stuff, so I don't really see the point. Of course, if it causes an addiction I get it, but if not...
    You can have a beer without being addicted.
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

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  6. #6
    ahh I've been here for soo long now in this grey area

    Caffine maybe a drug but so is paracetamol for exsample

    I know paracetamol is medical but then again so is morphine, prozac and canabis in some cases

    all 3 of them are used in abusive ways to get high

    the only drugs that will break you of being edge in my opinion
    are mind altering drugs/stimulents

    anything that gets you high basicly
    being drunk is a form of being high so i class it all the same really
    also a drug that damages your body

    caffine im fine with although i very rarely drink it these days
    if anything salt does more damage to you lol

    Even though i personally dont use drugs even for medical purposes
    you wont be breaking edge if you enjoy a cup of tea on occasion
    not in my opinion anyway

  7. #7
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    ahh I've been here for soo long now in this grey area

    Caffine maybe a drug but so is paracetamol for exsample

    I know paracetamol is medical but then again so is morphine, prozac and canabis in some cases

    all 3 of them are used in abusive ways to get high

    the only drugs that will break you of being edge in my opinion
    are mind altering drugs/stimulents

    anything that gets you high basicly
    being drunk is a form of being high so i class it all the same really
    also a drug that damages your body

    caffine im fine with although i very rarely drink it these days
    if anything salt does more damage to you lol

    Even though i personally dont use drugs even for medical purposes
    you wont be breaking edge if you enjoy a cup of tea on occasion
    not in my opinion anyway
    caffeine is a stimulant though. it's just a socially accepted one.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by xsecx View Post
    caffeine is a stimulant though. it's just a socially accepted one.
    yeah it is but it doesnt have any effect on you really
    it just keeps you awake if you drink alot of it
    thats about it

    the same could be said for alot of sweets and stuff

  9. #9
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    yeah it is but it doesnt have any effect on you really
    it just keeps you awake if you drink alot of it
    thats about it

    the same could be said for alot of sweets and stuff
    or it's just that because it's so common and it's use is accepted that people aren't really sure what it does.

    If you're against drug use, why is caffeine ok but other drugs aren't?

    I'd also suggest reading this thread:

  10. #10
    Its only harmful drugs

    things that alter your brain chemistry to make you do dumb things
    also drugs that do damage to your body and can kill you

    thats all i avoid

    I rarely drink caffine anyway so it doesnt bother me too much XD

  11. #11
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    Its only harmful drugs

    things that alter your brain chemistry to make you do dumb things
    also drugs that do damage to your body and can kill you

    thats all i avoid

    I rarely drink caffine anyway so it doesnt bother me too much XD
    caffeine does everything you just said though.

  12. #12
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    Its only harmful drugs

    things that alter your brain chemistry to make you do dumb things
    also drugs that do damage to your body and can kill you

    thats all i avoid

    I rarely drink caffine anyway so it doesnt bother me too much XD

    Caffeine is pretty harmful, has even been known to cause death.
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  13. #13
    Registered User
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    Wow. Thanks. Well,I haven't had coffee for years and I've never been online til now,so I didn't know about other sites. Glad to know though,cuz people all over say "oh its ok." And others "yo,coffee is not edge." That I figured,but wasn't sure. Now,if I get decaf coffee|tea I was told there's trace amounts of caffeine. True or false? I would drink decaf stuff if it has none. Could pretty much take or leave coffee or tea at all. Thanks again. :D

  14. #14
    Being Mean CarlaRant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pryncessXxX View Post
    Can anybody tell me,if I start drinking coffee again,is this non edge? And,are teddy grahams vegan. [I loved em as a kid,wanna buy some IF they are] :D
    Teddy Grahams! Yum...the chocolate, chocolate chip and cinnamon flavors are vegan. The honey flavored ones are a gray area....some vegans are not willing to eat honey, so do.

  15. #15
    Administrator xsecx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pryncessXxX View Post
    Wow. Thanks. Well,I haven't had coffee for years and I've never been online til now,so I didn't know about other sites. Glad to know though,cuz people all over say "oh its ok." And others "yo,coffee is not edge." That I figured,but wasn't sure. Now,if I get decaf coffee|tea I was told there's trace amounts of caffeine. True or false? I would drink decaf stuff if it has none. Could pretty much take or leave coffee or tea at all. Thanks again. :D
    there's trace amounts but no where near enough to actually effect the body.

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