And also there have been studies to suggest you wouldn't piss out more fluid than you took in:
“What people need to remember is that fluid is a general term and doesn't refer solely to water. Tea, coffee, squash and milk for children are all equally good fluid replacers. A lot of nonsense is spoken about water being the best way to hydrate, but it simply isn't true.”
- Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George's Hospital, London; Independent on Sunday 20 July 2003.
“Any evidence that caffeine promotes the loss of water from the body has been greatly overplayed in recent years. It is not based on scientific fact. If you are already dehydrated and consume heavily caffeinated drinks, then there might be a very mild risk of it getting worse. But generally it makes no difference if people drink coffee, tea, cola or water.”
- Ron Maughan, professor of human physiology, University of Aberdeen Medical School; same source as above.
“Maughan and his colleagues have also looked at the effects of alcohol, considered to be another diuretic, and found that, in moderation, it too has little impact on the average person’s state of fluid balance. His results, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, showed that alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content of less than 4 per cent such as light beer and lager can be used to stave off dehydration.” - same source.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
yeah but to take a ridiculous question even further, if you're suffering from dehydration, which is the only way the original question makes any sense, it still isn't something that anyone in their right mind would do. The generally accepted medical advice is to if you're dehydrated to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Well i guess if different question that implied you are at risk of dehydration but not as yet suffering from it were asked then the study based on 4% beer staving off the effects would be interesting. Its also quite interesting how many people carry bottles of water around with them now, dehydration seems to be a big concern for people nowadays, but when i was growing up there wasn't convenient bottles of water to carry around. Maybe everyone is worried they will end up in the desert with an offer of a beer so they carry water with them. But yeah, i took it to be a question about if a beer were to be something that could save your life would you consume it, and of course i said i would.
Others walk the bow, I walk the string
i'd just fucking die! TRUE TILL DEATH MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*moshes into the sunset*
i would drink my own piss first
and also like it has been said many times before alcohol doesnt rehydrate you
That was actually a test to see if you guys are smart
The winner is...Dusty! Yay!
Because it would make you even more dehydrated!
You win!
Wow this is just dumb. Truely edge? I don't need to prove shit to anybody how true I'am, I know what I'am and thats all that matters. this shit is just dumb dumb dumb.
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