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Thread: oujia board experience

  1. #1
    I like pudding
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    iowa for now but im gonna go to Boston

    oujia board experience

    So me and my girlfriend were messin around with a oujia board and my daughter that was killed when her mom was 3 months pregnant came to see us.....we were talking to her about if she liked me and her being togther and she said she loved her step mommy lol....she was saying how she needed my girl to save her from some other I crazy?
    Tears don't fall amd crash around me

  2. #2
    Registered User lo0m's Avatar
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    The entities of the lower Astral worlds will frequently revel in
    claiming to be Angels, Archangels, famous people or even
    God, while others will have no hesitation at all in claiming to
    be deceased people known to the Ouija board sitters, in fact
    these entities will claim to be anything the Ouija board sitters
    wish them to be in order to gain their confidence and by
    playing on the Ego.

    Because users of the Ouija
    board are usually hoping for genuine and useful contacts with
    inner level Spirits, they will almost always be deceived by
    these lower Astral entities.
    Sometimes, this can be quite harmless, and although the Ouija
    board users are misled, there is no permanent harm done. There
    is a very real danger, however, of making contact with lower
    Astral entities with much darker and sinister motives. Such
    dangers include a lower Astral entity posing as a deceased
    relative. Once the lower Astral entity has been able to convince
    the Ouija board sitters of its identity as a deceased relative, it
    will often be very manipulative, proceeding to request or even
    demand certain things to be done for them, often flattering the
    Ouija board users and appealing to their Ego by saying that "I
    need help, and only you have the capability to provide it".
    just something i read not so long ago...
    Take the time. Don't be blind. You will find. An open mind. There's no need for you to tell me what I've done wrong. I can, can see, all this contradiction around me. I just, just want, I want to be free. Don't question my actions. I never said that I was flawless

  3. #3
    I dont mess about with things like that

    they creep me out XD

  4. #4
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    I dont mess about with things like that

    they creep me out XD

    Its a parker brothers board game that was intended to contact your subconcious mind via automatic writing, never intended to communicate to people beyond the grave...its as creepy as a magic eight ball!! Its just a game and just has a load of occult stuff attached, apparently it was more popular than monopoly.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  5. #5
    haha nah its just me i like to be in control of my body and actions

    I dont like Subconcious events etc it freaks me out knowing there are something going on in my own body that i cant control

    I sleep walk sometimes too and tend to wake up in different places in my house and i really dont like it

    it worrys me and scares the crap out of me when i go to bed and wake up in the kitchen

  6. #6
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    haha nah its just me i like to be in control of my body and actions

    I dont like Subconcious events etc it freaks me out knowing there are something going on in my own body that i cant control

    I sleep walk sometimes too and tend to wake up in different places in my house and i really dont like it

    it worrys me and scares the crap out of me when i go to bed and wake up in the kitchen

    Thats ridiculous, the subconcious mind does things for you all the time, like breathing, are you scared of breathing? its not freaky. But to be scared of a board game based on that is like being scared of doodling on a note pad when you are on the phone?
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by straightXed View Post
    Thats ridiculous, the subconcious mind does things for you all the time, like breathing, are you scared of breathing? its not freaky. But to be scared of a board game based on that is like being scared of doodling on a note pad when you are on the phone?
    I dunno :S

    its just my wierd little mind I have always been this way
    its a simuler kinda phobia as people who are scared of hypnosis

    the idea of being under the influence of someone or something else makes you feel really uncomftable and on edge

    things like that just creep me out
    like drawing something and not remember drawing it Dejavu's etc

    and im not scared of breathing haha thats pretty silly
    although i am conciously aware of my breathing pattern every second that i am awake
    if it changes suddenly or something like that i am aware of it

  8. #8
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    I dunno :S

    its just my wierd little mind I have always been this way
    its a simuler kinda phobia as people who are scared of hypnosis

    the idea of being under the influence of someone or something else makes you feel really uncomftable and on edge

    things like that just creep me out
    like drawing something and not remember drawing it Dejavu's etc

    and im not scared of breathing haha thats pretty silly
    although i am conciously aware of my breathing pattern every second that i am awake
    if it changes suddenly or something like that i am aware of it
    you are aware you breath but you do it without choosing too, its not a function that you decide to do conciously luckily. hence why you don't die in your sleep, or are you going to tell me you are concious of your breathing while you sleep?
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  9. #9
    I actually said i am concious of my breathing every second i am awake :)

  10. #10
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    I actually said i am concious of my breathing every second i am awake :)
    But its not a concious thing and i highly doubt you are concious of it every second you are awake. If you are you would be really abnormal, as we talk about it you will be aware of it but once any thought relating to it is out your mind it will continue without your concious mind playing any part and surely thats scary to you!!!
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  11. #11
    nah im pretty much always aware of it

    it takes quite alot of focus on something else to take my mind off it

    thats probably one of the reasons vidiogames dominate my life so much

  12. #12
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    nah im pretty much always aware of it

    it takes quite alot of focus on something else to take my mind off it

    thats probably one of the reasons vidiogames dominate my life so much
    You are talking shit again, you should stop that, or at least try and be constantly aware of it.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  13. #13
    I really wish i was

  14. #14
    ..... straightXed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teratus View Post
    I really wish i was

    You are.
    Others walk the bow, I walk the string

  15. #15
    Belive what you want to its obvious i cant prove it on here anyway so this convo's over

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